living your truth

My Obsession with Tasha Tudor. A Lesson In Living Your Truth.

My obsession with Tasha Tudor began only a little over a week ago. I’ve checked out just about every book from the library eager to learn more about her.  I keep wondering how it is I never knew of her before—this woman I am now utterly fascinated with.

She was quite eccentric for her time, but the more I read about her the more I understand it is why she illustrated and wrote such sweet children’s books.  She truly lived her stories in a sense and recreated them in her illustrations. She seemed to somewhat live in a world of fantasy of the life she envisioned she wanted hers to be.

She lived a self-sustaining life and died at the age of 92 in 2008.  The photograph to the right is my favorite photo of her.  She went barefoot often. Well as often as one can when you live in Vermont with the changing seasons.  She had goats which she raised for goat cheese, chickens, fifty or more birds, doves, a cat, and corgi’s– having up to 13 or 14 at one time!  Now change them to dachshunds and that would be right up my alley!

What fascinates me about her is how she lived a lifestyle of the 1830’s even though she lived in the 20th & 21st century.  She was always seen in frocks of which she made herself, her hair tied back with a scarf and if she could help it, no shoes.  She told people that she was the wife of a sea captain from the 1830’s and when she died she planned on going right back to the 1830’s.  I have no doubt she did.

It is a lesson in living your truth and it’s why I know she intrigues me.  She loved being surrounded by her stunning garden, her animals, her art, and nature… and she did just that.  No matter what.  She simply lived the life that made her feel best, though it was not always easy.

I’m so glad to have discovered her.  She is a mentor I’ll never meet, but someone who will continue to inspire me.  And I can’t wait to visit the museum dedicated to her, which just opened in 2010.  Its only an hour from where we are staying in Vermont.  I’d just have to say this was all meant to be.’.. and how  I love when things like this happen.

What a Welcome Mat!


I loved this photo when I came across it on Blogpaws website recently.

It made me think back to years ago when I was a fanatic about cleaning. Now, not to say I don’t like a clean house, because I do. But I don’t drive myself crazy about it anymore either. I also gave myself the gift of having a wonderful woman come in to clean my house once a month. This way I only have to do little things in between, which frees me up to do what I really love.

So some may say having a cleaning lady is a luxury. I don’t think so. It’s a choice I make to have enough room in my life to do what matters to me…instead of thinking I have to do it all and then when I can’t, beat myself up.  Geesh! I also think sometimes we spend money in much worse ways- at least I know I have!

Not only do I have a nice clean house after Cindy leaves, but I now have a new friend. She also loves my dogs and they love her. Each month she gives Kylie her monthly butt rub or as we say, “MBR.” Cindy loves to joke around with my husband John, and he razzes her right back. She fits in perfectly once a month at our little cottage in the village.

So if you happen to visit the 3rd week of the month, this welcome mat would be fitting as you will see many dust bunnies afloat and dust on the tables since it will be one more week before Cindy arrives. But there is joy and love within this little cottage of mine and that is what truly matters to me.

Note to Cindy: Thanks for being a wonderful cleaning lady, a good friend, razzing my husband, and loving my dogs. We plan on keeping you.  <WINK> And no! Kylie cannot come live with you!

Living Your Truth


As I mentioned last week, the first draft of my first nonfiction book for adults is now done. Today I began going back in to tweak it for grammar, spelling, more thoughts, etc. Then it will make its way to my editor. I want to take my time with the 2nd revision, but also am excited about the editing process.

As I’ve begun reviewing what I wrote, I find myself having fear come up about being judged. More than 85% of the people in the world want to write a book, but many don’t. I think often times it is fear that holds them back. As I’ve been writing this book the last 11 months I find myself getting stronger in my courage and my truth. My story may not resonate with everyone- that would be silly to even think that it would- but it may help just one person. I remind myself to speak my truth not only for myself, but in hopes it will help that one person.

I also have a reminder on my desk next to my laptop, where I write that reminds me about my truth. Years ago when I decided to pursue writing, I joined a woman’s writing group. One of the exercises we did at one of our gatherings was to write a word (or two) that resonated with us. My Truth came to me right away. I knew it because my heart raced and tears filled my eyes immediately.

I was lead to living my truth after watching my 9-year old lab, Cassie live eight months with terminal bone cancer. The joy I saw in her sweet face each day despite her impending death was a jolt to my own mortality. We never know how long we each have on this earth, right? How often we spend it struggling and living with not much joy. I didn’t want that- I wanted to live my life in my own way, and my own joy.

My stone reminds me of that when I lose my way… or today, just as I finished working on my manuscript for the day, Frankie perked her head up and looked directly into my eyes. I think it was her way of saying, “Keep on going, Mom. You can do it.”

Others stones in my collection of words are sentimental, just be, happy, joy, and reflect. I also have the date 11-08 on a stone. That was the day I held my first published children’s book in my hands. I especially like the word sentimental too. For so many years I thought I was werid for getting so mushy over things others didn’t. But being sentimental, I’ve come to realize, is a gift. I wouldn’t want to be any other way.

Living in a world full of maddening view points can be scary when one is trying to live their own truth. But I’ve come to believe more and more each day that if more of us did just that what a profound and positive affect it would have on the world.

What is your word that resonates with you?