musk ox

Animal Communication Journal, Part 1: Connecting with Musk Ox.

dawn and me eMe, Gidget and Dawn, animal communicator, author and friend

I’ve said before that I am a person that tends to wear her heart on her sleeve. I’ve been highly sensitive my whole life.

I guess it should have come as no surprise to me that being a part of the animal communication workshop I hosted in my home this past Friday and Saturday, that it would bring up many emotions for me. But what I didn’t expect was how my feelings seemed as if they were vibrating on the surface of my skin.

At times I felt transported to a different place. Especially when we were shown photos of musk ox that live in Alaska where Dawn lives. She has befriended a herd of them and shared with us many photos of this ancient creature.

Copy of 07While I’ve always had a deep love for dogs, I was surprised at the connection I felt with this herd of musk ox after Dawn led us in a meditation and then we practiced connecting with these stunning creatures. I’d never known of them, and first learned about them in Dawn’s newsletter.

Dawn beautifully guided us through the meditation that would help us to connect with this herd. First, listening, then connecting, and finally writing down the communication we got back from them in regards to our general impressions, then feedback from them on our strengths, challenges and ideas from them to help us deepen and expand.

What happened for me is this:

I closed my eyes and I could feel myself standing in the herd, next to this ox photo I share above. I really felt as if I was really there. My feet upon the actual ground and among them. I wasn’t afraid. At one point, I sat down next to him. I felt he was the leader of the pack. He told me I was safe. I felt very grounded being with him and felt swept away to an ancient time. My eyes, though closed, I could feel them pooling with tears because I felt so safe and loved. In one sense I felt weird for wanting to cry, but it also felt so comforting and welcome.

It felt like a new level of healing for me. The message I got from him is that the answers for all of us are within us. That understanding we all to all live as one is really quite simple. That it’s the answer to peace. It’s the answer to the healing of this planet.

Another message I received was him telling me that they love to absorb the energy of earth into them and let that healing energy expand out into the universe. There is healing in learning to move at a slower pace and be with nature. They are very giving of their spirits and are glad to have been brought back out of extinction to continue this healing that is so needed right now.

I heard from him that I need to believe in my gifts. That I need to use them to be a part of this deep healing that is trying to happen here on earth – that I am one of them in a sense. That I am here to help others heal in my own, unique way.

I heard from him that my challenges are that I sometimes doubt my gifts. But that they will always stand beside me to help me remember my strengths and why I am here.

His last thoughts for me were simply stated:  Believe. Stand upright. Stand strong. And what I felt intensely was this thought from him: Be Gently Bold.

I’ll be honest and say that a part of me feels quite odd sharing this experience out of fear that others may think I’ve gone off the deep end. But I also can’t deny how incredible it felt to have this experience.

But I also truly believe our pets and the animals of the world are trying to communicate with us. In earlier times in our evolution this was a natural process. But these days we are swallowed up with technology and we humans are too busy doing instead of listening and just being.

This being and stillness is something that has been calling out to me for quite some time and I’m trying hard to honor it more. It’s not always easy. But when I do, I feel so much more at peace. Isn’t that the place we all are trying to be more often? I believe so.

I’ll share more about other experiences I had in my next blog post soon. Stay tuned.

If you’d like to learn more about Dawn and the many books she has written on animal communication you can visit her on her website,