
This Thing Called Life. Changes. Expecting the Best.


We have been experiencing a warmer than usual January here in Wisconsin. All this week it has been in the 40’s. I’m loving every moment of it.

I am struck by people who comment on our wonderful weather and then the next statement out of their mouth is, “But we are going to pay for it.” Really? What does that mean?

Instead of just enjoying the here and now of this glorious weather why do we think something bad is going to happen next? Why do we automatically go to thinking we are going to be in deep trouble for having such nice weather?  It’s all going to end seems to be the impending dread.

Things end. Life changes. Isn’t that what this thing called life is all about?

I caught myself in a sad moment of endings as I looked at the above photo of Frankie. On Tuesday we visited Shepherd of the Hills Catholic School and a teacher sent me this shot of Frankie. This is right before I throw a treat for her so the kids can see her walk in her wheelchair.

But I felt this twinge of sadness start to envelope my heart. As I made the decision to semi-retire Frankie this year, I see each school visit as even more precious- not knowing when will be our last. But I stopped myself. I reminded myself to be grateful for each moment with Frankie– enjoy the here and now- don’t look forward- that will come all on its own. And when it does, I’ll then move through it- but not now. These days are just too precious.

I looked at the photo again and was reminded of how my heart feels when I throw the treat for Frankie and she runs after it. The kids excitement of cheers and clapping always makes my heart swell with pride. I am reminded again of all the blessings Frankie is to my life… how far we have come together… the lives we have impacted… the joy and love she has brought to so many.

So no doom and gloom here- but living in each precious moment of each precious day… whether it is 40 degrees, or 40 degrees below zero. This is life and I plan to keep living it.


Dr. Wayne Dyer Inspiration: Forget Cash Value

My all time favorite inspirational speaker is Dr. Wayne Dyer.  I hope to meet him someday!

I love his inspirational cards and though I don’t pick a card everyday, something called me to pick one today. So here is what I picked:

Try to free yourself from placing a cash value on everything you have, do, and say.  Do what your heart tells you will bring you joy, rather than determining whether it will be cost-effective. In the world of Spirit, there are no price tags…

It reminded me of how I began my journey with writing my children’s books about Frankie.  I remember being so scared to take the journey, but made up my mind I was going to follow my heart for the first time in my life.  Doing so has made me so much less materialistic and helped me to see what really matters in life.  This has been such a beautiful gift.  And this reminder helps me reflect on all the JOY I have experienced in the past five years….I’m so grateful for that Joy.

Have you followed your heart?  If so, I’d love to hear where it has lead you.

Live An Inspired Life: Tune in this Saturday!

This Saturday, December 11th, radio host Brenda Owens will be interviewing me on her popular and inspiring radio show, “Live An Inspired Life.”  This promises to be a fantastic show discussing the impact of animals on our lives.  In a previous discussion with Brenda to discuss being on the show, I felt very connected to Brenda and her views of pets and animals in our world, and I have a feeling an hour is just not going to be enough for all we want to discuss. <Grin>

So please join us this Saturday as you are wrapping your holiday gifts or addressing your Christmas cards for an enjoyable and uplifting hour- we promise to inspire you!

When:  Saturday, December 11th

Time:  11:00am CST/ 9:00am PST/ 12:00pm ET

Where:  Live an Inspired Life Radio (can listen right on your computer!)


I love this favorite quote Brenda shares on her website from Marianne Williamson:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. 

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. 

Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. 

We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. 

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. 

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”