Hanging my fall wreath on my writing cottage door this past weekend, I smiled at how the Wild Woman card I purposely enlarged this summer, was now so beautifully embraced within the wreath.
This time of year is one in which I enjoy going within more often and the comfort and cozy feeling I get as the days grow darker, the winds begin to blow and the leaves gently begin their cascade down to the earth….and this, this is part of being a Wild Woman who follows the instinct not only when I need to retreat, but to also emerge again when it is time.
It also spoke to me again of the importance of embracing our Wild Woman – whatever that looks like, and is, for you.
Wild Woman continues to speak to me and while she can be deep and introspective, she is funny, sings a lot in the kitchen lately, and speaks up more these days. I’m really digging her!
This morning I posted this photo on Facebook of Gidget waiting patiently at John’s feet just waiting for a morsel to drop as he made his lunch for work.
A friend commented , “A husband who makes his own lunch. Wow! Lucky girl!”
How interesting, I thought, as it led me down a path of more thoughts.
At first I chuckled at the statement, then felt happy that yes, he does make his lunch, and then thought, why shouldn’t he make his own lunch?
Now this isn’t to say if someone enjoys making their spouses lunch, by all means, that is great!
But it triggered something within me. It was that part of me who used to think I had to do these things – that it was my responsibility. And if I didn’t, I was somehow a bad wife.
And oh how long it’s taken me to stand in my own power and not feel guilty when I’d hear a statement like this. Am I lucky? Perhaps. But then I think about my relationship with John and how it has grown deeper because of not only my willingness to step more fully into who I really am over the years and express my needs, but also John’s openness in listening and understanding.
Not that we always agree. But it takes a gentle and strong man to honor the Wild Woman that walks beside him, just as the Wild Woman honors the man who walks beside her. Is it always easy? Nope.
But I come back again to a word that continues to be part of so much of my life now and that is awareness – awareness in tapping into what feels right for each of us, and not what may have been conditioned into us.
And so this Wild Woman continues to walk in awareness of what feels right for her soul, while deeply appreciating and hugging as often she can, the man who embraces all of who she is. So yup, then I say, I am indeed lucky! And so is John. 🙂