I truly believe we get the dog we need at the different junctions on the path of our life’s journey.
To try and explain it any other way it seems to defy true explanation or pay honor, really, to what they truly can mean in our lives if we allow it.
It’s a knowing that is felt in heart and soul. A truth that is there if we choose to open to it even when we may not yet clearly understand.
It was two years ago today that I held Gidget in my arms for the first time. As always happens after the loss of a dog in my life, getting another one when the time is right for me, never fails to make me feel like my heart has found its way home again.
It’s a connection with Dog that my spirit calls out for, and can’t live without.
The first time I laid eyes on Gidget after doing a search on the Internet, looking specifically for a dachshund with special needs, there was this lightning flash of recognition that I knew I had found her. She was the one.
Her eyes, I find, are hard to look away from. They have this ancient and all knowing wisdom about them and I’ve often referred to her as my Buddha dog.
Sometimes I get lost in my own little inner world of worry and lose sight of her gifts to me. I was reminded of them again, and of seeing her for who for she truly is, when the organization I adopted her from, re-posted a video of her (see below).
I saw her again watching the video, as if for the first time,and what made me fall in love with her. And why I understand in many ways why she is in my life.
She is independent, yet loves time with me on her own terms, and something I’m learning to be more aware of to honor that in her. This also is honoring that in me, which fascinates me. She is also quite funny in her own unique way, and sometimes reminds me of a Leprechaun or playful sprite.
Though she may be small in size at only 10 lbs. and quite petite, her spirit is that of all Dog and all knowing. I just sense that about her and what I greatly admire in her.
She has taught me so much already these past 24-months and those teachings I continue to ponder and work through, of which I can’t quite find words to express. Perhaps someday I will.
So today I celebrate Miss Gidget as we mark this day we found our way home to each other through the aligning of the stars— and how we help each other to live more fully into this time we have together here on earth.