joyful paws

Vintage Flowers from a 90-Year Old Woman. Unexpected Surprises.

Yesterday I stopped at a garage sale on my way to our local Farmer’s Market.  I found a lovely little treasure of a bag of vintage flowers for $4.  I realized then as I looked around that much of the items for sale seemed from an era gone by.

The two ladies running the garage sale told me they just moved their 90-year old mother to an apartment.  Mom was not happy about downsizing as she has always loved to collect things.

When I got home I carefully sorted through the darling little flowers and realized an unexpected surprise.  For weeks I had been wanting to add a small bunch of flowers to the front of my basket on my bike, but nothing was the “right” thing when I searched the craft store and my stock of flowers.  I realized as I was sorting the flowers that these little vintage flowers matched perfectly with the fabric liner of my basket.  I grabbed them and rushed outside, and sure enough… absolutely perfect.

I thought about the dear old woman, sad to part with things that made her so happy.  I only wish she could know how these little flowers made my day and how tickled I was to now have them on my basket… …. and no doubt I’ll always smile when looking at them and think of this dear lady.

It Seems that Mr. Green Jeans Has a Friend

This past Saturday I posted a photo of this lovely green tree frog who hangs out regularly behind the cushion on my Adirondack chair.  Before I sit down I always have to do a frog check.  Well, imagine my surprise when I did a frog check today and found Mr. Green Jeans has a friend.  They were snuggled side by side until I got the camera out, and being that maybe they were not all that “appropriate” they moved apart so I could get this shot.  Dare I say this is Mrs. Green Jeans?  Now I’m curious to see if there will be baby green jeans on the way.  Stay tuned…

Today I am working on my first ever talk about Frankie and her therapy dog work. I was asked last February to do this talk that will take place next week.  When Frankie was diagnosed with chronic heart disease I called and cancelled the talk because I didn’t want to put any undo stress on her.  A few weeks after she passed I got the nicest email from the person who booked me, asking if I’d reconsider and still do the talk.  I’m glad she did. I said yes, and am looking forward to sharing some of my favorite stories of Frankie’s amazing and heartwarming work with a room full of ladies next week.

My heart is filled with so much joy lately at how good it feels to continue the work Frankie and I began. Things continue to come my way to help me do this such as the therapy dog talk. I’ll also be interviewed in mid-September by a highly visible animal communicator who is doing a 10-part series on differently-abled pets, which I’m super excited about.  I’ll share the video once it is available.

Life is about constant growing and discovery… and following your heart… just like Mr. Green Jeans is doing with his new friend, Mrs. Green Jeans.  So hop to it my dear readers and keep growing on your journey!


Techonlogy Frustrations. Remembering What Matters Most.

I love technology when it works.  But when it does not it can be a real headache. I recently bought a  new computer and for whatever reason the separate keyboard I have won’t work with the new computer.  I tried four different keyboards with many back and forth trips to Wal-mart.  Then after three trips to Best Buy with an exchange of the first computer and second computer doing the same thing, I finally have a new computer (new model) on order to hopefully take care of this challenge I have had. Even the Geek Squad was stumped at this dilemma.

I was frustrated, but not like I used to get.  I decided when this all started to really become an issue that I had a choice.  I could be really, really upset and moan and groan, or I could simply walk through the steps it was going to take to get this resolved.  I thought about all the times my little girl Frankie has taught me patience.  It was time I had to put it into practice once again.  It certainly didn’t make the issue go away, but I felt better not getting all worked up about it.

I also remembered this past Sunday and time out on the deck with my dear Johnnie and sweet Kylie.  We roasted weenie’s in the chiminea and had a wonderful, relaxing time.  This is what matters most.  The computer issue will get resolved one way or another. And focusing on what brings me joy helps when times like this are not how I define joy.