An astrologist I’ve come to enjoy listening to, Pam Gregory, offered a piece of advice I’ve taken to heart.
The world around us is going through massive changes and at times it can feel overwhelming. And perhaps like me, at times you’ve asked yourself, what can I do?
Pam’s advice? Create, create, create. This really struck a chord with me. So much so that I emailed myself this advice in capital letters so I see it every day.
It can be easy to fall into the trap of negativity and feel frozen at what is transpiring around us – or – we can add a positive vibration to the world from where we are by simply, and with conviction, holding the light of hope within our hearts and connecting with what brings us joy. This absolutely adds value to the collective to help make a positive shift.
And keep creating, creating, creating. While that looks different for each of us, for me it’s been about expanding my love of the animal kingdom through the mixed media art I’ve been creating.
As I work on some new art for my Etsy shop, it’s Lion that is on my art table. Lion, powerful and stable in presence is also gentle, while also at the same time lovingly demanding with encouragement that we each step into our power.
As I work on this piece and what I’m observing transpiring all around the world, I sense that Lion is offering us the message to stay strong. But even more important is to open our hearts to what we’ve perhaps not been able to see and be willing to observe things through a different lens.
These are extraordinary times we are living through – nothing like we’ve seen before – and I believe Lion is inviting us to move beyond how we once resolved conflict and instead really lean into faith and be that light, peace, and hope we wish to see in the world. Each of us will do this differently – no right or wrong way – just what feels right for you.
And Lion is cheering us all on every step of the way! Whether you roar loudly or roar in a gentle way, it all matters.