
Just For Fun – Animalscopes – 2019 Animal Wisdom For Your Zodiac Sign

Animals central to guiding me to new perspectives is something I continue to feel grateful for. What better way to honor them than to tap into their wisdom and allow them to guide us. For when we open our hearts to their messages and allow their beautiful teachings into our lives, we ALL do better.

While I know you’ve heard of horoscopes and possibly tarotscopes, I thought, why not Animalscopes?

While I’m not about predicting the future with my oracle readings, but instead working with the cards as reflection, intuitive insight, and personal growth, these Animalscopes  I put together below are really just for fun.

As I move toward 2019 with my two words I chose as Grace Becoming, it’s with the utmost depth of love and gratitude to my sweet and wise dog Gidget and what she taught me this year, that tears well to my eyes as she is my inspiration.

May we each move with grace into 2019 as we renew our commitment to living a life full of wonder, magic, gratitude, and meaning…




I pulled two cards for each Zodiac sign using the Spirit Animal Oracle and The Wisdom of the Oracle as a way to discover what 2019 may hold in store for you.

It’s interesting to note that Whale Spirit showed up three times in succession for the zodiac sign that begins in May and the signs that take us into summer. I see this as an invitation for all of us to bring ancient wisdom back into our lives, not perhaps exactly as it was then, but what we learned from it, and how we can incorporate it in a new way to serve the planet in a beneficial way for all.


Brown Bear Spirit invites you to let go of what no longer serves you to allow in the new. Staying grounded and connected to your heart, Brown Bear reminds you to take time in daily stillness, meditation, walks in nature, or anything that allows your mind to rest and brings you into a state of just being.


Bee Spirit invites you to see relationships and/or friendships from the perspective that each connection, past, present, and future serves as a vital part of your journey. Bee Spirit reminds you that they all matter, whether you remain physically connected or not and that connection is important to your well-being.


Wolf Spirit invites you to look at the wisdom you’ve earned that brought you to a new way of seeing your life and new opportunities. Wolf Spirit reminds you that it’s the trusting of the mystery and mystical of life, and that you don’t have to have everything figured out right away, that deeper and true wisdom will continue to serve you well.


Porcupine Spirit invites you to bring attention to areas of your life that need cleaning up, even though it may feel painful and prickly.  Porcupine Spirit reminds you that just like their quills that are full of air which makes them float, so too can you learn to go with the flow through times that feel difficult, and remember that they are only temporary. Porcupine encourages you to not see something as a burden, but rather, from beginners mind and with curiosity.


Armadillo Spirit invites you to allow those you love and care about to walk their own journey without the need to feel you need to rescue them.  Armadillo Spirit encourages you that like their tough outer shell that protects them, to protect your own heart by setting heathy boundaries in relationships and/or friendships. Not only will that serve others in a positive way, but will also benefit you greatly, and allow you to enjoy your life more fully.


Whale Spirit invites you that when faced with a decision you are unsure of to tap into the wisdom you’ve gained along the way, plus trust in the Universe/Spirit/Creator/God, that you will be divinely guided and in just the right time. When presented with a fork in the road, remember you don’t have to know an answer right away, but instead allow life to flow to you.


Whale Spirit invites you to stay connected with what truly matters to you instead of chasing after shiny, new objects.  Whale Spirit will gently nudge you to trust and tap into the wisdom that is already within you. Take time to be with all of what you are feeling, the joy and the sorrow, so that what really matters to your heart can bubble to the surface as the truth of who you are.


Whale Spirit invites you remember that as you continue to build upon the momentum of what you are creating for your life, one action at a time, that those actions first began with a spark of thought that came from your intuition. When you feel stuck, it’s times of going back to marinating inwardly that the next step in your journey is allowed to make itself known in an organic way.


White Raven Spirit invites you to set yourself free from what you know in your heart no longer serves you, but you hold onto for fear of speaking your truth.  White Raven Spirit is your reminder that nothing is coincidence and within each synchronicity there is a message that will guide you to align with what is true for you. Follow that light of truth and you will be supported.


Brown Bear Spirit invites you to bring more balance into your life.  With Brown Bear Spirit as your reminder that when you feel out of sync, experience fatigue, or are feeling a loss of which way to go next, it’s a clear signal to take time to rest. Pushing forward for the sake of trying to force an outcome won’t work.


Otter Spirit invites you to look at where you may have felt, or feel, you aren’t enough or feeling you are alone. Otter Spirit is your reminder that staying in connection with like-minded people and reaching out to those that matter to you are just what you need as gentle nudges that others do care and love you, and are here to support you.


Bat Spirit invites you to look where your life may be out of balance and what it is that you are afraid to let go of. Bat Spirit reminds you that within all dark times and uncertainty that when you allow what no longer feels right for you that you must let it go so that a new perspective is allowed to come in which will guide you into the light once again.



Dachshunds as Teachers, Healers and Guides. My Interview on the Wiener Dog Lover Podcast.

Dachshunds as Teachers, Healers and Guides. My Interview on the Wiener Dog Lover Podcast.

I’m so honored to share this interview with you! Just click on graphic above to listen.

Three Dachshunds I’ve shared my life with have been pivotal in helping shape me into who I am today – each one serving as a reflection of the inner work I needed to do at different phases in my life in order to grow and evolve.

It was an honor to share some of the insight I’ve gleaned from each of them with host Lori Smashnuk Ludec of the Wiener Dog Lover Podcast

It’s an honest inside look at some of my struggles this past year, that with a dedicated inner focus and guidance from a short-legged dog with a big personality and wise soul I was able to expand in awareness and shift in perspective in ways I never imagined.

Because of Gidget, and my two doxie’s before her, I now do the work I do today as an Oracle Guide, guiding women to look within and discover for themselves what truly matters- so they can get on with living a life that is meaningful as they wish to define it.

I hope you enjoy the interview!



P.S. I was truly honored and the discussion that unfolded during this interview that I’m offering a special discount on my Oracle Guidance Sessions. Normally $75 for one hour, they are now $60. You can learn more and book a session here: Good through December 21st, 2018.

P.P.S. You don’t have to be a dachshund lover to enjoy this interview!  🙂

Animal Oracle Wisdom for the Month of October

Working with the Spirit Animal Card deck from Colette Baron-Reid I recorded this message from Koala Spirit to help guide you through the month of October. Enjoy!

