How do you build a house, you ask? One 2×4 at a time. -John Techel
It was his dream. To have his own business which he started almost 22 years ago.
He loves to work with his hands. And he thrives on the smiles and gratitude of happy clients.
But then ten years into his business it was suggested to go bigger. You can’t make a living without a crew they said.
He went from one to three full time employees and brought in seasonal help for the summer.
While the crew expanded, the stress and challenges did too.
He was so torn. His heart born to be an entrepreneur and his spirit alive in believing in young men coming into the trade and giving them a chance to make something of themselves.
But the economy and bureaucracy started to drain the spirit right out of his very soul.
His work no longer gratifying in the way it used to be. Chasing jobs to keep three full time guys busy. Some had families to support and this weighed heavily on him, not wanting to let them down.
As the light went out inside him, my heart grew heavy, too. I wanted more than anything for that spark to return for him again.
And as sometimes happens, life has a way of supporting you if you open to it. He never had the heart to let anyone go, but knew if one of the guys left he wouldn’t replace them.
Soon enough he was on his own again and a decision to make. While it would have seemed easy, he worried that at mid-life his body may not hold out. But he wanted more than anything to keep going.
You see, this carpenter husband of mine has this driving force in him that is quite magical to be witness to.
His passion for remodeling and building is evident in how he talks with clients and how he pays close attention to detail. But more than that, it’s about giving people a home or a new, updated space within their existing home they can be proud of. A place where they feel joy and security, and can relax after a long day.
This carpenter with rough working hands, dirt under his nails, aches in his fingers and shoulders, forges forward for the reward of knowing he brings joy to home owners.
And when a client pays him a compliment I swear I see his heart grow ten times its size.
And the best? The joy and spark that this carpenter’s wife sees in her carpenter husbands eyes is what makes my heart swell with pride — and brings joy to me to see a man who is happy and content in what he does.
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