
Moving into the New Year with Ritual. I Invite You to Join Me.

Moving into the New Year with Ritual. I Invite You to Join Me.

Christmas Eve morning I awoke around 4:30am. I couldn’t go back to sleep. My SoulCollage® cards which I keep out in my writing cottage were calling to me.

I decided to follow the impulse. A half hour later I had lit a candle, had meditative music playing, and got out my box of over fifty SoulCollage® cards I’ve made since November 2014.

Past, Present, and Future was what felt right to me in picking three cards – one to represent each as a way of helping me to begin to move into 2017 which is just hours away now.

The first card I chose at random to represent past was my “Window to my soul” card which you see on the far left. The next card to represent the present is my “Ballerina/Horse” card and the last card to represent future is my “Follow your light” card.

I sat with the past card, “Window to my soul” first and thought about it’s meaning for me at this time in my life. This is what I journaled:

I am one who for the past thirteen years has been working diligently on the whispers of my soul. This has prepared me for the new work I’m stepping into.

Next I meditated on the present with “Ballerina/Horse” card:

I am one who feels taller and more confident than ever before. When I look in the mirror I like who I see and who I have become. Horse reminds me that I did the deep inner work to heal a long held wound. I now can hold my head high and dance. Horse reminds me to prance out into the world and bring my gift to others.

Lastly I tapped into the message for the future with “Follow your light” card:

I am one who reminds you that the light within you is a gift I (I being Frankie, my dog) helped bring forth in you. I’m here to remind you to never let that light dim. Use it to help ignite the light in others. Follow your own north star and the light within you will magnify out to the stars ten-fold. I am here to also remind you to not be afraid as my spirit is now one with you for eternity.

To continue a ritual that I’m feeling as sacred and true, I’m planning to choose an animal card from the Animal Wisdom Tarot card deck to serve as a guide for 2017 and an angel card to do the same, which I’ll do this evening. I’ll share those with you tomorrow.

I will be making copies of these cards, plus my SoulCollage® cards, and putting them in a visible spot my writing cottage. It will be my reminder of this special ritual and what it means for me as I move with more conscious awareness of how intuition and following my heart into 2017 will serve as the best way in which to continue to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

If you have SoulCollage® cards, Oracle, or Tarot cards I invite you to do the same. Should you not, a suggestion would be to find a favorite magazine, hold your hand on it, eyes closed in meditation for as long as feels right to you, and perhaps posing a question on something you wish for guidance on in the New Year. When it feels right, open your eyes, and randomly open to a page in the magazine. Then work with really tuning into that image that appears and listening to what the message that image has for you. Don’t second guess yourself. Go with what immediately comes to mind and start writing it down.

I’d love to know what transpires for you, so please do leave a comment in the comment section, or feel free to email me.

I’ll be facilitating a workshop in my home studio, Joyful Pause, on Saturday, January 14th, Intuitively Creating your New Year, working with images in collaging and journling with the SoulCollage® process.  I’d love for you to join us! The class is half-full and I only have room for five more. If interested, register soon here.  

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

Pretty Versus Beautiful

Pretty Versus Beautiful
Photo credit: Shiloh Sophia

Recently I finished reading a book called, Wiser & Wilder – A Soulful Path to Visionary Women entrepreneurs by Kaya Singer. While this sounds like it may not have anything to do with my title post, Pretty Versus Beautiful, hang with me here. This is how my mind tends to loop.  🙂

Since discovering Kaya’s book I also found out about her podcasts. I’ve been listening to some pretty amazing and inspiring women. Listening to these women living from what is right and true for them has given my wings quite the magical lift.

Book cover artwork by Kaya Singer

My intention for the New Year is to hold more workshops for women to encourage them to pause more often, listen deeply to their soul, and capture what it is that their soul wants them to know. It’s my hope that Joyful Pause studio will be that safe space where they can open to their intuition, simmer in its wisdom and use that awareness to live a more meaningful life.

As I listened to Kaya interview Michelle Grace Lessiard, a shamanic teacher and healer, her departing words of wisdom had my eyes filling with tears. Michelle in part said that woman have to start honoring their intuitive guidance. And that women who are willing to stand up and listen to, and honor their intuition will heal this world.

