
New Year Guidance from Llama and the Angels

New Year Guidance from Llama and the Angels

As promised, I mentioned in my post yesterday, Moving into the New Year with Ritual, I said I was going to randomly draw an animal and angel card as my guidance for the New Year and share with you.

I chose to draw from Daily Guidance from your Angels oracle cards by Doreen Virtue and The Animal Wisdom Tarot card deck from Dawn Brunke.

I first chose an angel card and wasn’t at all surprised that I got Change in Direction.

The need to want to focus on doing more workshops in 2017 has been growing steadily this past year. In some ways it wasn’t an easy decision, because I know I want to keep balance in my life, which means I decided to let go of a book project. But once I realized I could just simmer in it and that I wasn’t completely letting go, it became easier for me to set it aside and concentrate on what feels like the right path for me. By doing so, it opened a space within me, like a feeling of ahhhhh, and a vast open place to which to explore.

The card itself reads:

The changes you’re experiencing are Divinely directed by your newborn willingness to open your heart to love and our guidance. You are protected now and in the future, so follow your path to the happy outcomes you desire.

In reading further from the booklet, what resonated with me was that it also said “the angels are guiding you through this transition. The Law of Attraction insures that you’ll manifest wonderful new opportunities and relationships. You’re starting a new phase of your life.”

I’ve felt this coming for a very long time. Writing and publishing my second memoir last year, Wisdom Found in the Pause – Joie’s Gift was important to me in “doing the work” I want to teach and what would lead me with more confidence to this new direction.

And just like Through Frankie’s Eyes and the work and mission I had with Frankie, it was all about “walking my talk.” It’s how I feel about Wisdom Found in the Pause that taking time for oneself, going within, and listening is what I did during my sabbatical, and will continue to do by doing my best to stay grounded and centered in small practices of ritual each day.

And while I didn’t really look at this New Year and my new direction as transition as the angel card says, I see now that it is. It’s new territory for me and will no doubt have learning curves. But I keep in mind how I will grow and evolve from this.

The next card I chose was an animal card and received Llama. I must first say, that Llama has been showing up often, as on many days I draw an animal card as part of my grounding rituals.

What stands out and resonates for me in Llama’s wisdom is this:

While most Seekers enjoy fast-paced travel and action, Seeker of Fossils prefers a solid foundation, steady movement, and consistent growth. With stamina and dedication this individual proceeds prudently and honors personal convictions. Persistent, persevering, and dependable, Llama guides steadily, helping us to keep our goal in sight.

The blend of air and earth elements suggests a grounded ability to understand abstract, metaphysical concepts. As a bridge to higher dimensions, Llama offers freedom and safety while traversing the expanse of space and time.

I’ve come to a time in my life that hurry isn’t what I want. I want to be sure that my foundation of rituals in my yoga practice, meditation, working with oracle cards and my SoulCollage® cards, and practicing self care in other ways is core to my days. In doing so, I can open my mind to new ways of thinking and understanding. I’ve experienced this by staying grounded, and now wish to open to it even more, while also wanting to help and encourage others to do the same.

So, wow. I love the magic of how oracle and tarot cards can help with guidance in our life and a tool that if we really sit with the messages can serve us in such a positive way in living a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

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Stepping Out of My Creative Comfort Zone. Unexpected Surprises!

Stepping Out of My Creative Comfort Zone. Unexpected Surprises!

I stepped out of my creative comfort zone this holiday season making this gift for my friend, Dawn.

And it’s because of Dawn that I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone in opening more to the wisdom of snakes. I really couldn’t even look at one before she started talking to me about what she’s been learning about snakes.  I also realize some people have a real fear of them, so I won’t elaborate further.

But Dawn has helped me open in many other wonderful ways too and I’ve grown in some ways I’d have not expected this past year.

She loves all things animal wisdom, nature, art, and metaphysical. I really didn’t have a plan on what I was going to make, but turned to my “Zenspiration” books.

First I drew the “D” which is obviously stands for Dawn.  Then I added in the snake winding around the stem of the D which is her snake, Chloe. I then added her other snake, Carl on the right hand side.

To think I was even drawing a snake, when earlier this year, I would have a shiver run down my spine just thinking of one, was rather fascinating to me.

After completing the drawing, I knew I needed a background. Off to Walmart I went to see what type of papers they had in their craft section. I was so thrilled when I came across this “cosmos” paper. It was perfect!

But when I got home, the square paper tile covered up the main part of the paper, which prompted me to cut the center of the D out.

And then another surprise came after I placed the D on the cosmos paper! An eye appears to the right in the center. How cool, I thought! Can you see it?

After it was complete, I felt this warm gush of good feelings inside — it all felt so right — and so perfect for my friend.

And the best part is, Dawn really loved it! And all the good feelings came rushing back again of creating something that came straight from my heart… and was out of my comfort zone…and flowed without a plan.

Now that is when creating is at its best. And now I want more!

Thank you for subscribing to my journal posts.

The Animals are Talking!

blue-jayI’ve made more of a conscious decision to pay attention to the messages from all the animals in our world. Though I really believe dog is one of my spirit animals, I also believe all animals have much to teach me.

As I’m opening myself more to this I think I should perhaps change my website/blog name from Joyful Paws to Joyful Paws wings, hooves, etc. GRIN.

The more I understand and read about how animals try to get messages to us, the more I smile in complete wonder. You don’t have to live in a place full of animals around you to pay attention to their messages for you. They can come to you in images you see on TV or in a magazine or book, something you’ve heard, or an animal that appears before you.

Yesterday I posted on my Facebook page an image of Owl and Butterfly together that touched me. In learning to understand all their messages, I  turn to “The Animal Wisdom Tarot” cards by Dawn Brunke and Dr. Steven Farmer’s book, “Animal Spirit Guides.”

When I read about each animal I read and listen carefully to what resonates with me and find my lesson in their offering.

So this morning as I was doing my yoga practice, a bluejay landed in the tree outside my window. I’ve not seen a bluejay in a long, long time. He flitted back and forth for a time being and then flew off.

I smiled and could hardly wait to get done with my practice to hear what message he had for me.

As I picked up Dr. Steven Farmer’s book and began to read, I got tears in my eyes from these thoughts from Bluejay that feel right for me right now:

Rather than just dabbling in the spiritual/metaphysical realm, choose a path to explore and go as far as you can with it.

Whatever the situation that has triggered some fear, attack it boldly and courageously.

You’re feeling threatened or intimidated by someone, particularly someone you see as stronger or more capable that you are.

You have an interest in a number of subjects and want to explore them all to a degree.

Bluejay had other thoughts to offer, but the above resonated with me at this time.

What really fascinates me about being more open to the teachings of all animals is how they really speak to us of where we are at in our lives and what we are working through.

I want to know more, and it’s why I welcome being as open as possible to hearing and understanding what they have to share with me.

We shall see who arrives next to share another teaching with me!