
My Own Hobby Farm. Well – Sort of.

My Own Hobby Farm. Well- sort of.

Oh, how I think I’d love to have a hobby farm! Some chickens, goats, two donkey’s, and maybe a miniature horse. And of course, a dog or two.

My own garden would be nice too.

I made this SoulCollage® card (above) awhile back but I wasn’t exactly sure what it was about. Until I met with some other SoulCollage® facilitators online yesterday.

We each shared a card or two sharing what we thought they meant. As I talked about this card, I realized again how I’d love a hobby farm. I’ve often talked about wishing I could have chickens so I could have my own eggs, goats for my own cheese and donkeys to love.

The clock on the card I realized meant I perhaps had a little farm in another life or perhaps I will have one in a future life. I don’t know. But it’s fun to tap into this place of unknown.

And it’s fun to dream. It’s one of the things I enjoy about SoulCollage® and how your cards can speak to you through imagination and using your intuition.

And this card below I just had to make after finding an image of a donkey because of my love for these wonderful, spiritual beings.


I thought more about a hobby farm this morning as I made an egg, fresh from a local farm where John and I are trying something new this year, having purchased a quarter share.

Yesterday’s first share of the season contained a dozen eggs, strawberries, kale, spinach and cilantro.

Thinking about my cards, taking part in buying fresh produce from Old Plank Farm, plus from our local Farmer’s Market too, I guess I have bits and pieces of my own hobby farm in a way, I thought.

And the reality is, I just wouldn’t have time for a garden or all those animals as much as I’d like them.  So for now my hobby farm consists of one special needs dachshund and a laid back English Labrador, plus my support of local farmers…

And dreaming through the making of my SoulCollage® cards. I can live with that.

Saturday I’m excited to facilitate another introductory SoulCollage® workshop – this time for a private group of six friends. I want to lead more workshops as I’m finding how much I truly enjoy sharing this process, being in community with other women, and holding the space for each of us to explore and discover the many sides to who we are.

So yup, a real hobby farm shall have to wait. And perhaps it may yet happen in this lifetime somewhere down the road. Will see.

But for now, I’m happy and content — and in a place of so much more clarity than I’ve been in a long time. And it feels so good. So good.

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Helping Gidget. Listening to My Intuition.

sweet miss g e

I’m heading to Madison with Gidget on Wednesday to consult with a holistic veterinarian.

She had another seizure last Thursday evening, which lasted longer than the previous episodes, and was quite scary.

We were originally scheduled for an appointment on May 8th, but I feel better getting her in sooner, so I’m glad I was able to reschedule.

But I was also awakened out of my sleep early Saturday morning with a theory that feels right to me and perhaps the reason she may have been having seizures.

I want to consult first with the vet to get her thoughts before I share what I feel it may be.

I’ve been giving this so much thought since her first seizure on January 16th. It just hasn’t made sense to me why she first began having seizures in January. She didn’t have them for the first whole year since I’ve adopted her.

This is not to say she has had them before and they could have just resurfaced now, which I’ve heard can happen—that seizures can happen once and then never again. Or they can happen a few times, then not again until years later.

But I’ve kept thinking about what has changed in her life since then that could possibly be the cause of her now having seizures? While I know there are many, many reasons of what can possibly cause seizures, as well as, many cases that never really get diagnosed, I can’t ignore my hunch.

I could be totally wrong, which I don’t have a problem with being wrong. But if this is what I think it is, well then, I will be very relieved. And most importantly, if I can help Gidget’s quality of life to improve, that is of course what I want more than anything.

So it’s off to Madison on Wednesday to see Dr. Andrea and hoping the pieces of the puzzle all come together for the benefit of sweet Gidget.

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A Weekend of Inspiration, Wisdom & Self-Discovery. I’m Now a Trained SoulCollage® Facilitator.


I spent this past weekend at Holy Wisdom Monastery in Madison, WI. The perfect place for the SoulCollage(R) Facilitator training I attended. I’m happy to say I am now an officially trained facilitator!

For the first time in a long time, I feel some momentum in an expanded purpose and direction.

In one sense it is even hard for me to describe in words what this weekend was like. It was intense, but intense in a good and welcoming way. Diving deeper into all the different parts that make up who I am. While that may sound kind of deep in some ways, it was also a very fun process.

SoulCollage(R) is all about personal growth and self-discovery. Their motto:  Discover Your Wisdom, Change Your World.

As I move into 2015 I will be giving thought to ways in which I can teach workshops in my community and online with this process using the gifts I already have. I hope to use this process in getting in touch with our animal spirit guides, which is just one idea, of many, I have percolating right now.

But I’d like to share with you what Sunday was like — the day we received certification and the closing ceremony.

Twenty-two women from nine different states came together in this circle we formed. A circle of SoulCollage(R) cards each made over the weekend, as well as, over the last few months and years by some of the participants. Each card representing a part of ourselves that when formed together in this sacred circle celebrating that we are really all one in this big universe.

It was a silent ceremony with soft music in the background as we each took turns stepping into the circle to take in all the energy of those cards before us. Each woman now a part of each other — now changed in some way because of coming together.

As we each took our turn in the circle, we acknowledged each woman individually with eye contact – some placing their hands on their heart as they did this, or in prayer near their heart. It was very emotional — all in a beautiful and deep way.

This process is healing the planet one person at a time as people attend workshops and/or make SoulCollage(R) cards at their own pace — taking time to create from a place of wonder, discovery, fun, and open to what it can teach them to help them on their life’s journey.

I found it to be a deeply enriching and a truly intriguing process that I am looking forward to teaching others, as well as, expanding on for my own personal growth.

Once the ceremony was over we had the chance for a photo opportunity within the circle. I love this photo of me within this sacred circle — the profound feelings of this past weekend come rushing back to me and I feel changed forever in a new and beautiful way. So grateful for this process and for this opportunity to take part in this training.

In the next few days I’ll share a few more photos and more information about this, so stay tuned!

PS:  A super big thank you to my dear, sweet husband for doing an outstanding job of taking care of Gidget! Also to Candace of Agape Pet Service who stopped in a few times to help out as well. They gave me peace of mind to enjoy my training and time away!