
It’s Here! My First Ever Online Course: Connect with Your True Essence through SoulCollage®

It's Here! My First Ever Online Course: Connect with Your True Essence through SoulCollage®
This is an Introduction to SoulCollage® and how you can creatively connect with your true essence

I’m elated to be offering my first ever online video course! I saw myself in this place a few years ago, having this knowing that I’d be offering workshops for women… and this is the year it is all coming to fruition!  Don’t you just love it when dreams come true?

The more I’ve grown into the woman I am today, and the more I like about who I am, the more passionate I’ve become in guiding other women to do the same. We all deserve to pause often, listen deeply and capture what matters most.

So my very first online workshop is to introduce you to the principals of SoulCollage®, how cards are made, how you can work with your cards on a daily basis, and how by incorporating this as a creative practice can help you access your own inner wisdom for daily guidance and tap into your true essence.

As you move through this video series, and your exploration of SoulCollage®  I hope it will unearth many of the gifts as it has to me such as:

    • It’s a way to gently open to your wise, knowing self
    • It’s a way of practicing mindfulness
    • It’s a way of being creative, without having to have artistic talent
    • It’s a way of expressing yourself through images
    • It’s a way of opening to your inner voice
    • It’s a way of acknowledging those whispers in your soul
    • It’s a way of accepting all the many different facets of yourself, then seeing yourself as a whole, which opens you to that true, beautiful, light and essence of who you are

More details and registration here!

I look forward to connecting with you in this circle of wise, creative, inspiring women!  See you soon.

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

Intuitive Guiding Messages

Intuitive Guiding Images
My 2017 SoulCollage card

Last year I was introduced to using twelve images, picked at random, from twelve different magazines to intuitively help create my New Year.

Initially, I was intimidated. While I enjoyed going through the meditation process for each month that led me to choosing twelve different images, when it came time to get all those images onto one 5 x 8 card fear set in. I thought there was no way I’d be able to do it.

In the “normal” process of doing SoulCollage(r) we work with an average of 2-5 images per card. I say “normal” as there is no right or wrong way to do this process, just helpful hints and suggestions. But twelve images on a card? That really did seem impossible.

But I’m happy to report I did it!!…and was quite pleased and ecstatic that I did.

Well, then I was hooked, and repeated the process again this year, which I then also facilitated a workshop at my Joyful Pause studio this past Saturday on this very process which I learned from SoulCollage(r) facilitator, Andrea Thuler who lives in Switzerland.

Above is my card I put together for 2017, which I did a few days before I taught it to seven other wise and wonderful ladies. I have to be honest and humble here…I am in love with my card!  I look at it and I can hear and see my soul with clarity, which is such a beautiful thing.

It speaks to me of my uniqueness in who I am, how I want to continue to dance more fully into who I am, how I find strength and courage from my rituals of meditation, yoga, and listening to my inner voice, how I feel the light inside me burning bright again, how my inner compass is my true guidance, and how I want to live more and more from that wild and wise person that I know I am.

But what lit me up even more was watching the participants in my workshop, half of which were new to SoulCollage(r) as they went through this process…and the revelations that it presented for them.

To watch as many began the process of letting go of what no longer serves them and finding the strength to step into who they really want to be….well, let’s just say, it was magical, priceless, and left my heart with a very good feeling, which still vibrates within me today.

I’ve walked the journey of letting go, and continue to… as like everyone else, I am a work in progress….which is perfectly OKAY…we are unfinished women, with so much more to give, finding our way to shine in this world.

One woman said of the experience, “My soul gained a little serenity today.” I wanted to weep with joy from that statement as this is the calling I’ve felt drawn to for quite some time now…

to help and encourage others to open to their own souls whispers and wisdom.

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

My Twirling Altar

Last week I wrote about two different rituals I did to welcome in the New Year. One was to pick an animal wisdom tarot card and angel card, and the other was choosing three of my SoulCollage cards to represent past, present, and future. I also journaled with each of them.

I wanted to keep them in a prominent place in my writing cottage to remind me of the experience and what I discovered during my journaling as a guide to move me into the New Year. I had planned to just print them up on one sheet of paper and post on my wall.

But then I came up with the idea to make them into a mobile! I love how they twirl – like an altar in motion – a reminder to keep moving in the direction of my hopes and dreams – knowing I have my cards and my own inner wise self as my guide.

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.