My life has been blessed with this lovely, young lady, Rachel. While I’ve known of her for quite a few years, crossing paths now and then, it was last September we realized we had much in common and similar passions.
Together we’ve facilitated a few workshops together and I so appreciate how much we compliment each other in our teaching. Best of all, I’ve found such joy in sharing meaningful and deeply rich conversation with her. Often I marvel at how wise she is beyond her years.
Today we met at her home and non-profit sanctuary, LaValley Nature and Equine Sanctuary to get a photo of the two of us together for our upcoming workshop we will be facilitating on June 24th, Walking Sticks & Mindful Walking Meditation.
We were only together for about a half hour, but driving home, my spirit was soaring. Her energy and passion for life is contagious and I always feel uplifted when I’m with her.
You may recall me mentioning a few times my love of donkeys and my wish to be involved with them in some shape or form. Well, Rachel’s sanctuary continues to be on the look out for two mini senior donkeys to take in. And when that day comes, if you hear a loud hoot and holler….well, indeed, it will be me!
Currently she has four senior horses: Hank, Nola, Dancer, and most recently joining the crew is Charlie. I’ve only been at her place a handful of times to date, but each time I’m there on her peaceful 24 acres my heart feels home.
I couldn’t help but think after being with Rachel today how vital it is to have friends that make our spirit soar. Those that see the glass as half full, instead of half empty. Those that look for the positive. Those that find inner peace in tough times. Those that see beauty in nature and animals.
And that is Rachel and why I feel blessed to call her friend.
We’d love for you to join us at Rachel’s serene and beautiful sanctuary for our workshop on June 24th. It’s our wish that your spirit will soar too after spending time with us, creating, taking time for YOU, and soaking in all the healing energies of nature. Come join us!
For more details and to register, just click on the graphic.
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