
Give Paralyzed Dogs the Gift of Mobility

Since 2012 I’ve been carrying on Frankie’s legacy – a mission her and I started together – to be a positive voice for paralyzed dogs – to help others see that dogs do live fulfilling lives even when using a dog wheelchair.

As many of you know, who follow my online journal (thank you!), this fund has granted to date, 40 wheelchairs to dogs in need. The majority we have granted the full amount of the cost of a wheelchair, some partial if their owner is able to contribute something toward the wheels, and two we have covered the cost of shipping.

It all matters. To be a part of giving the gift of mobility to a paralyzed dog truly is rewarding.

So while I have the Frankie Wheelchair Fund set up to donate via Paypal on National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day website, I was also recently encouraged to start a Go Fund Me campaign. It will run indefinitely as that is the beauty of Go Fund Me. It’s also another great avenue in which to get the word out about this special mission.

So here is where I’m asking for your help. While I know money can be tight for many, and I understand that completely – but if you’d be willing to share this campaign on your Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest, blog, or with family and friends, I’d be so grateful. It would really help me to spread the word, so that more dogs can be helped. And of course, if you know of anyone who would like to donate, that will allow the fund to help even more paralyzed dogs.

I take the funding very seriously and have an application process in place. Not everyone is approved, but I feel the process I have is needed and fair. If I’m not quite sure about an applicant, I have others I turn to to help me in the decision making process.

Just to review also The Frankie Wheelchair Fund requirements for those granted a wheelchair:

1.) A photo to be submitted once dog is up and rolling in their wheelchair so I can share via my social media avenues – and they are forever displayed on National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day website.

2.) The wheelchair is donated to another dog when it no longer needed, or it is donated back to Eddie’s Wheels (where they are originally purchased from) – so that they may be adjusted to fit another dog in need.

I’m excited about this new avenue with Go Fund Me, but also know that I can’t do this alone. And gosh, if not for everyone who helped me along the way, I couldn’t have helped so many already. I welcome your help in helping me spread the word and say right now a grateful thank you!

…and if you have any helpful suggestions in other ways to spread the word, I’m open to that too.

Should you enjoy the writing you find here, you may wish to subscribe to my newsletter (on right hand side of post) or my RSS Feed. I’d love it if you would also share through your favorite social media network. Thanks for visiting!

Meet Maggie: The 36th Paralyzed Dog Granted a Wheelchair thru The Frankie Wheelchair Fund with help from Hailey’s Wheels for Life

annie cA picture is worth a thousand words, right? Well, I think this picture says that and so much more!

Meet little Maggie who was recently granted a wheelchair. Her wheelchair granted as a collaborative effort with The Frankie Wheelchair Fund and Hailey’s Wheels for Life working together, combining our funds, and helping this little girl gain mobility.

I heard about Maggie through Matt Pike, founder of Hailey’s Wheels for Life. He forwarded an email from Annie, who was trying to help her friend, Beverly (who as you can see also has physical challenges) and her dog, Maggie who has IVDD and is paralyzed.

This joint effort was such a joy! To see little Maggie wheeling down the ramp of her home brings tears to my eyes — and to see Beverly’s smile, knowing her little girl now has a quality life — well, that is just priceless.

Annie also shot some video footage which I compiled together in one video – sorry for the sideways shots – this is how the videos came to me and I wasn’t sure how to fix. But you will see how happy Maggie is and wait until you see her roll down the ramp!

Maggie’s wheels custom-made by Eddie’s Wheels.

**To learn more or donate to help other paralyzed dogs in need please visit National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day (for the Frankie Wheelchair Fund) and/or Hailey’s Wheels for Life. Both foundations rely solely on the generous donations of others.**

Two Wheelchair Dogs on a Mission to Help Disabled Dogs in Need

darla and doolittleYou may remember Darla from a few years back. When she was in a foster home, The Fuzzy Pet Foundation contacted me asking if The Frankie Wheelchair Fund could help with funds for a wheelchair for Darla.

I was so happy to help this sweet girl, who reminded me so much of Frankie. Well, that did the trick and she was then adopted to a wonderful family and mom, Tricia.

Fast forward to now and Darla now has another wheelie dog sibling. Tricia and her family adopted another special needs dog named Doolittle. Wow, talk about big hearts!

Tricia, Darla, and Doolittle want to give back and help other disabled dogs who need wheelchairs. Isn’t that great? And what’s so special is that they want to help with a donation to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund. I’m so very honored.

So you may be wondering, how can you help?  Well if you love to paint your fingernails and toes, too, you will love this.

It’s a Jamberry Nail Party and Tricia is donating 100% of her commission for the month of January to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund!

To shop for fun nail products click on this link:  Jamberry Nail Party for The Frankie Wheelchair Fund.

To follow along on Facebook click on this link: Fundraiser for The Frankie Wheelchair Fund (you can ask Tricia questions here, as well as learn more about the products).

I would also like to say a very special thank you to those that have also been sending donations directly to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund. I am thrilled for donations that came through yesterday. It means so much and it fills my heart up with such love for the many kind and generous friends out there.