I’ve had a vision inside my heart for quite some time now—a vision of how I was going to evolve and expand from the many wonderful teachings I’ve received from the dog’s in my life: Cassie Jo, Frankie, Joie, Kylie and Gidget.
Each one instrumental in bringing me to this space I stand in today – standing tall in the woman I now am – proud of who I am, what I’ve accomplished and excited about where I am heading.
First let me say that Joyful Paws will always be a big piece of who I am and I have no intentions of leaving behind the sharing of what I continue to learn from my dogs. But here are the ways in which I want to expand and explore:
- Sharing the wisdom of all animals.
- Sharing the beauty of nature and how it helps to ground and center us.
- Encouraging others to find their authentic voices by opening to their intuition.
- Encouraging others to find what is meaningful and what will bring more joy to their everyday lives.
- And lastly, I leave some white space….as a way to honor new exploration and bring what I learn here to my blog in hopes of more inspiration and encouragement for others.
While I believe my blog/website has been doing just that, writing about the many different topics I’ve written about the last few years, the look to my website, especially my banner, didn’t really reflect that. While I love sharing photos of my dear, sweet dogs (as my old banner reflected), it’s because of everything I’ve learned from them, that I’m now much more confident and comfortable in my own skin (woo hoo!).
As many of you know, my Zen writing cottage is an extension of who I am also (as seen in my new banner!) – my sacred space that wraps its loving walls around me each morning when I enter through the old fashioned screen door. I knew I had to have that part of my banner as it is the place I continue to test my wings when they want to expand and try new things.
It’s the place I come to, to pause often, listen deeply, and capture what matters most to me… and what is my greatest wish in helping others to do the same.
I still have some “behind the scenes” tweaking to my website, but it was the banner I wanted to share with you today. I hope you will like it as much as I do! A very special thank you to my web gal, Caryn Newton of Lantern Glow Design for helping me put this together.
And one last thing, I’m also excited about is that my website is now mobile friendly and you can read my posts very easy from your phone. Me thinks I’m finally “with it!”
And now to celebrate with a giveaway, because I love to give gifts!
Win a copy of my new book (plus a customized journal)! If you’ve already purchased a copy(and thank you if you have!) you can still enter and give it as a gift or donate to your local library. That would be cool! Just leave a comment in the comment section below and your name will be entered for a chance to win. (open to US residents only). Entries must be submitted by Thursday, Oct. 27th at midnight cst. I’ll notify winner on Friday, Oct. 28th.

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.