meaningful life

On Being a Mush Bucket and Why Mine is Overflowing.

Me-And-Simon-Come-Out-With-A-Kiss-944x629One of my favorite photos of Jon and his donkey, Simon

Hello. My name is Barbara Techel and I am a mush bucket.

Years ago when I heard a friend of mine describe herself in this way, I knew this was me too.

What is a mush bucket you ask?

Someone who gets teary-eyed whether they are happy or sad. It comes at times most unexpectedly or in situations you wish perhaps it didn’t. Like a mid-life hot flash, it just shows up. No call. No warning. There you are in the middle of it with nowhere to hide.

We find it difficult to hide our emotions. We wear them most clearly on our sleeve, and there is quite a bit that can move us to tears.

This week my mush bucket has been overflowing.

My all time favorite author, Jon Katz, underwent bypass surgery yesterday. When the news hit last week that he would be having this surgery, I was quite emotional. Today, learning that he made it through with flying colors, had the tears welling up in my eyes again.

So some may consider this silly. All emotional over a man I’ve never really hung out with. I’ve been to a few of his book signings, enjoying his talks, and have read every one of this books.

But it is his words that have taken up residence in my heart that make me look at life often times in a different way and appreciate it in a way I may not have considered.

I’m grateful for his authenticity and honesty of living the life of a writer, alongside his artist wife, Maria. Among the chickens, donkeys, barn cats, sheep and dogs he shares a life of meaning and simplicity.

His blog has become daily food for my soul. Almost without fail I read it Every. Single. Day.

With this scare of Jon perhaps not having made it through the surgery, I thought about how hard it would be to never see a blog post from him again.

Though that had my eyes welling up for a moment, I realized that his words will always be a part of me, and the sad emotion turned to grateful.

I’ve evolved and grown because of many thoughts he has so openly shared. I feel more secure in who I am through the wisdom of his own struggles he has so bravely shared on the page and in his posts.

So, yes, I am a mush bucket. I’m glad that I am. It means my heart takes things in in a big way. It grows each time this happens. I expand to appreciate more, to love more, and to be more compassionate.

To own that with all that it is I stand in the truth of who I am. I am a mush bucket and I am proud.

Anyone else out there a mush bucket too? You are safe to say so right here on my blog. I welcome all mush buckets with open arms… and lots of Kleenex.  🙂

My Joyful Pause Moments: Weekly Recap

One of the reasons I came up with my daily “joyful pause moment” is so that I will hopefully encourage you to look for your own joyful moment in each day. We can get so caught up in our busy lives and tend to have blinders on to all the beauty around us. Often times it only takes a moment to notice something that makes us smile and brings us joy. Mine are easily triggered by my dogs, animals and nature.

With that said, I must say I got caught up in my busy life this week and forgot to look for some of those moments. And you know what? I feel a difference in myself. Though for the most part I’m a pretty happy person, I realize how much happier I am when I take that moment to take in something that makes me smile. So I shall work on doing better this week!

But here is my recap for this week:

windchime 1200These windchimes have hung on a hook off my deck railing for a few years now. But all of a sudden I had a whim that I should hang them from the tree next to my writing cottage. So I followed the impulse and took great joy in placing them hanging from a branch, standing back, and admiring them.

myspaceMySpace.calm sign has hung above my writing cottage window ever since my husband built this 10 x 12 room for me about seven years ago. While doing yoga and in pigeon pose the other morning, it really called out to me. I sat in my pose for a few moments longer and felt this overwhelming gratefulness for this space of my own and the love and support of my husband who understands me (he dubbed my cottage, MySpace.calm).

10325732_10203068284321241_2715664139533545665_nI love this quote. It was the perfect quote to read on the day our “True Self” class started up again and will run for the next seven weeks.

