oracle wisdom

Curious Minds Invitation to Come Join Me as I Take Robin through an Oracle Reading

There have been many times in my life where others have held space for me that has been such a gift to help me move forward with confidence. It’s why I now do what I do as I find it rewarding to watch others experience positive shifts and find the clarity they need to live with more peace, love, and joy. And after all, isn’t that what we are ultimately here to experience? I think so.

An oracle reading is like a graceful and intricate dance between my client, me, and the cards – each part integral to providing a roadmap to help guide you forward with clarity and confidence, and on your way to living more in alignment with who you truly are. 

I was so grateful when last month, Robin, who is a photographer, writer, and podcast host for, generously offered to have her one-to-one oracle reading recorded so others who are curious and aren’t sure how one works could get a peek inside one and understand how a reading can provide valuable insight.

So I share that recorded reading with you today in the event you’ve been curious too. Don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions after you’ve watched the video. 

Also feel reach out to me if you’d like to book a session to have a reading to focus on a specific intention or challenge, or to look at your year ahead. I also offer a free ten-minute session if you want to explore if a reading is right for you with no obligation to book a full session.

So without further ado…Click here or on the image below to watch the reading unfold.



Cosmic Cat Wisdom Cards Video Review

Another fun, inspirational, and transformative card deck by Barb Horn and Randy Crutcher.

About a month ago I did a video review of their other deck called Divine Dog Wisdom Cards. You can catch it here if you wish.

I loved the deck so much that I recently ordered their Cosmic Cat Wisdom Cards and just did a video review for them yesterday, which you can catch below. Then I found out this morning, perusing on Instagram that this deck just won the 2020 COVR Gold Medal in the category of Inspirational and Transformation. How cool is that?

The card with the image of the kitty seeing its reflection is my favorite card in the deck. I expand on why in the video. Just click on the graphic below and I hope you enjoy!




A Little Helpful Wisdom From Dog

If only one of them would just let go. Looking at these two dogs, each pulling on a side of the flying disk so one can win the prize I see this as in invitation to look at what part of us is trying to win out that we may be ignoring?

We have to give ourselves credit in that most often we do recognize which part of us is trying to get our attention because it continues to come back again and again and again until we acknowledge it.

Sometimes when I see or hear the word resistance my body will tense up. But just now as I looked at the word resistance on the card I saw the word “stance” within it. I’d never realized this before.

Yes! Resistance is an opportunity to take a stance and change that which we may be resisting or fearing.

And instead of seeing resistance as negative, which I’m going to challenge myself to do also, let’s see it as a beacon of light shining the way to take time to just be with whatever it is we may be resisting or are afraid to acknowledge.

As far as winning the flying disk I believe also that both dogs don’t have the word or concept of “win” as part of who they are. They are just enjoying being in the moment of the tug and the pull knowing the outcome, whether they are the one left holding the flying disk or not, will be fine either way. There was something positively gained in both the tug and the pull.

Isn’t it always our projections about what we think an outcome will be when we are in fear that is actually worse than the very thing we were resisting?

A bit to ponder this week…enjoy…Woof!



Cards: Divine Dog Wisdom Cards by Barb Horn and Randy Crutcher