
My Joyful Pause Moments: Weekly Recap

What an absolutely beautiful Labor Day weekend. I hope wherever you are, you are enjoying your extended weekend. I LOVE this time of year and am excited to be heading into the fall season.

20140825_145734 12Though in a way it was hard to take off my old decals which had my Frankie on either side, I do love my new larger decals.

20140826_092615 eWhat a joyful and sweet surprise when I ran to the local laundromat to wash my king size comforter to meet this little cutie there.  Her name is Lola.  Her mom owns the laundromat… and yes, Lola runs it.

20140826_092741 eLola waiting for her mom to return after she stepped out to run a quick errand.

20140827_121836 sSeeing all my books in the display window at Seranya Art Boutique promoting awareness for our local humane society.

IMG_2108 sI love sitting in my chair on the deck and seeing the reflection of my writing cottage in my patio doors.

20140828_132324 sMiss G and I enjoyed lunch out together at one of our favorite places.

20140831_134603 16Lunch date with my Johnnie.

My Joyful Pause Moments. Weekly Recap.

Sorry for the delay in getting this to you as I normally do on Sunday’s. But alas, here it is. As always, I hope it inspires and encourages you to look for those little moments in life that bring you joy – breathe them in and let them light you from the inside out.

10379022_10203099520462125_3067699814573115229_nI enjoyed working on painting this bird house as part of our local Chamber of Commerce initiative that will help raise money for the Chamber with 25 bird houses being painted by local business members. They will be auctioned off at our annual Downtown Night in August. For the month of July they will be displayed around downtown.

10502336_10203108111036884_6933446716161511135_nMy first rose bloom on the bush that my dear friend, Cassy gave to me last summer.

20140625_162218 12Dabbling in some art from the heart. Working on something for you, but it’s a secret. I hope to reveal soon!

20140624_155503 12One of the sweet ladies in our True Self class brought a variety of beautiful butterfly planter pics. We each got to pick one to bring home.

marie and me 12Had tea with my artist friend, Marie who I met two years ago, and getting to know her better. I love being in her company! She was mysterious to me for many years until I met her in a workshop. I wrote about her in a recent blog post here.

g in comforter 12While cleaning my house on Friday with a negative attitude about it, Gidget had burrowed unbeknownst to me into the comforter I had on the floor, ready for taking to the laundromat. When I discovered her inside, it made me smile and changed my whole attitude around to joyful…. even when cleaning.

marie studiio 12My artist friend, Maria’s art studio.

My Joyful Pause Moments: Weekly Recap

One of the reasons I came up with my daily “joyful pause moment” is so that I will hopefully encourage you to look for your own joyful moment in each day. We can get so caught up in our busy lives and tend to have blinders on to all the beauty around us. Often times it only takes a moment to notice something that makes us smile and brings us joy. Mine are easily triggered by my dogs, animals and nature.

With that said, I must say I got caught up in my busy life this week and forgot to look for some of those moments. And you know what? I feel a difference in myself. Though for the most part I’m a pretty happy person, I realize how much happier I am when I take that moment to take in something that makes me smile. So I shall work on doing better this week!

But here is my recap for this week:

windchime 1200These windchimes have hung on a hook off my deck railing for a few years now. But all of a sudden I had a whim that I should hang them from the tree next to my writing cottage. So I followed the impulse and took great joy in placing them hanging from a branch, standing back, and admiring them.

myspaceMySpace.calm sign has hung above my writing cottage window ever since my husband built this 10 x 12 room for me about seven years ago. While doing yoga and in pigeon pose the other morning, it really called out to me. I sat in my pose for a few moments longer and felt this overwhelming gratefulness for this space of my own and the love and support of my husband who understands me (he dubbed my cottage, MySpace.calm).

10325732_10203068284321241_2715664139533545665_nI love this quote. It was the perfect quote to read on the day our “True Self” class started up again and will run for the next seven weeks.

10344361_10203080415824521_1038293599471040872_oOne of my favorite places for lunch in our small town – Off the Rail. Also a perfect place to meet for a cup of tea, which I did with a friend this week. I admit I didn’t take this photo, though I love it. The steam engine came through as a special event a few years ago. While this is a rare sight, we now have working trains coming through again when for years we didn’t. I LOVE to hear the whistle of the train when it does. Such nostalgia!

g and me having a cup of tea 12Me and G having a cup of tea. Well, okay, G does not drink tea, but I do! Also this was my attempt to sit in stillness for five minutes each day as is our “assignment” for the week from our True Self class. You know what I realized? One cannot sit still with a wiggly dachshund in their lap!