10344361_10203080415824521_1038293599471040872_oOne of my favorite places for lunch in our small town – Off the Rail. Also a perfect place to meet for a cup of tea, which I did with a friend this week. I admit I didn’t take this photo, though I love it. The steam engine came through as a special event a few years ago. While this is a rare sight, we now have working trains coming through again when for years we didn’t. I LOVE to hear the whistle of the train when it does. Such nostalgia!

g and me having a cup of tea 12Me and G having a cup of tea. Well, okay, G does not drink tea, but I do! Also this was my attempt to sit in stillness for five minutes each day as is our “assignment” for the week from our True Self class. You know what I realized? One cannot sit still with a wiggly dachshund in their lap!



Learning About Ourselves Through the Books We Read. How Books Helped Me During My Sabbatical…And Continue to.


One thing I immersed myself in the last two months was reading. I love to read. I rarely watch TV as books are far more interesting to me.

While I read often at night, during my sabbatical I read when I felt called to, or when a book was so good I just had to get back to it.  I also read with the intent of exploring some avenues that are of interest to me. I’m still doing that.  So many books and even with sabbatical, seems so little time to get to them all!

It is intriguing to me as I let my mind clear what was coming up for me. I found myself going back to books I had read years ago. I followed those impulses as I knew I either needed to be reminded of what matters to me, or I needed to glean something new I might have missed before.

I break my books into three separate categories below. Category one is exploration. These are topics of which I am interested in learning more about. Category two are books I felt the need to read again which I call Revisited.  Category three is For Fun.  No explanation needed there!

Thought you might enjoy a peek inside my sabbatical in this way.  Many books I’ve listed  I have read, some I’m currently reading, and some I look forward to reading.  I think books we are attracted to tell us a alot about ourselves, our interests, and what our hearts may be trying to tell us.

Another thing I realized in the books I’m reading and continue to be attracted to are all affirmations of what is meaningful to me.  When I walked away from writing for my blog and newsletter, as well as setting others things aside, I found that through the books I chose to read, and thoughts that flowed through my mind, that this is who I am. I felt so empty walking away largely in part due to grief, which made me question all over again, what is my purpose? But I continue to be fascinated by exactly the things I’ve always been:  Animals, writing, finding happiness in what brings me joy, and living within what it is that makes my life meaningful for me.


Animal Voices, Telepathic Communication in the Web of Life by Dawn Baumann Brunke

Animal Voices, Animal Guides by Dawn Baumann Brunke

Shapeshifting and our Animal Companions by Dawn Baumann Brunke

Animal Teachings by Dawn Baumann Brunke

Enchantment of the Faerie Realm- Communicate with Nature Spirits and Elementals by Ted Andrews

Awakening Joy- 10 Steps That Will Put You on the Road to Real Happiness by James Baraz and Shoshana Alexander

The Simple Living Guide by Janet Luhrs

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown

Bringing Your Soul to Light by Dr. Linda Backman

I realized when looking through my notes from 2005 when I was going through my life coaching work with coach, Diane that one of my interests I had listed was animal communication. Many of you may recall that I’ve had readings done for Cassie, Kylie, Frankie and Joie.  Also some amazing signs from my animals seem to present themselves to me, which further intrigues me.

I will continue to explore the animal communication world through reading.  I’m also working with Dawn to bring her to my home for an animal communication workshop later this winter or early spring 2014.  The two-day weekend workshop will be limited to 14 people.  If this is of interest to you, please do let me know and I’ll add you to my list of people to contact once we have all the details together.  You can learn more about Dawn here.


A Year by the Sea by Joan Anderson

The Second Journey- The Road Back to Yourself by Joan Anderson

A Walk on the Beach by Joan Anderson

A Weekend to Change Your Life-Find Your Authentic Self After A Lifetime of Being All Things to All People by Joan Anderson

When the Heart Waits- Spiritual Direction for Life’s Sacred Questions by Sue Monk Kidd

Endings. Beginnings…When Midlife Women Leave Home in Search of Authenticity by Ani Liggett, Ph.D

Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg


Blush- A Mennonite Girl Meets A Glittering World by Shirley Hershey Showalter

One Woman Farm by Jenna Woginrich

The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert

Jonathon Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach