
Journey of the Heart.

2014-02-12 10.10.24For the past five weeks I’ve been taking part in a class called, “Unwrapping the True Self.” We have one more week to go. Another six weeks will start up again in April.

Yesterday when we got to class one of the ladies of the group had arrived early. Laying across the counter were different pretty little journals she had made. We each got to choose one. What a lovely gesture, I thought!

My eye immediately was drawn to this journal of splashes of orange, pinks, yellows, and a bit of lavender.  I found that interesting as my eye usually goes straight for more blues and purples of which there were some journals in those colors as well.

I wanted to second guess myself. But remembering my promise to myself a few weeks earlier, to follow more of my impulses,  I chose the one my eye was first drawn to. At the time I also couldn’t see the writing on the cover of the journal because the ribbon was partially covering it.

After choosing my journal, I sat down, this sweet little treasure in my hands, and untied the tawny, tulle ribbon to reveal what it said: Journey of the Heart.

I smiled. It was perfect.

Our class has been a reminder to me of what is important to me. How I want to live from my true self. Even though I began this journey of authenticity and following my heart over ten years ago, I appreciate and need the little signs that are presented to me to keep going on this path of self discovery.

To go back to not being me is not a place I ever want to be again. Though it has gotten easier over the years to stand stronger in who I am, I am a work in progress—I always will be.

For awhile I thought that once I “arrived” the work would be done. But I remind myself that I am not perfect, but that my heart is my guide.  Being open to what speaks to my heart is the way in which I want to continue this journey.

This adorable little journal will now sit on my desktop as a sweet reminder of how far I’ve come, and how living from the inside out, is a beautiful way in which to be.