national walk n roll dog day

It’s One of those Days Again. Overcome with Gratefulness.

Smoothe_3_largeThere are some days I just feel so overcome with gratefulness. Today is such a day.

As most of you know, I started The Frankie Wheelchair Fund to help other disabled dogs after my beloved dachshund, Frankie passed away in 2012.

You know, I remember when it all happened so clearly – the day she became paralyzed. What was my life going to look like from there on out?  Writing books about her, visiting schools, doing therapy dog work were certainly not what I had planned for my life. But, oh what joy it brought me. Such a clarity of purpose was that time in my life.

No plans what-so-ever of founding a day called National Walk ‘N Roll Dog or starting The Frankie Wheelchair Fund were even a part of my thought process of how my life would unfold.

I remember though, at the beginning, feeling alone in that I didn’t know of any other dogs in wheelchairs. It felt odd and I worried others would not understand why I decided to put my dog in a wheelchair– and there were, and still are, some that don’t.

I remember starting The Frankie Wheelchair Fund – now a one woman operation, of which my two-wheeled friend was now gone, and it was up to me to carry on her legacy. I do it with the utmost joy and each time another disabled dog is helped I feel Frankie’s spirit warm my insides.

It started with helping six small dogs and now has grown to just today granting a wheelchair for dog #32, named Lady who found on the side of the road paralyzed. She is being cared for my a pre-med veterinarian student.

The best part of it all?  All those that have come forward to help me. Those that support what I do and believe in helping these special needs dogs.  You all know who you are. I’m grateful for each and everyone of you.

And it happened again today. A note arrived in my email box from The Smoothe Store who opened their online shop this past June 21st with a portion of sales to be donated to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund. I didn’t ask them. But it is their kind and giving hearts and their belief in what I do that they want to help. There is no greater compliment!

Here is a portion of what store owner Sarah had to say:

Hi Barbara,

I’ve enjoyed reading about the adventures of Frankie and seeing all of the great effort you’ve made in spreading awareness for IVDD and the quality of life that our two-wheeled friends can enjoy!

On June 21st we opened an online shop,The Smoothe Store, that features a variety of dachshund-focused items. We have a line of IVDD awareness products where a portion of profits are earmarked for Frankie’s Wheelchair Fund. Just wanted to let you know in advance since we’ve mentioned that a portion of profits go to this wonder fund!

Also, you featured my Mom’s fun loving Daisy (Barbara Whittington) a couple of months ago on your facebook page – she was so thrilled! You, along with the folks at Dodger’s List, have been a huge help and inspiration as our family as we’ve adjusted to life with a Daisy in wheels. Thank you!

Thank you very much,
Sarah j Whittington


Sarah started the store in loving memory of her adorable dachshund (whose photo is above), Smoothe.  I checked out the store and they have some very adorable wheelie dog items you just might want to see for yourself!

But I sit here in complete awe once again of the generosity of others and their extending of wanting to help me with my mission. It’s just one of those things you never see coming, but each time it happens, it expands my heart even more of all the good and kind there is in this world.

Thank you Sarah and everyone at The Smoothe Store!  I’ll be adding you to our list on National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day donate/store page soon!

Check out The Smoothe Store today!

Cost of a Dog Wheelchair (dog cart)? Quality of Life: Priceless.

AHLF-Gs-004-800x600Photo courtesy of Eddie’s Wheels website

When Frankie needed a wheelchair back in 2006 I had no idea they even made wheelchairs for dogs. I learned about them as Frankie was heading into surgery for a ruptured disk. The surgeon assured me at the time if the surgery wasn’t a success, Frankie could go on to live a quality life in a wheelchair.

I also had no idea how much they cost, but put it out of my mind because I wanted so badly for her to walk on her own again. I don’t think many people would know the cost either unless they are facing the possibility of having to get one for their beloved pet.

At the time, after surgery and a specialist I took Frankie to, another $480 for a custom-fit wheelchair seemed like a big chunk of money. But you know what? It was the best money I’ve ever spent!

