intervertebral disc disease

Do the Dinner Time Dance Video

As is likely true for most dachshunds, they LOVE to eat!  You’d think I never fed Gidget when it comes to meal time because she appears to be just starving. In the morning, which I should try and catch on video, sometimes her back end swings out far to the right or left and she wipes out trying to get to her food bowl. Eating is the highlight of her day.

So last night I took a short video of her right before I fed her.  She makes me smile and giggle every time. I love how she snorts like a little piglet as I’m getting ready to feed her. Come see the part dachshund, part piggy do the Dinner Time Dance.

You Asked. You Got It. Video of Kylie & Gidget Together.

sleeping collage 1200Two happy, tired dogs after our walk today.

Today was a preview of spring to come. It is in the low 40s and the sun is melting some of the snow. I can hear the drip, drip, drip, right outside my writing cottage window which is cracked open a smidge to let in the fresh air.

Tomorrow sleet, rain, freezing rain, and snow on the way. But today is spring!  So we took full advantage and headed out for a walk. Many of you requested a video of Gidget and Kylie together ever since I posted a video of Gidget on Facebook which you can see here if you’ve not seen it yet.

As we got into our walk, I shot a short 20 second video so you can see best buds enjoying the sunshine together, as well as see how good Gidget moves along even though she has IVDD. The clicking noise you hear is actually her back feet which she does not fully pick up. Though, luckily they don’t seem to get scraped up on the cement. I think you will agree, she is a very good IVDD walker!

I might add, Gidget’s waterproof, fleece-lined jacket is from Dachshund Delights.  I know inquiring Dachshund mom’s will want to know.

Ramp Training for the IVDD Community by Dodgerslist

Today I want to share with you a wonderful video and article done by Dodgerslist for Ramp Training your IVDD dog.

Choosing a Ramp Offering your dog a ramp to assist him on getting onto furniture or onto the bed seems like a simple idea, but actually getting the dog to use the ramp could be more challenging that you may expect.

As a professional trainer and behavior consultant living with several Dachshunds, including some who have suffered back injuries or ailments, I have taught many dogs to use ramps.  I am happy to share these ideas with others in hopes that it will help people assist their dogs in becoming accustomed to using these helpful tools.

Read rest of article here.