
Available for Book Club Discussions. Touching a Chord. Book Giveaway!

chillin out with Joie

Chillin’ out with Joie, my inspiration and reminder that life is so good!

I’m really enjoying hearing from many of you after you’ve read my new book. I’m feeling so honored that my book is touching a chord. It felt incredibly vulnerable letting my story go out into the world. But those of you sharing your thoughts with me have truly touched me. Thank you.

One thing I’d like to do is connect with book clubs for discussion around any or all of the topics in my book. If you belong to a book club, we can do this via phone or Skype. If your group has never done this before in terms of phone or Skype, I can help with that. I’m also available in person depending on your location. For more information please feel free to contact me.

While I wrote my book mainly for women, I was deeply touched by an email I received from David, who is 49 years old. He gave me permission to share what he wrote to me.

“Through your work, you’ve helped me look at certain things that I’ve worried about in life a whole different light. Bailey had back surgery a couple years ago, and we were fortunate that she recovered well. However, our vet has told us that after looking at some x-rays for Rudy, she would most likely be susceptible to back issues. So, I’ve been stressed about that for quite some time, that is until I read your book. What a positive outlook it has helped me formulate on the whole situation. I’m sure that whatever happens, it will turn out to be a blessing.

I’ve also lost a lot of loved ones in my life, my parents in my 20’s and many other relatives throughout the years. Thus, turning 50 this year wasn’t feeling all that great, but once again, you’ve given me a few things to contemplate and for that I’m really thankful. I know that I have the best years of my life to come, sharing them with my loving partner of 10 years and our beautiful, very special girls that you see in the photo. I’m looking forward to get on with it now more than ever!”

I wanted to share this because as I mentioned, I felt vulnerable putting my thoughts out there. While at the same time, I realize so many of us struggle with some of the same issues. While these issues may seem ordinary, I came to see that if they stop us from living fuller, happier lives, then we need to start talking about them and encouraging each other.

In an upcoming Joyful Paws Jaunt blog stop later this month I’ll be talking about how being vulnerable actually helps us when writing memoir on Kathleen Pooler’s memoir blog. But even if you aren’t planning on writing your memoir, I’d love to connect with you and your book club for discussion around topics that do make us vulnerable and stop us from going after our dreams and our hearts desires.

**If you’d like to try and win a copy of Through Frankie’s Eyes, be sure to stop by The Mary Reader blog soon and leave a comment to have your name entered. You must also sign up to follow Mary’s blog to qualify and details on the right hand side of her page.


Joyful Paws Looks Back at 2012. A Few Tears. But also Much Joy.

As I look back on 2012 I see how the writing and final preparation steps of my manuscript, Through Frankie’s Eyes led the way to where I am as we get ready to close out 2012… and it was the final gift of my dear, sweet Frankie.

Just the other day my friend Cassy asked when I started working on my book to be released in February 2013.  I really had to think. After looking back at some things, I realized I started the actual writing of it in January 2011. But the idea came to me six years ago. Interestingly enough, I realize now, the story I wanted to write six years ago had to morph into what it has ultimately become– I had many paths I first had to travel. Finishing my book was a huge accomplishment for me this year. It will now carry me into 2013 and a whole new journey.  As I look back I see how everything was all in divine time.

January the manuscript was ready for the crucial eye of a developmental editor… and then the real work began.  As I diligently went back and forth with my manuscript with the editor, little Frankie lay at my feet, guiding me each step of the way.


February, March and April continued the shaping of my manuscript. I also began giving serious thought to fully retiring Frankie from her therapy dog work and school visits already having semi retired her.


May my manuscript went to my copyeditor and the process of polishing it even further began. It was really beginning to take shape and I couldn’t believe how far I had come. Frankie continued to be the confident presence I needed to finish this important piece of work for me.

June I officially retired Frankie from her work and one week later she passed into eternal life. It was not anything I could have ever anticipated, nor did I fully understand the impact of her truly knowing she knew I was ready to move on without her guiding me from the physical world– but now in spirit and always in my heart.


July is honestly somewhat of a blur. But from Frankie’s passing came her legacy and my work with her expanding in a way I am so thankful for.  The outpouring of love for my love dog on wheels was truly remarkable. The Frankie Wheelchair Memorial Fund was established to help small dogs in need of wheelchairs be able to get one.  Whether a family is in financial stress and needs one for a beloved pet, or a dog in rescue was in need, the memorial fund donations collected was $2,700 and began helping dogs in need. Filmore (below) was the first dog we were able to help!


August things really began to take shape as I realized the profound love of one little dog on wheels and carrying on her legacy with National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day being established and founded as a day to be celebrated every September 22. It was founded in Frankie’s memory, but also in honor of all dogs in wheelchairs around the world.


September kicked off a fundraiser for The Frankie Wheelchair Fund in conjunction with National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day.  With T-shirt sales marking the first annual celebration over $900 was collected for the wheelchair fund. Oodles of photos for our photo contest poured in also and it was such a joy posting them all to our Facebook page dedicated to this special day. How thrilled I was also for LoveyLoaves Special Needs Animal Sanctuary and Astrid Diaz Coraballo and a local animal hospital in Puerto Rico who also embraced this day with celebrations of their own. September also began the little whispers to my heart that I was ready to love another little love dog on wheels. The push also began to make my book a reality and begin the book cover design and book layout process.


October we welcomed little Joie into our lives after our dream destination of visiting Vermont was complete. I continue to be so grateful for the help of Oregon Dachshund Rescue with a very special thank you to volunteer, Linda, for flying all day with Joie from the state of Washington to our home state of Wisconsin. Also, not a day goes by that I don’t think about Joie’s mom before me who had the courage to let Joie go.

joie 1

November and December continued work on all the design aspects of my book and the beginning of what will now be the real work–birthing it and pushing it out into the world. December 27 I held the actual paperback proof in my hands and yes, shed a few tears of what it all means.  Tears of what was, what is, and what will be mixed with much emotion of some sadness, but much happiness, too.

frankie3D book cover

Though it has only been one year that has passed, I feel like a whole chapter of my life has closed– and I feel like a whole new chapter is beginning. I embrace 2013 with open arms ready for the journey to begin.

Wishing each of all that you wish for in 2013.  And a huge and grateful heart to each and every one of you for being on my journey with me. There are no words to express my sincerest thanks, but know I am deeply grateful.