meaningful life

A New Morning Ritual.

Whether we consciously realize it or not, we all have some sort of ritual in the mornings. But perhaps some don’t think of them in this way as we can tend to be on automatic pilot.

For me, I try to move through my morning in a more conscious way now. Though yes, I still have my days where I’m more on automatic pilot. I don’t often have Good Morning America on anymore, which used to be an everyday thing for me. Now I prefer the peace and quiet – or soft music playing.

I find that the quiet or soft music, plus the rituals I have in place, which can vary each day, set a foundation for my day.  My newest ritual, thanks to this lovely gift  from my mom, is a crystal singing bowl.

It’s on a table in my Zen writing cottage and while I just got it, I can already see this will be something I’ll want to do each day. On mornings I do Yoga I will light my candle and then play the singing bowl before going to my mat. Just thinking about this makes me feel grounded and calm. It is, in itself a meditation.

And to me that is what ritual is all about – it’s being in more conscious awareness of how we start and then move through our days – and for me, ritual helps set this in place and also serves as a reminder when my days are hectic or might be stressful.

Hope you enjoy this short video of the sound of my singing bowl — of course it sounds even better in person, and the full view out my writing cottage only adds to the good vibes!

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Is This How It’s Going to Be Today?

Is this How It's Going to Be Today?

I don’t know how it started. But sometimes these things just evolve on their own.

One day I just couldn’t get enough of my husband, John. What I mean by this is that there are days when I feel extra head over heels in love with him. It’s just something that takes over and I want to be sure he knows how much I truly love him. Lucky for me, he has these days towards me too.

Out of the blue one day a few years ago, with a big grin on his face as I was giving him a hug for what seemed the 100th time, John said “Is this how it’s going to be today?” And we laughed and laughed.

Now whenever these moments of bliss happen, which seem quite often lately, (and I’m not complaining!) this is what one or the other will say to whoever happens to be the lucky recipient of over zealous affection.

So when my friend, Dawn, shared a video in her newsletter this week I immediately thought of John and I. I couldn’t help but send it to John and title the subject line, “Is this How it’s Going to be Today?” I share the video with you below– Just click on the photo.

I feel so blessed to have the relationship I do with John. We truly are two peas in a pod, or I guess I should also say, two prairie dogs enjoying the sweet moments of life.

Wishing you many sweet moments today!

Photo: Jan Pelcman

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Honeysuckle Training

honeysuckle training

Two years ago I planted a honeysuckle on the east side corner of my writing cottage next to my Victorian screen door. Hummingbirds love them and I have a love for hummingbirds.

This year I’m trying to be more diligent in encouraging the vines to wind around the east side of our deck rails. This morning when I opened the blinds, I noticed that one vine has begun winding around the birdhouse sitting on the deck railing. Isn’t this so sweet?

I guess the honeysuckle thought this little white house with faded red roof needed a little green to liven the place up. And you know what? There is only so much training you can do and then you must let go and let nature do the rest. A good metaphor for life too, I think!

One touch of nature makes the whole world kin. – Shakespeare

photo: roger levien

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