
Why the Standards of Care for Animals with Spinal Cord Injuries in Are Changing

Why the Standards of Care for Animals with Spinal Cord Injuries in Are Changing
Gidget in a cart from Eddieswheels.com

Earlier on my blog today I shared that Gidget isn’t able to use her hind legs, though after a visit to the vet, we aren’t exactly sure why. She’s not new to IVDD having been “down” before and rehabilitated by the rescue I adopted her from. And since I’ve gotten her she’s never fully walked “normally” but with a wobbly walk. But she is pretty much completely down in the hind quarters once again.

After I shared the post to Facebook about this, I received a note from Kim who runs Hotdog Hill Sanctuary in Virginia where she cares for disabled dachshunds, many with IVDD.

She shared a recent article she came across about the culture shift in veterinarian medicine regarding treatment of animal spinal cord injuries and disc disease.  I felt it worthy passing along the article. Just click on the link here:

Why the Standards of Care for Spinal Cord Injuries Are Changing

While I’m not an expert or a veterinarian, I have had my share of experience with three dachshunds with IVDD, as many of you know.

This newest information makes sense to me. And as Kim also stated via our discussion on Facebook having much more experience than me, “You know with so many- each different- we have to change up our routine to meet them- some get too stressed by crate/pen rest and it did more harm than good thrashing around, etc- – we know our dogs best and we have to use our experience too.”

With my recent episode with Gidget not walking again I must say also that I realized again how education is key. I was able to deal with this much more calmly as I know my options. I also feel I know Gidget best and what will, and won’t, serve her. I think this is crucial.

I’ve also come to accept that sometimes no matter what one does, the outcome may be the same. Being paralyzed isn’t a terrible thing and I do believe the stigma is becoming less and less. At least I hope so.

From my experience, paralyzed dogs don’t realize they can’t use their hind legs. It’s really no big deal to them. They continue to live life just like they did before. I’ve found often it is much harder for their care taker to handle it. And yes, I can personally speak to the fact that I didn’t want to accept this when my first dachshund went down. Oh! Did I learn a lot and I’m so grateful!

Another factor in sharing this article is that as always, I want to give hope to others who may face this with their pet. There are options! It just takes a little research, talking with your vet, determining your pet’s specific needs, patience, and most of all love.

I know so often people who are facing a pet with paralysis have carried a huge amount of guilt that they couldn’t afford surgery. But clearly, there are many ways in which you can help your pet. There is hope!

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Happy Spring. The Flower that Blooms in Adversity is…


The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all. -Mulan

While looking for a quote about spring I came across this quote. And I couldn’t help but think about my dogs Frankie and Joie who had IVDD, and Gidget too, who has the same disease.

But despite not being able to use their hind legs as in the case of Frankie and Joie who used a wheelchair to get around, they were so beautiful to me.

And Gidget too – just like Frankie and Joie – I don’t see her disease – I see all her loveliness, silliness, and sweetness. The most beautiful flower that I am so glad I picked.

Happy spring everyone!

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Gidget Update: Living in the Moment

Gidget Update: Living in the Moment
Gidget Update: Living in the Moment

Today Gidget and I celebrate ninety days without her having a seizure. She is also just about back to walking on her own as she was before.

The potassium bromide rendered her back legs unable to work for a few weeks when I started her on it. But with the help of what was Frankie, and then Joie’s wheelchair, which became Gidget’s wheels, was good therapy to keep her muscles strong as the meds evened out in her system.

She still has her little trip up moments with her back legs criss-crossing or her little endearing wobbly walk – but that is how she was when I adopted her – so she is back to what we consider “normal” for her.

I understand that seizures can return at anytime, but it’s not what I try not to focus on. Instead I’m choosing to focus on all the good days she has had. And that she is back to her silly, playful, independent, endearing little self.

I soak it all in and tell her every chance I get how much I love her. There are no guarantees, this I know. But there are no guarantees no matter what and it’s just another lesson that living in the moment is all we have.

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