inner peace

Finding a Soft Place to Land

Finding a Soft Place to Land

Something came even more fully into my awareness this past weekend with all that is happening in our world right now.

While I knew this in many ways about myself, it has in one sense caused me great inner angst the past three days, it has also challenged me to dig even deeper into what my values are – and how I can use my gifts to instill change, and do my part in helping create more lasting peace.

I didn’t join the women’s march in my local area. Instead, I listened to the coverage. I also tuned into the inauguration, and with both, I did so with an open mind. And honestly, I had so many emotions watching both, some feelings whirling quite wildly, some confused, some saddened, some worried, some frightened, some concerned, some angry, and even among all those emotions, I still felt hope.

And I’m still feeling hope, but also many of the mixed feelings remain too – and I’m striving for a soft place to land in my heart. This, I know, I’m not alone in. I’ve struggled with how to share my feelings here on my blog, or if I even wanted to. Afraid of confrontation, but yet, feeling called to express myself in a way that feels right for me.

I applaud each and every person on this planet that exercises their right to speak their truth with respect and honor. This – respect and honor – kept coming up for me time and time again over the weekend – how these two values, so important to me, were present in many passionate speeches on Saturday with the coverage of the women’s march, but sadly in some cases, weren’t – well, at least, I should say, from my point of view. In part, I was disappointed with myself for thinking how could I be so naïve?  We are all human – and we are all deeply flawed – and I absolutely include myself in this.

I find myself struggling with not wanting to fall into judgement because for the truth that we indeed are all flawed. The great angst for me, and what has come more fully into view, is how very sensitive I really am to all that is coming undone, which for me means that tears come easily and often.

I realized that I had, and will continue to, process all of these emotions. And this is key I believe that we each have to do what feels right for each of us in helping us move through this unsettling time.

The call – more urgent now than ever for each of us to dig in and go within, find our voice, and express it in a way in which we feel most confident….and finding a way in which we can find that soft place to land within our hearts for reflection, renewal, and moving back out into the world again each day.

One thing I did after watching the inauguration was to tune into a prayer vigil offered by a fellow SoulCollage® facilitator.

She, a spiritual mentor, gathered together a reverend, another who practices Native American tradition, and another open to many views of faith – plus anyone else on the call who wished to offer up thoughts, prayers, or meditation—all with different backgrounds and of all colors. It was so soothing to my soul, and helped me to release much negative and worried energy that was feeling stuck, and was pulling me downward, draining me.

And it’s my hope that others will find a way in which to go inward, whether in prayer, or meditation, or walking in nature, or whatever it may be – but something to bring you back to center – to ground you – so that we move forward, and continue to, in conscious, passionate, helpful, positive thought and not anger, blame or shame.

I also found solace in shamanic teacher and visionary Sandra Ingerman thoughts:

“We must experience all the feelings coming up for us and then we must do our spiritual work to hold the light. Otherwise we have no power to create positive change. Let us stand together and shine.
I know what I am asking is not easy.
But we cannot feed the anger, hate, and separation. What we feed grows!

This was, at that moment when I read this, a soft place for me to land and simmer in for a moment, but I know it isn’t going to remain – it will ebb and flow —and that is where I believe the real work is – to revisit it often and find a way to work through our own inner turmoil.

There should be no judgement on whether one marched or did not, or that it makes one less than or not…though that is the dark side of what comes up as I’ve, and many others, have been witnessing in some of the news outlets and social media. Though to be fair, there is so much good being expressed too and those are the places and people I find solace and solidarity with to keep moving forward in a positive direction.

This is our chance to practice true peace – true humanity – in that we each have something of value to offer — whether you marched or not, agree or disagree with our current president — but to practice kindness and peace with each and every person you come in contact with — and to do our very best to really open, become aware, and really listen to each other.

Whether we stand together as so many on Saturday did, or we stand within our own sacred space as one, holding the collective energy of wanting true and lasting peace for all, it all matters, and makes a difference. And I really do believe we all truly want the same thing.

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

What Was Said Over Coffee the Other Day

What Was Said Over Coffee the Other Day

If you look close in the center of this photo, you will see a baby robin with beak wide open. While I know the little one is wanting food from Mama Robin, it also reminded me of a recent conversation and thus this photo takes on a new meaning for me.

Earlier this summer as I was walking through our local Farmers Market, a woman I’ve known since the launch of my first children’s book back in 2008, stopped me. “I have some feedback about your writing,” Karen said.

I said, “Oh, oh.”

Smiling she said, “No, it’s good. You welcome positive feedback don’t you?”

“Oh, of course, and now you’ve really peaked my curiosity.”

She said to contact her and we’d have coffee soon. Well, it took me two weeks to finally email her as I was busy with finishing the editing of my new book.

But we finally met for coffee recently. She sat across from me at the local cafe. I don’t know how old Karen is, but I’d say early to mid 70s. I got to know her through our Friends of the Library  that she is a member of and they are the group that sponsored my very first book launch years ago.

She is a kind, sweet, down to earth lady and I’ve always felt drawn to her.  I really had no idea what feedback she had for me, so I was eager to hear.

She referred to the post I wrote titled “Orlando. What Can I Do?” After that tragic, senseless shooting, and certainly not the first, but just another that we seem to be hearing on a daily basis, I was feeling helpless, like I know so many others were too.

But that day I decided to share what I truly believe—that we must begin to find peace in ourselves to try and heal this world. I truly believe that if we each take responsibility for our own “stuff” and work on healing and valuing ourselves that this will emit peace and joy and vibrate out into the world.

It felt vulnerable to share this because I feared others may say it is hokey or think I’m off my rocker. But clearly, nothing else is working – there has to be a better way. And it’s something I’ve felt for a long time, but have felt uneasy about voicing through my writing.

Karen told me that she’d been reading my blog posts and sensed a peace and serenity about me. She wants the same. She told me she feels helpless and how it just tears her up to see what is happening in our world. But something I said about beginning with ourselves made sense to her. She said she wants to begin working on that for herself.

I was moved to tears. What had felt vulnerable to me writing that post made me realize how more of us have to share our voice.  If my writing that post helped Karen, well it just may have helped someone else too.

It was a gift to hear this from Karen – that what I wrote helped her and she was taking it to heart. And just by doing so, she is in turn going to work on living more from a place of peace which will then affect someone else and a forward motion can continue.

And interestingly enough, this conversation seems to be repeating itself lately with different people I talk to. This gives me even more cause to stay away from listening to the news and centering my energy on living more from a peaceful place within.

Seeing baby Robin, beak open to the world, nestled in her own little space, it reminded me that we can each make a difference by beginning with ourselves and in our own homes.

As if she was saying but your lips (or beak!) to the wind and speak and live from the truth of who you are.

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

Inner Peace

I don't know who wrote this, but would like to thank my friend Cindy for sending this to me.  It is so, so true!

If you can start the day without caffeine,

If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,

It you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles,

If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it,

If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time,

If you take criticism and blame without resentment,

If you can conquer tension without medical help,

If you can relax without liquor,

If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,

…Then You Are Probably The Family Dog!