The first thing I saw on Facebook this morning was a post from my sister sharing Tim McGraw’s new music video Humble and Kind. If you’ve not seen it, take a few moments and watch it now. I promise it will uplift you!
I listened to it three times. So simple, really, to be humble and kind. So easy to say please and thank you. To smile at a stranger on the street. To do little acts of kindness.
Today, being my day I set aside for errands and any appointments, I ran out to start my car so it would be warm when it was time for me to leave.
Imagine my surprise when I found a large lime green package sitting on the seat of the drivers side.
I couldn’t imagine who had left it there — or even more so, what it was!
I hurried back inside, already starting to tear at the paper as I couldn’t wait to see what it was (I never was good at waiting to open gifts!).
My eyes instantly filled with tears when I saw it was a painting my friend Shannon did – a sign for the entrance to my Joyful Pause Studio where I held my first SoulCollage® workshop last Saturday.
And here’s the thing. It was over two years ago when I had lunch with Shannon sharing with her that I was thinking about offering workshops for women out of my home- but I wasn’t quite sure what they would be.
That was until I discovered SoulCollage®. Last Saturday felt like a new beginning, while at the same time it felt like a full circle moment. What I had been giving thought to for so long had finally manifested.
I had made a temporary ‘Joyful Pause Studio’ sign figuring I’d make, or find something, that I’d replace it with eventually.
And the Universe was listening – just as it has been all along. Shannon attended my first workshop in the studio and told me she felt called to make this artistic and beautiful painting for me.
And out into the world I went today so light in spirit because kindness found me today.
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