
I Found My Easter Egg’s and My Light Shines Brighter

IMG_1972Happy Easter to each of you. While I don’t celebrate in the traditional way of going to church, I connect in my own way with the meaning of this special day.

A day of hope and renewal. Another chance to see that beautiful light within me and to let it shine just a bit more brighter. That this day signals another gift in itself. Another opportunity to let down my guard that I sometimes build around me, and be who I was created to be.

Today is also day seven of my meditation that I have been doing called Finding the Flow. A free 21-day mediation with Oprah and Deepak Chopra. It was about exploring our true self as light. “Light is around us and within us – it is our guide on the path toward self-realization… As we open to the light within, we connect to the divine light that illuminates our soul, awakening us to our real self, and the light that connects all things.”

I am connected to God/Spirit/Universe in my own, unique way. It is my guide to shine that light within me out into the world. I am not always perfect and sometimes find myself in struggle. But this special day called Easter I give thanks for another chance at renewal. A day to accept past and present struggles, as they are a part of my journey which has helped me move closer to the true light that is me.

As I lay in bed today thinking about all the little kids that will search for their Easter eggs, I found myself wishing I could be a kid again — the anticipation of the treasures they will find on their Easter egg hunt and all the goodies within their baskets. And then I realized I can still go to that place. It is always there for me to tap into. That joy of finding surprises and feeling so alive.

I found my Easter egg’s today and all it’s treasures inside as I glanced over at John and he said, “Happy Easter.” My next treasure awaited me as I lifted Gidget out of her bed and kissed her on the side of her snout. And finally, Kylie, who came to greet me with her tail wagging good morning.

I’m grateful for all that I have and for this awakening that continues to evolve in me, even when the journey has been filled with doubt and pain. And for Easter, I am giving thanks for its gifts of renewal and hope as it washes away the past to help that light in me to shine brighter.

Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. -John O’Donohue

Helping Daisy the Paralyzed Dachshund Who was Stabbed & Praying for Peace.


Today on Facebook I shared something I wouldn’t normally share. The very sad and violent story of a paralyzed dachshund named, Daisy that was brutally stabbed (she is alive, being treated and doing okay).

I won’t normally share stories such as this and add to the hatred and negativity that always seems to come from it. We have so many stories like this in our world and it’s my wish to be a positive light of hope instead of adding to more negativity.

But my heart couldn’t stop thinking about Daisy. I wanted to help by sharing her story on my page in hopes that her new loving caretaker can raise the needed funds to help pay her medical bills.  There is also justice that is wanting to be served for the person who did this awful act so he pays for what he did, as well as, stricter laws are put into place to keep this from happening again and again.

I in no way condone what this person did. Not one bit. I can’t even begin to wrap my head around why in the world someone would do this?  But one of the reasons I don’t like to share these stories is because often times it breeds more hate and violence.

That isn’t the answer. While I believe there are some who just can’t be helped in this life time, many can. To me this is a huge cry for help from this person’s soul that is clearly in pain and is broken beyond what many of our human minds can even comprehend. It actually makes me want to cry because it is so sad on so many levels.

Is he beyond help? I don’t know. But to act out with words of hatred toward him, I believe, only adds to the violence that has already occurred and we bring more dark and negativity into the world.  He needs help!  If he can do this to an animal, imagine what he could do to a human being?  Should he be walking the streets?  No, he needs help.

I don’t know the answer of how to get him the help he does need- as well as many others. But my heart tells me that hate does not solve our problems. It makes them so much worse.

I find myself in a situation again where I wouldn’t have normally written about these things on my blog for fear of what others would think. I also don’t have the answer as to how to help people like this that act out in these terrible ways.

But by saying nothing, I feel just adds to the hatred and negativity. I felt compelled to say how I feel today not to condone what he did, but to help bring light and love to a situation that clearly needs it, just like so many cases like this that we hear day in and day out.

I pray for peace and healing for everyone involved with this. I truly do. And especially for our world so that horrible acts like this will someday no longer exist.

Sue Hume, Mom of Special Needs Girls Reviews Frankie, the Walk ‘N Roll Dog

I love Sue's blog tag line:  "Helping Women Find Hope."

Sue Hume is special mom of two teenage girls and founder of Hope for Special Moms, a ministry that provides spiritual support and encouragement to women raising children with special needs. She is also a writer and speaker passionate to help women discover who God is and how He works in their lives.

Sue's review of Frankie, the Walk 'N Roll Dog was extra special.  I appreciated the fact that she said, "Although it's not a faith-based book, an adult could easily add comments throughout about prayer and God."  I wrote back to Sue and thanked her for this and shared with her that when I do my talks to local schools and organizations, how I talk about how my faith in God got me through everything with Frankie, to writing the book, etc.  And as many of you know, who follow me, I do have a strong faith and had made the decision to look for the blessing in Frankie's situation, instead of feeling sorry for Frankie and myself.

Having that faith and doing my best to "Let Go and Let God" has made this journey quite remarkable to date, and for that I am so very thankful… and just as thankful for people like Sue, who see the value and beauty in the lessons a dog on wheels can not only teach our children, but adults as well.

As a special bonus, Sue had Frankie's book as a give-away to pass the message forward and you can check out this special little girl who won the book!!