intervertebral disc disease

Gidget’s Visit to Bookworm Gardens Plus Unique Opportunity to Ask Your Questions about IVDD Coming Wednesday.

gidget, me, willow, bwg 2014Me, Willow, and Gidget at Bookworm Gardens. Photo credit:  Cindy Ann Lee

Yesterday was the official opening of Bookworm Gardens for the season —their 4th spring season. There was a family fun run with over 300 participants, which helped raise money for the gardens, since it is free to the public. Afterwards families were free to roam the gardens to explore, read, and have fun.

Gidget and I arrived around 2:00pm. We hung out by Frankie’s spot in the garden, dedicated to her, thanks to Bookworm Gardens, my husband John for building her dog house, and my sponsors, Lynda and David Richardson, and the Richardson Foundation that made it possible with funding for her legacy to live on.

I still find myself getting emotional inside when I see Frankie’s spot in the gardens. Of course, I will always miss her, but the memories I have of our work together are such a blessing to me.

Gidget attracted kids to her quite easily as we sat in the sun near Frankie’s house. As I think about Bookworm Gardens, Frankie, and the Internet today, I smile looking at this photo of me, 5-year old Willow, and Gidget.  Willow and her family knew Frankie, then Joie, and now got to meet Gidget. If not for all of this, I’d never have met such a wonderful family and a beautiful little girl. This all means a lot to me.

Another little girl, I think around the age of 8, named Kya smiled from ear to ear petting Gidget. She said, “I talk to animals.” And it was the way in which she said it that was not your usual, I talk to the animals.

I said, “Oh wow. You do?”

“Yup. There is this black cat that won’t go by anyone else. But he comes to me and let’s me hold him. I talk to him.”

“Wow, that is amazing.”

I actually had goosebumps when Kya said this. I also couldn’t help but think of how I really believe we can communicate with animals and how I’ve been exploring that more myself lately. Here was this young girl confirming for me in only the way that a child can, that, of course, if we are open and trust, we can be one with our animal friends.

As she started to skip away a few moments later, I called out to her and said, “Hey Kya!”

She turned around and said, “Yes?”

I said, “Don’t ever stop talking to the animals, okay?”

“Okay, I won’t!” and off she went down the path.

It was only an hour of time yesterday, but an hour that filled my heart with awe and wonder being with Gidget and the kids we met yesterday. There is certainly something quite magical about those gardens!

Unique Opportunity coming Wednesday, May 7th

Coming this Wednesday from 10:00am-Noon CST on my Facebook page, the moderators of Dodgerslist, an organization dedicated to educating pet owners about Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) will be available to take your questions. I’ll share more details tomorrow on my blog, so stay tuned.


There is HOPE for Dogs with Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD). Educate yourself TODAY.

Gidget ivddAs most of you know from following my blog, I’m passionate about spreading a positive message about dogs diagnosed with IVDD. Sadly, many are still being put to sleep. Most often because of lack of education and guardian’s not knowing their options.

Just today, I heard from someone who does rescue work trying to help find homes for these special needs dogs if guardian’s choose to surrender a downed dog if they are unable to care for them. But again, sadly, it does not always turn out that way. For whatever reasons, a guardian may choose putting their IVDD dog to sleep. I’m not here to judge that person who makes that decision.

But I did want to write a post about IVDD once again in hopes it makes it out into the world and helps educate more people that IVDD is not a death sentence. It does not have to be that way.

There is help. There is hope. There are people willing to help you if you find yourself in this situation. Most rescue’s will help guide you. Dodgerslist is an excellent resource to educate yourself about this disease. While there is not a cure, often times with the right information and treatment, these dog’s can walk again. If not, there is always a dog wheelchair that can help them lead a quality life. If cost is an issue there are resources for that as well such as The Frankie Wheelchair Fund, or Red Flyer, The Handicapped Pets Community or doing fund raisers online to help pay for medical costs.

While I truly understand taking care of a special needs pet such as an IVDD dog isn’t meant for everyone, there are others who are willing and able to take care of special needs pets. Rescue’s can often times help you if you choose this avenue.

I continue to also be available by email or phone to talk with someone whose dog has been diagnosed with IVDD. Often times talking with someone who has gone through this helps ease the anxiety and to know what to expect. I’m always happy to spend some time talking with someone going through this.

I’m so grateful for those that do have the courage to say they are unable to care for their IVDD dog and do what they feel is best for their pet by finding them a new home. If not for those people, I’d never have found the love of Joie, or have the love of Gidget. I know many others who care for downed dogs feel the same way. They truly love caring for these dogs.

Please help spread the word that there is hope. Whether you can work through it with guidance with resources I mentioned above, or if you need to find your pet a new home, there are those that really do care and will help.

Meet Ginger: 19th Recipient of the Frankie Wheelchair Fund

gingercart3 e2It’s always a beautiful and touching day here at Joyful Paws & National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day headquarters when I get to share the news of the Frankie Wheelchair Fund helping another special needs little dog.

Meet Ginger. She is 13 years old and was down for over 3 1/2 years.  Her mom, Lisa, heard about the Frankie Wheelchair Fund and contacted me for help. After filling out the application and receiving a letter from her vet, it was an honor to help this sweet girl love out a quality of life for whatever remains.

She is just learning how to use her wheels after being immobile for many years, but we have hope she will be rolling with confidence real soon.

I had an unexpected and welcome surprise during the holidays when I received a larger than usual donation from someone who admires the work I’ve been able to do helping these dogs. I do believe he wants to remain anonymous, but I just wanted to say a thank you again to this person for believing in me, my mission, and these dogs. It means the world to me!

I couldn’t do it without the help of generous contributions such as the one I received from my recent contributor and everyone who has, and continues to, support my mission. A big thank you to each and every one of you!

If you wish to learn more about the Frankie Wheelchair Fund and/or make a contribution, please visit National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day.

Always be positive and keep on rolling, Ginger!

Note:  Ginger’s wheelchair was custom made my Eddie’s Wheels.