
What I Learned About Mules at Gypsy Gold Horse Farm that Touched My Heart

One of the many mules at Gypsy Gold Horse Farm

It seems a rare thing these days to come upon a good storyteller. But I was simply captivated by this one.

It was windy and chilly, only in the low 40s, when John and I set out on a Friday morning that took us down winding back roads lined with live oak trees and hedgerows that would eventually land us at Gypsy Gold Horse Farm.

This is where, in a small building, that doubles as a gift shop, I’d find myself absolutely mesmerized by the life and stories shared by owner of the farm, Dennis Thompson.

All those ears!

Within just a few moments, I knew why the farm is rated the number one attraction in this area of Florida. The first hour Dennis, with an exceptional gift for storytelling, shared the history of Gypsy Vanner horses and how he and his late wife came upon them while visiting England. This set off a four year passion of researching all they could to find out about these horses, which eventually led to them being the first to bring these exquisite beauties to America.

With a palpable passion, a good dose of humor, and a heartfelt vulnerability Dennis so openly shared about the deep and intense grief of losing his wife due to an accident in the barn one evening while foal watching, I could have listened to Dennis all day.

Along with the Gypsy Vanner horses, Dennis also happens to deeply love donkeys too. And the farm has a mixture of donkeys and mules, which I couldn’t wait to have the opportunity to meet.

But it was during his talk I’d find my heart deepening in connection with donkeys – or in this case – mules – and something I’d never known about mules that Dennis shared.

Mules – produced by crossing a female horse and a male donkey – have a deep and strong need to nurture. They want nothing more than to be a mother. So much so they will steal the babies of other donkeys and mules, and even calves if they have the opportunity, so precautions have to be taken to insure this does not happen.

I found my eyes filling with tears as Dennis shared this about them. How in my own life, I’d never been a mother. And how until my mid 50s I thought something was ‘wrong’ with me that I didn’t have the same drive as many women do to be a mom.

But it was mid life that had me unexpectedly voicing out loud to a friend the repressed memory of being touched inappropriately as a child. This would eventually lead me to grieving the fact that I would in fact have loved to have been a mom. I had this need to nurture a child all along, but it had been buried under a depth of pain.

It had me reflecting even more on my love of donkeys and this message from the guidebook of my Animal Reflections Healing Oracle deck:

Donkey is a symbol of strength and alertness, its grand, soft, and sensitive ears reminding you to be vigilant and stay in tune with the small voice within. This voice is consistently on guard, a loving presence guiding you through obstacles and helping you overcome challenges without too much upheaval.

If you’ve ever observed a donkey you will see they walk the same path every day. Over time, this path becomes well-worn; a wonderful metaphor for you to remain on course and stay attentive to that which you know is at the heart of what is best and in alignment for your life.

Be wary of those who may try to pull you away from the trail you intuitively know is your soul’s calling. In this way, Donkey’s stubbornness can be a positive influence, reminding you to lean into your heart’s knowing and not budge from your truth.

By staying on your perfectly designed path, you will be given the gift of resting more comfortably and easily in the here and now. When you find yourself feeling off-balance, it is a clue to check in with your mind and observe whether it has either drifted into the past or is worried about the future. Take gentle note and then, like the swish of a Donkey’s tail swats away the flies, let those thoughts go.

By staying in touch with what’s right before you and remembering to be in tune with your personal power, you will feel fulfilled as you observe the path of wisdom you’ve walked and achieved because of persistence and endurance.

While I never had the opportunity to nurture a child of my own, my path was to remain on course to heal my inner child within. That is what I came here to do. This, just as important as nurturing that of an offspring. And while this isn’t always recognized in our society, learning about the strong nurturing motherly drive of mules, I saw myself in them – determined, vigilant, and a loving presence to myself that needed all my nurturing in order to add a healing positive vibration to our planet.

This is the silent healing work that some of us have chosen to do in this lifetime. And while I’ve not always felt seen or heard, and this has been deeply painful at times, hearing this about mules, it’s what happened during the second half of the tour that I saw a reflection of myself in a mule.

As we approached the area with the mules and donkeys most of them came running with enthusiasm to the fence. But there was one mule who stayed behind and all of a sudden bellowed out a bray as if to say, “Hey! Don’t forget about me! I’m here too!”

We all laughed and the bray of that mule was music to my ears. And how intriguing, I thought, that a mule being a cross between a horse and a donkey and its symbolism I’d never considered before. Horse to me speaks of empowerment, while Donkey speaks to me of endurance. How learning to stand in our power takes perseverance, but once we see clearly, just like the mule, letting out a bray is a way in which we can share our voice too.

Don’t worry, dear, sweet mule, I hear you and I will never forget you or your delightful bray that reminded me that we all have something worth saying and how important it is to love and accept ourselves just as we are.

P.S. Stay tuned if you love donkeys as my next blog post I’ll share about meeting (and hugging!) a mini donkey and her baby, Wisdom, plus the beautiful future mission of the donkeys at Gypsy Gold Horse Farm.




Yup. It took a Mini-Horse to Get Me There.

2-week old Sawyer

Even though they are only a five-minute drive from my home, it has been quite a few years since I stepped foot on the beautiful grounds of Amazing Grace Equine Sanctuary 

But today I just had to go see Sawyer, their new addition. Isn’t that the greatest name for this little one? And how can one not be lured by this cutie?  He was definitely eating up all the attention and nibbling on many a finger and a few carrots too.

When I saw Erin, the founder of Amazing Grace, she smiled and said, “So it took a baby horse to get you here again.” 

It was hard to get a good photo of Sawyer as he was quite busy showing off his spunky self moving around the pen, nursing from mama Blackberry and soaking up all the attention from admirers.

