oracle reading

September Animal Wisdom – How to Stay Present in Our Ever Changing World?

From Animal Reflections Healing Oracle

The question I posed to the animal cards for this month: How do we stay present in our ever changing world?

I really loved that it is Hyena who stepped forward to share its message as I feel it is such a potent one.

Thank you, Hyena!

Hyena looms large as a symbol of our inner critic that at times can feel like it has hijacked every part of us. At this time, Hyena is asking you to gently, but honestly, look into the mirror and explore if that critic is truth, or merely an illusion.

When the critical part of you shows up, this is a clue to stop to carefully consider your thoughts. Has your inner compass veered off course? What part of you are you bullying or attempting to laugh off because of perceived insecurities? These thought patterns are often created from a past wounding leaving you feeling not good enough and searching for a magical solution.

Hyena is reminding you not to give your power away at this important juncture. We have been conditioned to look outside ourselves for validation; instead of seeking it, learn to be with whatever has you feeling uncomfortable. Hear what your inner doubt has to say, but don’t allow it to take the lead. Also remember the negative voice within is a scared part of you trying to protect you.

It is time to take responsibility for that frightened voice within — acknowledge it, love it, and assure it all will be well. When you break the chain of old patterning caused by painful wounds from the past, you can then step more boldly into your true self, just like Hyena beautifully owns its spots.

Shatter that mirror of illusion by being loyal to all parts of who you are, ultimately standing in your radiant and magnificent power.

©Barbara Techel – Animal Reflections Healing Oracle

For a personal 1-1 reading session just for you, book here.
For a personal 1-1 reading session for your pet and you, book here.





Animal Wisdom Guidance for the Full Moon in Scorpio – plus Lunar Eclipse

Cards used: Animal Reflections Healing Oracle by me!

This is an especially intense full moon along with a Lunar Eclipse which can, well, intensify, and stir up emotions and issues we are being called to really look at – AND it’s also a wonderful opportunity to explore and reflect on what we wish to heal and change in order to move forward in a much more balanced and authentic way.

I’ve posed three questions below for all of us as a collective, but I also invite you to pull cards from a deck of your choice for personal reflection for each question for further insight and guidance.

Stay tuned as I’ll be sharing the announcement for pre-orders and the pre-launch of my Animal Reflections Healing Oracle deck in mid-May – right here on my blog and in my newsletter!

*How do we open ourselves to receive?

Owl – Judgment:  In order to receive, no matter what type of receiving we wish for, from love, compassion, tangible, we have to begin by first exploring where it is we judge ourselves.  When we are in a state of criticism and unworthiness toward ourselves it is difficult for the Universe to bring to us our souls desires, because we are actually blocking it.

Owl, for me, is always about consulting with my Higher Self in conjunction with the Divine (God/Source/Universe – however you see it) in order to remember that when I explore my inner wounds my perspective shifts and I’m more readily able to receive.

*How do we invite in more abundance?

Kingfisher – Seeker: Kingfisher with his beak pointed toward what is his North Star, and not that of what culture or society may deem as what should be our North Star, knows that when he seeks that which brings him joy without fear or worrying what others may think, that abundance flows effortlessly into his life. We can do the same too.

*What do we need to let go of?

Salmon – Destiny: So often we block ourselves from receiving and allowing more abundance in our lives because we think our destination should look a certain way – in other words – we are stuck in only one way of how we think our lives should look and unfold. How often we struggle against the river instead of going with the natural flow which means letting go of control and trusting that what is actually in our highest good will be revealed to us in the perfect and best timing.

Take good gentle care this Full Moon!



For further support about a specific issue you are feeling challenged by:

Book a private oracle reading just for you click here.

Book a private oracle reading for your pet (and you) click here.


Happy Spring Equinox! And Pick-A-Card Reading for You!

Hi Friends! It’s been a while, hasn’t it!?

I’m currently on vacation in Arizona and halfway through our six-week adventure. And our first time in our new-to-us 2010 Tiffin Allegro. I’ve been posting photos on my Facebook page if you are interested in that sort of thing. But to sum it up so far the one word I’ve said quite often is, WOW. It is such a gorgeous state! These mountains are simply stunning! I’m feeling so very blessed to have had the experience of seeing this lovely and magical area.

We’ve been going, going, going pretty much since we arrived in Camp Verde Valley on March 1st. But this week calls for a few days of rain, so we will be chilling out and getting a bit of work done. Not that my work feels like work, because it doesn’t, and I’ve actually been missing it a bit.

So I’ll be sharing another blog post soon about some cool stones and a guy that reminds me of ZZ Top…so I hope you’ll stay tuned.  🙂

And now…

time for a Spring Equinox reading! I’m using my soon-to-be-released deck, Animal Reflections Healing Oracle

Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal – new dreams and intentions that will begin to spring forth and bring you new adventures and wisdom.
So think of a question you’ve been pondering. Then pick the left, middle, or right card for some guidance from the animals. 
Then scroll down to reveal your guidance…..
And I’d welcome hearing if your card resonated for you…
And if you aren’t too shy, I’d welcome hearing how it resonated for you…
Ready for your card reveal?….
Here you go!….

OVERALL MESSAGE: When we open ourselves to birthing ourselves anew, we by default are given a perspective we’d not considered, and this fresh way of looking at something often comes with unexpected surprises and opportunities that fulfill us in ways we’d not have even imagined.

Depending on what card you chose, below is your area to focus on.

LEFT CARD:  Spider – Rebirth. I hope that you will trust me that this is REALLY the first card I pulled at random. Because, you know, you just can’t make this stuff up! Spring is all about rebirth and new beginnings – and if you picked the left card, well, here is your confirmation to trusting that whatever you are going through right now is leading to a new you – a new way of living and embracing life. Rebirth can feel daunting at times – I understand – and why I had to have Spider in my deck as rebirth. It’s the things we fear – often our shadow – that when we face and understand it, leads us not only to a deeper appreciation of ourselves but helps us expand in self-compassion too.

MIDDLE CARD: Nuthatch – Perspective. Spring, again, is really a wonderful opportunity to see things anew! Perhaps something you’ve been struggling with is because you are caught in only seeing it from one point of view. Nuthatch is inviting you to pause and look at it from another perspective. Oftentimes when we do this, something we couldn’t see before comes to light and we are able to move forward with more ease.

RIGHT CARD: Peacock – Fulfillment. Is there an area in your life where you want to spread your wings and be your true self, but are afraid to do so out of fear of what others may think? Peacock encourages you to shine that light of yours out into the world! You can start small, but set an intention to do one thing each day to live life on your terms. Each time you do, you will feel a sense of accomplishment that will propel you forward to take another step. Before you know it, you will be strutting your stuff and feeling fulfilled like never before.

Again, I’d welcome hearing if your card resonated for you!

Happy Spring!



To book a private oracle reading just for you click here.

To book a private oracle reading for your pet (and you) click here.

Coming later this Spring!!