inner guidance

Animal Wisdom for October

Sandhill Crane family visiting our backyard a few weeks ago. plus Sandhill Crane card from my upcoming Animal Reflections Healing Oracle.

This month I’m heeding my own advice and that of Sandhill Crane and have decided to not record a general animal wisdom oracle reading for October.

Instead, I hope Sandhill Crane will serve as just the guide you need until next time.

While the world continues to shake with uncertainty which can feel unsettling to our own beingness, I share Sandhill Crane’s message with you:

Sandhill Crane, with Butterfly delicately balanced upon its beak, invites you to engage in the enchanting and exquisite dance of life.

While it’s most magical to see a Sandhill Crane flying high above, they spend most of their time on the ground. Sandhill Crane asks whether you are lost too much in thought and need to spend some time grounded. It reminds you that balance is required in order to move through your days with grace, focus, and clarity.

As a mother, Sandhill Crane is quite protective of her young; however, she only rears them for their first year of life, after which they are left to thrive on their own.

If you find yourself feeling uncertain or rattled about your future, it’s time to partake of Sandhill Crane’s medicine and nurture the part of you unsure about stepping out into the world on your own.

Sandhill Crane is known to call out loudly to forewarn others that it is near. As you devote time to finding your center again, her presence is reminding you to let those around you know this is what you are doing and its importance. This keeps the lines of communication open while also serving to honor and respect your need for alone time.

The call of Sandhill Crane is beckoning you back to the ancient wisdom that lies inside you but may have been forgotten. That tuning inward, listening deeply, and finding joy in transformational moments is what guides you to stay in balance.

As you acknowledge inner conflicts and learn to release them, you will find yourself dancing through life, and with others, with joy and wonder.

Transformation can feel scary as we step into unknown territories.  But this is a reminder to keep ourselves in balance – whatever that looks like for each of us individually – while also actively remembering what is good and positive in our lives.

And most importantly, staying in tune with what feels true in our hearts.

Wishing you all the best for the month of October!

P.S. Update on my Animal Reflections Healing Oracle deck! The final edits are now complete and the booklet has gone into the design phase!





Today You Pick! Which Animal Has Guidance for You.

Today you pick! Think of a situation/concern you’d like some guidance on.  Then pick the card you are most drawn to – #1, #2, or #3. Today’s cards are from three different animal decks. 

Once you’ve chosen which one speaks to you, scroll down to reveal the card…..











While each card has a message from the creator of each of the decks, I’m sharing what came up for me as I turned each card over. Perhaps the message I share will resonate and maybe it will be the author of the deck and their insight that resonates, or perhaps it will be both mine and the author’s that will ring true for you and you will see them as working in conjunction with each other. All is good, no matter what! It’s all about feeling into what feels right for you and jumping off from there to expand on how the message(s) will serve as your guide around your particular situation/concern.

#1 Blue Heron (Card from Messages From Your Spirit Animal Guides by Dr. Steven Farmer)

Blue Heron invites you to stand still, appreciate what it is you need to let go of, listen to your own internal guidance, and move forward with intention but thoughtful and deliberate steps. Herons are very much their ‘own bird’ and perhaps there is a message here for you to be more assertive in what it is you wish for your life.

Interesting to note that the back of each of the cards in this deck is the image of a blue heron also. Just an extra nudge to pay attention to the message.




#2 Cat (Card from The Ark Animal Tarot and Oracle deck by Bernadette King)

Cat invites you to curl up in the sun. Give thought to where you need or are wishing to assert your independence. The cat’s tail curled in front of him/her may indicate that protecting yourself as you move forward in your independence is important. While others may have well-intended from the heart advice for you, Cat wants you to remember that you’ve got this. Listen to your own inner compass which will save you in the long run on time and needless stress of falling into the pattern of following the advice of others.





#3 Peacock (Card from Spirit Animal Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid)

I can’t help but hear in my mind, ‘strut your stuff’ when I see peacock! Or perhaps this is a call to reveal your true colors that you’ve been hiding out of fear. See the light emanating from the center of Peacock? Time to stretch your heart in all directions too. Allow your vibration of light to move out around you in order to attract what it is that you need in order to help serve you in the best possible way.

Did the card you chose resonate or help in your situation/concern in any way? I’d love to know so feel free to leave me a comment below.

As always, if you’d like additional support, I offer personal one-to-one readings where I  can help you expand on a particular area you feel stuck. The cards are an amazing tool that reveals insight and perspective to help you gain clarity and move forward with more confidence. I also now offer readings for your pet and you!  More info below.

P.S. Just after I finished writing this post I jumped onto Facebook and the first post I saw was a photograph of a flying Blue Heron. Looks like Blue Heron may be my personal messenger today, so I shall have to ponder in that some more for myself.



Just click on either graphic to learn more and/or to book a reading.






Cheerful and Deep. Thank You, Kathryn.

Cheerful and Deep. Thank You, Kathryn.
My writing cottage – the space that supports my heart.

It occurred to me today as I began writing this post that I’ve been blogging for ten years now, having started in 2007.

When I first started, while I enjoy writing, there were times, I’ll be honest, it felt like a chore. I’d come to realize the reason for that was that I bought into the template of what I should do shared by those in the industry that set a specific standard for building an author platform. While that may work for some I often resisted, but was too afraid to follow my own inner guidance for fear no one would read my blog.

Oh, how I’ve grown!  The moment I let go of the should and surrendered to my own process, I’ve come to love coming to this place to share my thoughts, hopes and dreams. And I say a deeply, grateful thank you to each of you for having stayed with me on this journey.

I was reminded of all of this because of a lovely comment yesterday from reader, Kathryn who shared with me that she loves reading my blog and finds it “cheerful and deep.” It brought tears to my eyes and made my heart soar! Thank you, Kathryn!

I loved it and feel it truly represented what I hope my blog is for others — part of my mission is to be a positive face in the world while at the same time the more I come to understand about tuning in and listening to our hearts, I love sharing that deeper wisdom with you, too.

So thank you again, Kathryn. And thank you to all of you who are here. It means so much to me.

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.