intervertebral disc disease

Adopting a Dog in a Wheelchair On Purpose


This is “I know you want to take more pictures of me, but I refuse to look at you”  from Joie

A friend of mine received her invitation to my book launch in the mail the other day. She told me when her teenage son saw it he said, “I thought Frankie died.  Did she get a new one? Does she do this on purpose?” She told me he just had no idea there was another dog that had a disability like Frankie.

This surprised me at first. But it also reminded me of why I do what I do and will continue to.  It’s important to me to bring awareness to special needs pets and those in wheelchairs. It does happen to other pets- and it happens more often than I think some may realize. There is much work to continue to do.  And from what I know, since it is the world of which I’ve immersed myself, that dogs with IVDD that end up in rescue (if they are not full or able to take them) are not so easily adopted out. They require more “work” in terms of helping them with going to the bathroom as well as if they need physical therapy and/or wheelchair. It can be a tough road for them to find a loving, forever home.

So though my friend’s son’s comment took me by surprise I thought, “Yes, I do this on purpose.”  It didn’t start out that way as I never imagined Frankie would become disabled, nor did I think in my future I’d adopt a special needs dog, just as I told freelance writer, Deanne in a recent blog interview. But now I just can’t imagine my life being any other way. I purposely adopted Joie and someday (which I hope is many moons away) if I can, I will gladly open my arms and heart to another IVDD dog.

Darla the Paralyzed Dachshund Needs a New Home ASAP


I’m sharing this sweet girl with you today after being contacted by Sheila from The Fuzzy Pet  Foundation and their plea for help in finding Darla a new home.  I can’t believe how much she looks like my Frankie did!  Work is also being done on obtaining her a wheelchair and the Frankie Wheelchair Fund may help with that too.  If you can take her in you will be one lucky person!  Contact info at bottom if you can help.  Thank you.


TFPF rescued Darla from a family who wanted to put her down because they no longer had any time for her, and did not wish to deal with her special needs. They enjoyed having her around as a puppy, but no longer wanted her after they learned she would be forever “handicapped.”

Sweet Darla is a six-year old, purebred Dachshund who weighs just 15 pounds. She is paralyzed as a result of Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) that is very common in this breed. She is incontinent and needs the help of a care-giver to express her bladder to go potty. Darla is currently waiting for her custom wheel-chair to increase her mobility.

Despite her special-needs, Darla is a trooper. She moves around like a cute seal, kisses everyone to greet them, burrows under the bed covers to be by your side, and loves to snuggle up to your side on the couch. She is great with kids, cats, dogs, and every person on the planet:). Darla will hop around at the sight or smell of a dog treat, and will even fetch her treats. Darla doesn’t have any behavioral issues. She just wants to give love to others.

Darla is spayed, up-to-date on her shots, and has a clean bill of health. She just needs a special someone to love and care for her. Will it be you?

For more information, please e-mail us at

Three Months Ago Today My Heart Exploded…

snuggly joie for blog

…with love for my new found love dog on wheels. It’s hard to think Joie has only been here for three months. It truly feels like she was always here. Always meant to be here.

Before this I had never rescued a dog.  Cassie, Frankie and Kylie all came from breeders. Before that I had cats which most came from the humane society. Joie is my first rescue dog.  I’m pretty sure this will be the route I choose going forward when the time comes for another new one to love.  Which I hope is many moons away, as this little one sure has my heart full up with joy and sweetness.

Something that has really amazed me with Joie is that she made herself right at home. She seamlessly fit right into our lives. It truly was, and is, quite magical. I feel very fortunate for this, as I know that is always not the case. I know John worried what we might ‘be getting ourselves into’ not having had the opportunity to first meet Joie before committing to taking her into our home.  But as I spoke of when I first saw Joie on Facebook through Oregon Dachshund Rescue, I just knew in my heart she was the one. For me it is another affirmation of trusting ones intuition and following it.

When Frankie passed, I never thought I’d find another dachshund as sweet as she was. There would never be another Frankie. And while there will truly never be another Frankie, Joie is a new light and love in my life that I didn’t think possible. I keep pinching myself at how lucky I am to have found another very sweet doxie.  Though sharing this with a friend of mine she laughed and said, “Of course you found another sweet dachshund Barb, because you are sweet.”

That was very kind of my friend to say and yes, I suppose we do attract into our lives what we are like. But I also believe we attract into our lives what we most need at the time. I’m not quite sure what that is with Joie yet. But I’m up for whatever it is I’m supposed to learn from her. Or maybe it’s just simply to love and enjoy her the best I can. I know I can do that. She certainly makes that easy!joie 1

And maybe I was just supposed to learn what it is like to rescue a dog.  A dog with IVDD and in need of a wheelchair. And I still sit in awe of that as I would have never considered this had I not traveled the path I did with Frankie. Now this is all I ever want. To care for IVDD/wheelchair dachshunds. I’m so thankful Frankie opened my heart wide open to this… and that my heart got to explode once again with this intense, amazing, deep, love.