Oh, how I think I’d love to have a hobby farm! Some chickens, goats, two donkey’s, and maybe a miniature horse. And of course, a dog or two.
My own garden would be nice too.
I made this SoulCollage® card (above) awhile back but I wasn’t exactly sure what it was about. Until I met with some other SoulCollage® facilitators online yesterday.
We each shared a card or two sharing what we thought they meant. As I talked about this card, I realized again how I’d love a hobby farm. I’ve often talked about wishing I could have chickens so I could have my own eggs, goats for my own cheese and donkeys to love.
The clock on the card I realized meant I perhaps had a little farm in another life or perhaps I will have one in a future life. I don’t know. But it’s fun to tap into this place of unknown.
And it’s fun to dream. It’s one of the things I enjoy about SoulCollage® and how your cards can speak to you through imagination and using your intuition.
And this card below I just had to make after finding an image of a donkey because of my love for these wonderful, spiritual beings.

I thought more about a hobby farm this morning as I made an egg, fresh from a local farm where John and I are trying something new this year, having purchased a quarter share.
Yesterday’s first share of the season contained a dozen eggs, strawberries, kale, spinach and cilantro.
Thinking about my cards, taking part in buying fresh produce from Old Plank Farm, plus from our local Farmer’s Market too, I guess I have bits and pieces of my own hobby farm in a way, I thought.
And the reality is, I just wouldn’t have time for a garden or all those animals as much as I’d like them. So for now my hobby farm consists of one special needs dachshund and a laid back English Labrador, plus my support of local farmers…
And dreaming through the making of my SoulCollage® cards. I can live with that.
Saturday I’m excited to facilitate another introductory SoulCollage® workshop – this time for a private group of six friends. I want to lead more workshops as I’m finding how much I truly enjoy sharing this process, being in community with other women, and holding the space for each of us to explore and discover the many sides to who we are.
So yup, a real hobby farm shall have to wait. And perhaps it may yet happen in this lifetime somewhere down the road. Will see.
But for now, I’m happy and content — and in a place of so much more clarity than I’ve been in a long time. And it feels so good. So good.
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