joyful paws

A Deal Breaker or Another Lesson in Trust?

In 2006 when Frankie was diagnosed with IVDD the following months caring for her and adjusting to a new way of life around a paralyzed dog was stressful. It was a test on many levels not only for myself, but for my relationship with John.  I didn’t want to have to care for a paralyzed dog, but here it was in front of me and I had a choice. I could whine about it and feel sorry for myself, or I could look for the blessings of the situation. Well, as many of you know who have followed my journey with Frankie, the blessings were plentiful and they were some of the best years of my life.

As Frankie aged, I couldn’t imagine not having another little special needs dachshund in my life again after she was gone. I knew it would be what I wanted. But John was not always on board with that idea. At times I would become quite fearful wondering what if he was really adamant about it and I couldn’t bring another IVDD doxie into our lives?  I would worry and think, could it be a deal breaker?  I don’t think I could have thrown away my marriage as I feel so fortunate to have one of what I consider the best ones.  But yet, I knew caring for an IVDD dog is what makes my soul feel complete.  And I would have never known that had Frankie not been diagnosed with IVDD!

So over the course of the past  two years I gently would share with John now and then that I would have to have another special needs doxie to care for when Frankie was gone. It was not always an easy thing to bring up, because I knew he was hesitating.

After Frankie passed and I grieved the loss of her I thought about a lot of things. I swear thinking was all I did! But what I realized for myself was at the core of all I did with Frankie, the school visits, the therapy dog visits, the books, etc. what I truly loved most was caring for her.  It was the day to day of making sure her life was a good one despite her IVDD.  This is what brought me my purest bliss.  Not having Frankie here left a big hole and void in what made me feel complete.

I’m glad I gave myself the summer to grieve Frankie, though at times I just wanted the pain to end. But it reaffirmed for me that having another IVDD dachshund was truly what I wanted. There just was no question in my mind, or even more, what was in my heart. Though I still worried that John wouldn’t understand how vital this was for me.  Could I have adjusted if he was not on board?  Sure, but I believe I would have not felt complete.

So when I saw Joie on Facebook, it was her eyes that drew me right in. I felt Frankie strongly in my heart saying, “Mama this is the one.”  I just knew. But fear rose up in my heart again and I worried that John would say no when I showed him her picture.  He didn’t say anything when I showed him Joie’s photo, so I just let him absorb it.  It is something I’ve learned to respect that he needs his own processing time, which I remember the minister telling us before we got married during our counseling sessions. So I knew I needed to let him come to his own place with all of this. It was not easy, believe me, because I was bursting with JOY. But it was also important to me to have his acceptance.

I had to trust that if this was meant to be it would all unfold in its own time. Again, not an easy thing to do. But looking back now just a few short weeks later, it feels like this is what it was meant to be all along. And guess who is head over heels in love with our new little bundle?  Well, I will let you come to your own conclusion. <GRIN>  And while my worries about a deal breaker may have been for naught, I feel like it was just another lesson in learning to trust.

Joie has brought a new joy and love into our lives and she loves to play with Kylie which really warms my heart to see. She was not a deal breaker, but instead another lesson in what matters most.  And guess who loves to snuggle with her when I am gone?  Again, I’ll let you figure that out on your own, but I have a feeling you know who that special someone is.  I am one lucky lady!!

Special Announcement: Join Me in Welcoming Our New “Walk ‘N Roll Dog” to Our Family!


It is with the greatest joy in my heart that I share with all of you the new addition to our family, Joie.  I’ve known this for about two weeks, but many things had to fall into place before I could spill the beans!  And believe me, it was not easy for me to hold this all in!

So first of all, her name, which she didn’t come with, but for me her new name has very special meaning.  I thought of the name this summer and knew it was the one.  Little did I know at the time the meaning of it.  Joie is pronounced just like Joey.  After sharing with a friend this is the name I came up with for the next little love in my life she said, “Did you know that in French the meaning of that spelling is joy?”

I couldn’t believe how perfect.  Well, then I came to realize in French the whole saying is:  Joie De Vivre which means Joy of Living.  This gives me chills.  My life is complete and filled with utter joy when I have animals to love.  It is meant to be.

So the story of how Joie came into our life–  Well, it really is quite funny how you put your specifications out there into the Universe, as I did. But I reminded myself I had to be open also to the plan that has been in play for some time I am sure.  Two of my specifications were that I wanted another red dachshund and I couldn’t find her until AFTER vacation, which meant after October 10th.  I wanted another girl, one with IVDD, and between the ages of 4-6.  So yes, Joie does have IVDD and she is four years old.  Not bad Universe, not bad.  And no, you are not color blind, she happens to be black and tan.

One day as I perused Facebook I saw her and my heart skipped a beat.  Could she be the one, I wondered?  There she was as a courtesy listing on Oregon Dachshund Rescue’s page.  The owner needed to find her a new home as she couldn’t care for her any longer.  Not knowing the full circumstances, I emailed her and tried to guide her to Dodgerslist for some support.  As it would turn out, she was bombarded with emails about Joie, but for whatever reasons she was not yet spoken for and she didn’t remember seeing my email.  I found this out when I decided on a “whim” to call her after she sent me a message about Joie on my website contact page.

As it turns out Joie was diagnosed with IVDD in May.  Surgery was not an option due to cost, but cage rest was given to her in hopes she’d fully recover.  But to date, she still has no use of her back legs.  Though her tail does wag now and then from what I have seen.  A wheelchair is likely going to help her live a full, happy life.  Gosh, and I just happened to have one not in use.

