oracle reading

Weekly Oracle Reading: Just Be and Let Your Intuition Be Your Guide

This week we have a message from Bee and one I admitted while I recorded the video something I needed to be reminded of. Perhaps you will also? And now after spending time with Bee and the noteworthy lesson, I find myself in a much sweeter space. I hope it will do the same for you if this is what you need.

I’ve also included another message to go along with Bee from a new deck I just got called, Oracle of the 7 Energies.

Just click here or on the image above to watch and listen. Enjoy!





Cards from: Spirit Animal Oracle and Oracle of the 7 Energies by Colette Baron-Reid

Weekly Oracle Reading: Delicate But Brave Creates the Balance Needed

It was a delicate balance to get the cards to stay positioned here on the stems of the blossoming Daylily’s as I quickly snapped a photo.

I realize now that the lady beetle card is upside down, when in fact when I pulled it, it was right side up. So I’m taking this as an added little message that when we don’t have balance in our lives, it can feel like all the blood is rushing to our heads and it makes us feel off-kilter. Too much of one thing isn’t good – whether it’s a good thing or not.

So without further ado, just click here or on the image above to watch and listen to the message for the week!



Weekly Oracle Reading: Accepting the Mystery of Life

I was so intrigued by the cards I pulled this week for us! Just click on the photo above to watch and listen to the message and see what resonates with you.

Recently, a client had this lovely thing to say about her reading for herself and her dog, Max:

Barbra’s session for myself and my dog, Max, was absolutely wonderful. Max is an older dog and I’ve been struggling with some of the side effects of aging. In our session, Barbara helped me get a clear perspective on why I was struggling and then helped shift my mindset moving forward. The entire session made it not only easier to accept Max’s aging process but to celebrate his life and find joy in our everyday moments—no matter how they unfold.

~Jessica Paschke & Max

This testimonial reminded me once again of the reading for the week and how we can’t always know what is ahead, but how important it is to lean into our faith and trust that life will unfold exactly as it is meant to be.

For a private reading, you can book a session through my website here.

