making a difference

Encouraging Highschool Seniors to be Positive & Make A Difference

This past week I had the opportunity for a first time talk to seniors who are currently finishing up their GED.  For various reasons they were not able to complete highschool on time, but I applaud them for coming back to finish.

Part of their work is to do community service, so Sue, the assistant brought Frankie and me in so I could share my story and the rewards of giving back.

The kids were great and asked some amazing questions.  One young lady asked me if there was another surgery for Frankie that could help her walk again, would I do it?  I didn’t know quite what to say at first as I’ve never been asked that question.

My answer?  I said I’d have to know more about what the surgery all entailed and if I could financially afford to do it.  But bottom line for me is that I know Frankie is happy and has a quality life even if we could not pursue that option.  But, wow, what a thinker she gave me.  Even though a difficult question, I appreciated the question.  Questions and pausing to think continues to help us each grow and evolve.

Thank you to all the students, teacher Mr. Nigor and asssistant Sue Kinney for the opportunity to share our story with all of you.

If you are interested in having Frankie and I visit your school, library or organization, please see our website.  Though it is geared towards elementary students, I am open to middle school and highschool students…. the message of being positive despite challenges and making a difference despite obstacles is a universal one.