paralyzed dogs

National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day Just Around the Corner and My TV Interview

National Walk 'N Roll Dog Day is Just Around the Corner and My TV Interview
Anderson Pooper

To this day, witnessing a dog in a wheelchair, touches my heart in a deep and meaningful way on so many levels.

All this week we’ve been lighting up Facebook with inspiring photos of dogs in wheelchairs leading up to September 22nd, the official day of National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day.

National Walk 'N Roll Dog Day is Just Around the Corner and My TV Interview
BeBe and Nubbles
National Walk 'N Roll Dog Day is Just Around the Corner and My TV Interview

Frankie’s (the walk ‘n roll dog) legacy lives on with this special day celebrated every year  as a way in which we honor ALL dogs in wheelchairs around the world.

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I’ll be talking about this special day, which I founded in 2012, on a local TV station, WFRV, Local 5 Live on Tues., Sept. 22nd between 9:20 and 9:45a.

National Walk 'N Roll Dog Day is Just Around the Corner and My TV Interview
National Walk 'N Roll Dog Day is Just Around the Corner and My TV Interview

If you can’t tune in live you can catch the recording here.  Gidget will be making an appearance also!

If there is one thing I believe in with all my heart it is that dogs in wheelchairs can live quality lives…and why it continues to be important to me to spread this positive message.

The Smoothe Store Raises Over $2,000 to Help Paralyzed Dogs

National Walk 'N Roll Dog Day is Just Around the Corner and My TV Interview
Gidget posing in her bandna “I Wheelie Love My Friends” for National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day by The Smoothe Store

It’s truly a beautiful thing when others jump on the band wagon to support your mission.

Sarah of The Smoothe Store has done just that designing these bandana’s to show our love of our wheelie dog friends.

To date she has raised over $2,000 to help paralyzed dogs  with the money being donated to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund which grants wheelchairs to dogs in need.

Meet our first recipient that Sarah and her efforts is helping (which also makes it the 45th dog helped thru The Frankie Wheelchair Fund). Sammy’s wheelchair is currently being custom built by Eddie’s Wheels and she should be rolling soon. Stay tuned!

Sammy is currently in rescue with Dachshund Rescue of South Florida and is available for adoption.

A million thanks to you, Sarah!!

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44th Paralyzed Dog Receives Donated Wheelchair. Last Day to Order T-shirt.

44th Paralyzed Dog Receives Donated Wheelchair. Last Day to Order T-Shirt.

Jason is the 44th paralyzed dog the Frankie Wheelchair Fund is honored to have been able to help and provide a wheelchair to.

He just received his wheels this past Friday and as is usually the case, a paralyzed dog fitted with a set of wheels gets on with the business of enjoying life.

They don’t stop long enough to feel sorry for themselves, but teach us through the beauty of who they are what perseverance and adversity is all about.

Jason, we wish you the very best and hope you have many years ahead of you of exploring in your wheels.  Keep on rolling!

**Jason’s wheelchair is custom-made by Eddie’s Wheels for Pets.

If you’d like to support the near-and-dear to my heart mission you can donate directly via my GoFundMe page or on National Walk ‘N Roll Dog website.  Today is also the last day to order a t-shirt with proceeds going to the Frankie Wheelchair Fund which is my annual fundraiser.

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Thanks so much for your consideration.

Meet Douglas – Granted a Wheelchair through The Frankie Wheelchair Fund

Meet Douglas: Granted a Wheelchair through The Frankie Wheelchair Fund

Douglas is the 43rd dog to receive a wheelchair from The Frankie Wheelchair Fund.

You just have to love a dachshund face, don’t you?

His mom, Kourtney, who works at a vet office, graciously adopted Douglas due to his previous owners who could no longer care for him.

Douglas does have a few other medical issues which Kourney is doing her best to get under control and give him a quality life.

According to the vet seeing Douglas she said, “Douglas is already bonding to Kourtney and wants to be next to her. Having a wheelchair for him will allow him to be near her as he wishes.”

Wish granted so that Douglas can live a quality life with someone who has his best interest at heart and doing all she can to give him a wonderful life.

I think I’m safe in saying that the readers here at Joyful Paws are cheering you on, Douglas!  Keep on rolling!

If you wish to support The Frankie Wheelchair Fund the anuual campaign is running for another 7-days with t-shirts being sold to benefit the fund (in collaboration with celebrating National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day on Sept. 22.) We are currently at 89 sold (thank you!!) and hope to reach 100 or more. This will provide a little over $1,000 to the fund if we hit 100.  Thanks for your consideration!

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