oracle cards

New Moon Reading 2023: How to Work WITH Your True Nature Instead of Against It

How often it is that we work against ourselves! New Moon in Sagittarius is a time to work with this energy and look at where we can make changes so that we can flow with our True Nature more easily and consistently.

I love the image above of the cat giving a high-five to his human friend because animals see us as we are and love us no matter what!

Hope you find the reading helpful! Check it out here or below.  XO, Barb


Complimentary Meditation and Journal Prompts

Animals, nature, meditation, and oracle cards are wonderful tools to help us gently shift perspective, release what no longer serves us, and guides us to embrace living in a more centered and aligned way of being.

New to my website is a complimentary meditation and journal prompts you can use in conjunction with pulling oracle cards from your favorite deck. Focusing on the inner child that I hope you will enjoy and find beneficial.

Just click here or on the photo above to check it out!




New Moon in Scorpio Reading – Nov. 2023 – Embodying Your True Joy. It Matters.

The overall message from the reading for New Moon in Scorpio that I received is:

Embodying our true Joy matters and this is what leaves our unique heart print on the earth that is of value and positively adds to the vibration of the universe for eons to come.

I also include a quote in the reading that really struck me last week and continues to stay with me. Perhaps it will be just what you need to hear too that will shift you in a positive way.

Click on the Sandhill Crane photo above or below to listen to the full reading. I hope you find it helpful and inspiring!

xo, Barb