Earlier in the interview she also talked about how women need to start being kinder to each other. And I believe this to be true also as we women can be awfully tough and judgmental about each other — though I will say, I have felt it is changing for the better.

This leads me to how my thoughts looped to pretty versus beautiful.  Thanks for hanging with me! When I think about a woman who is beautiful, it has nothing to do with her looks. Beautiful to me, is a woman who is clearly comfortable in her own skin, no matter what size, color, or shape she is. She is someone who exudes an inner peace and has done the work, and continues to do so. That is reflected as a beautiful light that shines from the inside to the outside.

There are many pretty women in the world, as society defines pretty, but sometimes it is only on the surface. And please know this isn’t about being catty or jealous, because that isn’t what I’m trying to convey. But there are women who aren’t pretty as culture deems so, but yet they are beautiful. 

One such person that comes to mind right away for me is Lizzie Velasquez, born with a rare syndrome that prevents her from gaining weight. She has endured some mighty painful bullying online and off. But she has taken that and turned it into a way to spread a positive message and is described as a Brave Heart. 

As I type this thinking about her, my eyes fill with tears… she is a Beautiful. Brave. Heart. She is truly one the most exquisite examples of what beautiful is to me. She stands tall in who she is. No. Matter. What. has been thrown at her.

And as I loop back to the conversation between Michelle and Kaya on the podcast, they are what I call two beautiful women also – for listening to, and following their intuition, even when it has felt scary. They are heeding the call to stand in what they believe they are here to do…to help heal this world.

While fear may rear its ugly head at times, I ask that my creator place before me more beautiful women — they are the inspiration that lifts me and feeds my soul to keep following my own intuition and do what it is I feel called to do.

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

This Thanksgiving – I am Grateful for Hope and More Sparks of Light.

artwork by Shannon Brack Winter

One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times. The light of the soul throws sparks, can send up flares, builds signal fires, causes proper matters to catch fire. To display the lantern of soul in shadowy times like these – to be fierce and to show mercy toward others; both are acts of immense bravery and greatest necessity.

Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it. If you would help to calm the tumult, this is one of the strongest things you can do. – Clarissa Pinkola Estes

I share this section above from an article I read this morning by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, who is also author of Women Who Run with Wolves. I found myself getting choked up reading it because it solidifies once again my own commitment to not giving up on hope and moving forward in continuing to let my light shine out into this world.

I know so many (including myself at times) can feel overwhelmed when situations around us feel so big and out of control like many things have of late— and we can be left to feel helpless and not sure what we can each do. But I’m reminded once again, which has lit a fire within me, that there is hope. You are hope. I am hope. And we can each make a difference by being that hope so that it spreads to another who needs hope.

It just so happened that after reading this piece from Estes today, I had plans to be with a dear, young soul, named Rachel. I’ve known her for a few years, but have had the pleasure of getting to know her better lately. We have come together and will be teaching a workshop that we both happened to discover we were both interested in offering. So we decided to combine our energy and efforts to do so.

We will be teaching a workshop on the meaning of a Native American tradition called Talking Sticks, to be held in December on the night of the solstice. Today we met so we could experience for ourselves the magic and power in creating our own Talking Stick —an experience so rich and beautiful that I am still soaking in all that it brought to my soul in such a positive and uplifting way.

We are both passionate about encouraging others to open to their intuition so that others can experience the many gifts this has to offer and enrich ones life.

After being with Rachel who is twenty years younger than me, having read Estes article of hope, and thinking about Thanksgiving tomorrow, I’m feeling full up with gratitude and a huge helping of hope for the future not only for myself, but for others too who commit to finding a way to be who they are meant to be…and to not lose hope.

While I know it may likely be a rocky road for many, I also know that in order to achieve that light within oneself, the journey calls for looking within, really listening, and honoring those whispers that want to come forth. It’s my hope that my blog, future workshops I offer, and just by being who I authentically am, will be part of that hopeful, positive light that shines out as a beacon of promise, and by default will give permission to others to let the light of their true self shine, too. 

If you are interested in learning more about the Talking Sticks workshop, please visit my workshop page here.

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.