Photo courtesy of Amazing Grace Facebook page

And then there is Frank, now a long time resident of the sanctuary who was happy to receive carrots from children eager to feed him. They’d giggle when Frank would nibble up the carrot from their hands with his soft lips.

It never fails to fill the heart with all good things warm, fuzzy and joyful being around the animals. I was glad to have spent some time at the sanctuary today…and who knows? That little rascal of a baby horse just may have me visiting again soon.

You can learn more about the sanctuary on Facebook and their website. Once a month they have visitors day and August 10th is their 10th annual fundraiser.



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Tipi Gathering with the Spirit of Horse.

Tipi Gathering with the Spirit of Horse
Tipi photo courtesy of

The stars were so bright in the sky last night. Something I don’t often take the time to see once tucked in my home at the end of the day during the colder months, my nose usually in a book, and a wiener dog snuggling at my side.

But last night, as I stepped out of my comfort zone and into the magnificent gift of feeling a part of the universe—the stars connecting me to a place within myself I don’t visit often enough.

I’d heard often about these Tipi (or Teepee) gatherings. It is not far from my home—only about ten minutes. A place I’d been last October when I sought some coaching/counseling around a painful experience I was working through under the guidance of Pam Kachelmeier, a coach and counselor out of her home and her business Meaningful Life Counseling.

Pam is also a big animal lover, especially horses, having many of her own. She teaches others what the spirit of horse can do for helping us heal.

We gathered in the barn first as Pam explained how the night would unfold while the horses crunched on hay behind her. That in itself I could have listened to all night long. It was very soothing to me.

With flashlights in some of the participants hands, we then walked a path which was partially lit by rope lighting to the back part of Pam’s property, up a set of stairs, and into a Tipi with the images of horses on the outside.

Chairs circled around the inside of the Tipi, with a covered fire pit where Pam lit the logs to provide warmth. But also a focal point in which to gaze and find inner peace.

Dan, a shaman also then joined us. Dan and Pam guided us to give voice to something we each wished to have healed, so that we could then open ourselves to receive what is next for our life’s path.

It’s rather hard to explain in words being in this community of 14 of us, all of whom I’d never met before, except for Pam. But I felt safe. In part, I believe because being in that space not only was I connecting with each of them, but also with the land, the stars, nature, and the medicine of animals.

There are no words when you put yourself in an experience like this because it is the feelings that arise that are hard to describe. Feelings that so many of us don’t take the time to feel because we are caught up in our way too busy lives.

Each person spoke about what it was they wished to let go of. Many wanted to let go of their own negative thought patterns, or to release the negativity that they carry around that they’ve allowed other to have imposed upon them. Some had recent loss in their life they were grappling with, while some had past wounds they wanted to let go of.

We each had a chance to also speak of what intention we wanted as we moved through the evening that we would carry with us once the night was over.

It was time to then head back to the barn and be with the horses as Pam took us on a guided visual meditation. Before she did that, she passed around a basket with feathers and we were to each choose one. I chose a white feather and held it in my hands as she began the meditation.

I smiled inwardly, when in the meadow she guided us to, sitting by a river, and prompted to look for a horse approaching, that my horse was all white. I was also dressed in a flowing white dress with brown cowboy boots.

I found it fascinating that there seemed to be a connection between the white feather, horse and my dress I saw in the meditation. As she brought us back out of the guided meditation I really didn’t want to leave this place that was complete peace and stunning beauty. But I know that anytime I want now, I can return to it.

What happened next was my favorite part. I felt myself getting very emotional as I could hear Pam guiding a horse out of the stall as we were coming out of the meditation, but our eyes still closed.

As we slowly opened our eyes, there he was standing in all his magnificent glory before us.  He was cocoa brown with marked paintings on his front limbs, his face, a red circle around his left eye, and a painted pink hand on his left side.

I thought my heart would burst right out of my chest for the spirit of him that again, I can’t find words for to describe adequately.

Pam explained to us that humans have been around for 1 million years (I think she said million- perhaps it was billion?), but that horses have been around for 50 times longer than that. The point is that they have been roaming this earth way longer than we have.

She explained how they live in the 13th dimension. Whoa. I couldn’t wrap my head around that. But it explained for me the palpable feeling of being in that sacred space with them last evening.

Words truly seemed pointless as it is the spirit of Horse which helps us to understand that living from our feelings is the only way in which to understand ourselves and the world around us.

With candles lit all around the barn, Pam and Horse encircled us in a ceremony of each of us taking a turn to place our feather in the horse’s mane.

As we each took our turn walking up to the horse, Pam wound a small rubber band around a piece of his mane. We then placed our feather in it, and silently asked a question of Horse spirit that we want help with.

My emotions were tingling at a high vibration on the surface of my skin during the ceremony—it was so healing being within that circle.

Once all the feathers were tied within the mane of the horse, Pam explained to us they would remain there as the horse goes out into the pasture the next couple of days where they will eventually fall out on their own within 1-3 days.

And from my understanding, this is when we may receive the answer to the question we asked, though it could be sooner or later, too—but to be open and listen.

We then all walked again back to the Tipi for the closing of the evening. One of my concerns, which I didn’t voice out loud, was that I was worried the horse would carry all our negative energy we just spent time letting go of.

But my concern was calmed as we gathered back inside the Tipi, around the burning fire, and Pam explained that horses don’t carry any negative energy with them. It’s not in their nature.

And then a deeper realization hit for me that yes, something I’ve always understood and known, but lovingly pierced into the core of my heart again, that this is the teaching of animals.

They are calling out to us to follow their lead. To let go of negativity, our past, and any pain we carry, and live from that place within us that is real— and walk this precious time we have here on this earth without judgement of ourselves or others.

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