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Me and My Shadow. My Aha! Moment.
I had an aha! moment as I was uploading this photo to edit it. I took it over the weekend while sitting on the deck. I love how you can see my shadow with Gidget looking on.
Gidget loves being with me, but she is also the first dachshund I’ve had that seems more independent. She is content to hang out beside me on the deck and doesn’t need to be in my lap all the time. Frankie and Joie, the moment I sat down in my Adirondack chair, would be at my feet pleading with their dark enticing eyes, “Please pick me up and hold me.”
As I thought about this looking at the picture, it struck me once again how we get the dog we need at different times in our life. I’ve become more independent, content to be on my own, and alone more often. I trust more in who I am and what I need. While I enjoy some social time, I also need lots of time alone.
This is where I am in my life right now. It wasn’t all this way. All those years of being in the “spotlight” with Frankie were times I wouldn’t trade for the world. But I have to say this “inner” work I’ve been doing more of lately, fits me too. Sure, sometimes I’m restless with it, but for the most part, I feel like this is the place I’m supposed to be right now in this space and time.
Gidget is that reflection for me. What a beautiful reminder this photo (and Gidget) is.
Gardening Meditation. Come Meet My Little Garden Fairy.
What is it about this little Miss Gidget? Just when I think she is a Buddha dog, she turns into this darling little fairy who had to help me in the garden this weekend.
She has these mystical, magical qualities about her that I find so endearing. Wherever I am, she is content to sit nearby and soak in the scenery around her. While yes, I had her tied to the tiny shrub tree nearby, she didn’t seem to mind. She sat, good as could be in her spot watching birds land in the trees around her.
I swear a few times she was actually talking with the birds. It was just a feeling I had because she would sit so still, looking up at a bird sitting in the branch above her.
I’m surprised I even got my gardening done, because I was glancing her way so often. But it was so meditative, just being with her and Kylie (I posted a pic of the two of them “helping” me on Facebook).
By the end of the weekend, with so much activity outside, the little Fairy could hardly keep her eyes open, though she tried with all her might last night while John and I relaxed in the living room.
But pretty soon she could no longer fight it and off to sleep she went with the most content look on her face. A look that made this dog mom’s heart full up with love to know her little one is happy.