As I talked with the owner, I knew she wanted to find Joie a new home and I felt ready, though hesitant only because the timing was all wrong… or so I thought.  I said, “I think I’d like Joie, but the glitch is we are leaving for vacation in five days.  If you can wait until we return I think I’d like to adopt her.”

Well, one thing led to another and with the help of Jenell and Linda of Oregon Dachshund Rescue (ODR) the idea of Joie becoming a part of our family started to become a reality.  Linda was truly an angel with making things all work out and I can never thank her enough.  Joie was not yet spayed, so the timing was actually perfect.  She would be spayed while I was on vacation, which she was, and then be good enough to fly once her stitches were out and I was back from vacation.

Oh, guess I didn’t mention that Joie came from Vancouver, WA.  Yesterday, mid-morning she boarded a plane with ODR volunteer, Linda who made the trip with her to make my dream come true.  Truly remarkable, the heart of Linda for spending her whole day to ensure that Joie would make her way to me her in WI.

Needless to say the minute I saw Linda carrying the yellow Southwest pet carrier and walking toward me the emotions flooded me– oh, so many emotions!  I hugged her tight and couldn’t thank her enough.  Then the big reveal as she slowly unzipped the carrier and I got to see Joie for the first time!  I can’t say it love at first sight, as I had already fallen in love with her two weeks before!  But now, here she was, finally mine.  And I couldn’t believe how adorable and tiny she was in person… or I guess I mean, dog.

I felt utterly and absolutely complete as I held Joie in my arms on the hour drive home from the airport late yesterday afternoon.  She is such a sweetheart.  I don’t know what the future holds for us as far as our journey, but I will say this, I will do my best to love her and give her the best life possible.  Will she be a therapy dog?  I don’t know.  It will be up to her.  Right now we have some work do in regards to getting her up and running in her wheels.  First, her little tummy needs to heal as she has an infection from the surgery incision.  I think she may also require some physical therapy to help her legs gain some muscle tone.  Frankie’s wheelchair will also need to be adjusted as Joie is shorter in length as well as in weight than Frankie was.  She is 11.5 pounds.  Will find this all out when I take her to my vet on Tuesday.

A new chapter begins. My heart is full of much joy and I really feel that Frankie had a “paw” in guiding me to Joie.  After I made the decision to adopt Joie, Frankie came to me in two separate dreams and I felt like she was giving me her blessing.  Also the photo above of Joie, the owner sent me when I asked for more photos and when I saw this one I said out loud, “Frankie, is she the one for me?” I can’t explain it, but I just knew as I began to cry.

Lastly, I want to say a huge and warm thank you to Joie’s mom before me.  This was not easy for her to make this decision, as I can only imagine.  But she knew this was the right thing to do in helping Joie live a good life. I am so so so grateful for her courage.  And again a big thank you to ODR owner Jenell for working your magic with some kinks we had to get through, and for Linda for all she did to make this happen.  All of you are very special angel’s in my eyes.

I will, of course, share more as we move through the next few weeks with Joie transitioning into her new life.  In tomorrow’s post I’ll share photos of our meeting for the first time at the airport, so stay tuned.  As for today, I will sit many moments to admire the new little love of my life and hug and kiss her, of which I’ve only done at least one hundred times already.  Right now she is curled up in a little basket I have for her, wrapped in her pink leopard blanket that came with her.  She seems content and happy…. as am I.  As am I.

PS:  I’d like to also thank my dear, sweet hubby for being the best husband ever in sharing in the joy of our new little one and for being so helpful as and kind in being the best chauffeur yesterday… and well, just for everything!!!

Each Day is Another Step Towards the Next Step on Our Journey

A pontoon boat ride around Elkhart Lake last night was a perfect way to reflect and look forward to the continued journey

I realize that each day is really another day in which we take towards another step in our evolution to what we have come here to accomplish.  But it was quite evident to me  today as I completed another chapter in the editing phase of Through Frankie’s Eyes  after receiving the edits back this week from copy editor, Dana.

I had not read through my manuscript since Frankie passed in June. With the manuscript before me it was time to move through the pages and accept and take note of Dana’s suggested changes. I didn’t realize as I began that this would be another step in my healing. What I’ll call the second half of my manuscript, which is about  my journey with Frankie,  I found myself often blowing my nose and wiping away the tears as I went through the edits on those particular pages.

I’ve had many wonderful memories of Frankie flood my mind the last six weeks, but how fascinating I found it to read what I had written with it all laid out just as the years had occurred. I cried, I smiled, I laughed, and I wished I could hold Frankie and do this all over again… but most of all I feel so lucky to have been the “chosen one.”  The one chosen to walk the path I did with Frankie, and to learn all that I did during our time together.

And though I’d give anything to have Frankie in my arms again, I have found a deep peace and understanding that she somehow knew when the time was right to move on. Though I believe strongly we will always be connected, I am beginning to feel ready to love another little one again.  I’m turning the corner.. and I know Frankie is behind this decision 100%.

My promise made to John is that I will wait until October 10th, after vacation, to begin my search. So I’ve put my specifications and intentions out into the Universe knowing that all will line up as it is meant to be.  And yes, I’ve asked for another little wheelie dog to come into my life.  A girl.  Short red hair and between the ages of 4-6 (give or take) with a gentle, sweet and loving personality.

I’m ready to take the next step in my journey and having my book to work on helps me… though I’m not exactly sure what other steps I will take.  A few weeks ago a friend asked what my future plans are and I said I wasn’t quite sure.  She said, “Oh, you are marinating.” I like that!  So yes, I am marinating and shall continue to trust that when the marinating process is done I’ll know without question where I am to go from here.