new moon reading

New Moon in Aquarius Oracle and Animal Guide Reading

Welcome to the New Moon in Aquarius! An opportunity to focus on a “new you.” 

This reading helps you understand the energies of Aquarius and how you can work with them for your highest good. I pull a card from The Oracle of the 7 Energies to kick off the reading and also pull a card from my upcoming Animal Reflections Healing Oracle for the animal that will guide us during this New Moon. Though here’s a hint: We actually have two animals for this reading that help keep us in balance.

I hope you enjoy! Click here or below to listen…

To book a private oracle reading just for you click here.

To book a private oracle reading for your pet (and you) click here.


New Moon in Scorpio Reading: Healing the Core Wound

Happy New Moon in Scorpio (plus partial eclipse), friends!

What core wound do we need to heal, how to do that, and what will we gain from it? Today I pull three cards from my Animal Reflections Healing Oracle deck.

Click here or below to watch the video of the reading.

I hope you find the reading helpful. 



Book a private reading and healing session for you and your pet here or just for you here.

🐾No obligation, but if you would like to donate $7 to support my work I will gift you a thank you of a 4 x 6 animal print (my own art) that will come to you via sweet snail mail – US ONLY. Be sure to include your address in your note so I can send it! 🙂 It is much appreciated:


New Moon in Leo. What Do We Individually and Collectively Most Need to Know Right Now?

I just received a new deck in the mail yesterday called Inner Light Moon Oracle by Elizabeth Lee. Elizabeth and I are in a class together and the card above is the one she just shared in our recent class. It’s also one of the cards I personally pulled when I did a New Moon reading for myself this morning.

Then it showed up yet again when I pulled a card to share with all of you today. It is definitely calling us to pay attention.

Elizabeth’s cards combine the Chinese 5 Element Theory, the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac, and Asian Archetypes and Symbols. This is unlike any deck I have in my collection, so I’m looking forward to the wisdom I’ll glean from it.

Ojizosama is a Japanese diety we can all call upon during trying times. We are definitely in that right now more than ever. Elizabeth’s guidebook shares that “He is a protector of children and travelers, babies hide in his robes as he shuttles them to paradise. Offerings are made to Jizo for safe childbirth and to aid in souls in their passing.”

There is so much to be said in regards to what Jizo is about. I encourage you to simmer and reflect on your own meaning.

For me, it speaks powerfully to how we are each being called to protect the children that are here now and the ones coming into this world. But it also speaks to me as protecting our inner child.

In a world that is in turmoil, now more than ever, I believe we are being called to heal those traumas we’ve carried for far too long. How important it is to look at those traumas, understand their patterns, and then heal them in order to move forward into a space of less fear in order to experience more joy despite the outside world chaos.

Ojizosama is reminding us that we are our own protectors. We are the ones that must take that inner child by the hand, the one that was wounded, assure him/her that we are here to deeply listen and acknowledge the pain of the past, assure him/her that this need not define us and that together we can experience happiness by our choosing. 

I chose the rose quartz and black tourmaline stone, plus a dried Queen Anne’s Lace flower to accompany this message and for extra support.

Rose quartz to be gentle and compassionate with yourself as you heal what needs healing and to also deeply lean into and listen with the utmost of tenderness what your heart is sharing with you.

Black tourmaline is a stone of protection from the negative energies of the world. I wear a bracelet that is all black tourmaline when I go out in public. Being a sensitive person and an empath helps protect me from the energies that are quite potent right now. But I do wish to share also that while crystals are a great tool, it’s even more important to continue to do our own inner work of healing and also set intentions for what we wish to see in the world, and then be that as much as we can.

Lastly, I’ve been foraging for Queen Anne’s Lace the last few weeks and drying them for future art projects. I learned that it is a symbol of purity of intentions. It’s also about safety and refuge. Also when the head of the flower curls under it often looks like a bird’s nest – this is a great reminder of what it takes for each of us to build a happy home – physically and within ourselves.

I believe this is really a time of healing shame that we’ve all faced in one form or another – and often stems from something in our childhood. We can rise above that! Ojizonsama and his wisdom are what we can lean into when we are scared and remember that we are protected and that we can do the protecting of what is right for ourselves and our hearts. We can do this.

Keep shining your light!