Wheelchairs for dogs range anywhere from $325 – $650 according to the price chart on Eddie’s Wheels website. It all depends on the size of the dog and their specific needs. These are wheelchairs for dogs that have use of either their front or hind limbs and the wheels are adjusted to accommodate. So if your dog has paralyzed or weak back legs, the wheels will be on the back end and they pull with the front. If your dogs front limbs are missing, which is sometimes seen, the wheels are on the front with a saddle the dogs chest rests in, and they push off with their back limbs.

There is also the quad cart which ranges anywhere from $800 – $1,200.  Then there is also the additional equipment and choices which can add cost to a wheelchair.

I truly believe in the custom-fitted wheelchairs. With Frankie having IVDD, it was imperative that her spine stay aligned. Another wonderful thing about many of the wheelchairs is that they can act as physical therapy for dogs with walking challenges.  Some dogs have actually learned to walk on their own again after using a wheelchair for several weeks and/or months.

When Frankie passed away in June of 2012 I knew I wanted to find a way to carry on her legacy. We had worked so hard bringing a positive face to dogs in wheelchairs, I wanted to continue our work in her name in some way.

After she passed away I was deeply touched at the donation of money in memorial’s that came in for Frankie allowing me to start The Frankie Wheelchair Fund and help six small dog’s get a wheelchair who may have never otherwise been able to have one. I’ve helped families that are financially strapped or dogs in rescue hoping that they will stand a better change of adoption if they come with their own wheelchair.

It has grown from there and to date, the fund has helped 30 dogs get wheelchairs! Some we helped with a partial cost of the wheelchairs or shipping, but many we funded the full amount.  We are on track to help at least 4-5 more dogs with money currently in the fund. I never, ever get tired of seeing a dog who was down, get their wheels, and take off running and playing, happy to have their freedom back again.

Each time the Frankie Wheelchair Fund gets to help another dog, I feel Frankie’s spirit fill my whole body and heart with this warm glow of love.  I know she is proud. And I’ll always be so proud of the purpose she came here to fulfill and that she chose me to be her partner.

Currently I am doing a fundraiser in anticipation of National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day celebration on Sept. 22. This day is in memory of Frankie and in honor of all dogs in wheelchairs around the world.  If you’d like to help with a purchase of a t-shirt or car decal, a portion of the proceeds goes to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund to enable us to help even more dogs in need.

Quality of life for dogs who were once paralyzed and then get wheels is truly priceless.  Joie, my second paralyzed dog I adopted, was living proof of that. Check out this video that always makes me smile when I watch it.

Love & Support Dogs in Wheelchairs – Will You Help Me Spread the Word?

Something very near and dear to me is fast approaching —

PrintSeptember 22nd is National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day!

This is the 3rd year for this special day founded in memory of Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog and honoring ALL dogs in wheelchairs around the world!  **On a special side note: Frankie would have been 15 today.

We are celebrating this special event with two new items we’ve launched just for you to help us spread the word. But first let me share with you what has happened since our 2nd annual year of observance:

–This year marks the day as “officially” being recognized as a National Day of Observance with its listing in Chase’s Calendar of Events.

–To date, along with The Frankie Wheelchair Fund, we have granted 30 wheelchairs to paralyzed dogs in need and are partnered with Eddie’s Wheels to make this happen. Here are a recent few!collage dogs e–The Facebook page continues to grow with almost 2,500 people as part of our mission, helping us spread a positive message about these inspiring dogs.

In celebration of the special upcoming day I have two new items for you to consider in helping us with our mission. A portion of the proceeds will benefit The Frankie Wheelchair Fund so we can grant even more wheelchairs to dogs in need.

frontFirst, this fun and inspiring t-shirt (long or short sleeve & also comes in hoodie) designed by friend and supporter, Chops Holste. Wear your t-shirt on September 22 to help us spread the word (and all year long)!  This is a limited time offer, so be sure to place your order TODAY by clicking here or on the photo. Please note:  Shirts will be shipped directly from Teespring, Inc.


decal for walk n roll dog day cropSecond, check out this fun way to share your love and support of wheelie dogs with a 6 x 5.5″ decal for your car, designed and produced by friend and supporter, Kristi Erdmenger.

$8.99 (includes shipping and you can order up to 5 decals for same low shipping rate as one) ORDERS OUTSIDE US, please contact me for shipping rate.
