I want to say a very special thank you to all who either sent me a personal note via email, left a comment on the blog post about voting, or left a comment and/or voted on my Facebook page last week. There were close to 400 of you who shared your thoughts!
While I must admit I was leaning a wee bit more toward the cover above, I was still torn. Reaching out to you for your feedback, I took into consideration the many helpful suggestions and thoughts. I took them back to Caryn, my book cover designer, of Lantern Glow Design. She was able to lighten the background, make Joie pop a bit more, and make the reflection a bit clearer in the water. I’m very happy with the final result!
What I love about this choice is how warm and inviting it is. While I loved the image of the sky in the background also, I felt that didn’t convey the same warmth I was shooting for. But the GOOD NEWS is that the sky photo fits perfectly for the inside of the book! It just so happens that this book is divided into two sections and the sky photo will introduce Part Two:
Part One is titled “Joie” and it’s about how Joie came into my life, how we worked through her physical challenges, developed a deeper bond, and the exciting time we had when we were on the set of the film The Surface where as you may recall she plays a small part in the movie.
Part Two is titled “The Pause.” After Joie passed away in August of 2013, I took a two month sabbatical. It’s during that time of reflection and learning to just be that I was able to accept letting go of a chapter in my life that my identity had been so closely tied to, and how I learned to accept and see the many blessings that being in transition is all about. I discovered much wisdom in slowing down and taking time to listen to my heart, hence the title: Wisdom Found in the Pause.
I’m still shooting for a fall 2016 release though don’t have a specific date yet. The formatting of the book is going well, which I’ve undertaken myself this time around. Oh how I love all the resources we now have available for independent publishers!
So please do stay tuned…. and thank you again so very much for all your suggestions and comments. Please know that I truly appreciated each and every one of them!
You are all the best!!
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