intervertebral disc disease

Back by Popular Demand! Get Your Questions Answered about IVDD.

10448206_778036462246690_6142758788690221050_nI’m partnering once again with Dodgerslist to bring you another live Q & A session to answer all your questions about Intervertebral Disc Disease. The last one we did during a morning session was so beneficial. So many questions were coming in, we could barely keep up – but that was a good problem to have!  Continuing to educate others about IVDD is crucial to help save the lives of dogs inflicted with this disease. They can live quality lives if you have the right information.

It will take place once again on Facebook and this time we’ve set up a separate page just for this event. Click here or to join now. Right before we go live you will be able to start posting your questions.  This will also be an evening session so hopefully those that couldn’t make the day session can join us in this session.

Meet Lacey! #22 Recipient of a Wheelchair from The Frankie Wheelchair Fund

lacey 2As the mom of an IVDD pup, and two before that who lived a happy life in wheels, this is the best gift ever for Mother’s Day to share with you that another little dog gets her wheels because of The Frankie Wheelchair Fund.

Meet Lacey. There was a whole fleet of people who helped this little girl find her new home. It was an honor to play a small part in a big journey for Lacey as she left a home who loved her so much, but couldn’t care for her any longer, and had the courage to give her a better life.

From Patricia to Tamara, Michelle, Eli and Zachary who played a part in helping Lacey find her way to Helen who is now her new forever mom.

She had some medical issues to contend with, one of which was to have her tail amputated. But as you can see in the photo, she is doing just fine. She is learning to walk in her wheelchair and I have no doubt she will soon be doing zoomies all around the yard soon! This should also help her work off some of the weight she had gained.

Wishing Lacey all the very best!

To learn more about The Frankie Wheelchair Fund and how you can apply or contribute please visit the website National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day.

To learn more about dog wheelchairs, please visit Eddie’s Wheels.

As a reminder, 100% of proceeds of the purchase of this very roomy and durable tote bag from our friend at Beangoods goes to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund.
