paralyzed dogs

Celebrating Dogs in Wheelchairs Because Paralyzed Dogs Deserve a Chance at Life

I put this little video together of some of the paralyzed dogs that The Frankie Wheelchair Fund has been able to to fund wheelchairs for since 2012.

You can see more photos of wheelie dogs the fund has helped on the website I created which is also a special day I founded to honor and celebrate all dogs in wheelchairs, National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day.

I’m very proud of this continued effort to bring positive awareness to dogs who have become paralyzed but now lead a wonderful life because of the help of a wheelchair.

There are so many who have joined this effort either in sharing this special day with others, adopting a paralyzed dog, donating to the fund, or just simply supporting by saying thanks and believing in what this message is all about.

Every single time I see a paralyzed dog learn to walk again in a wheelchair it makes my heart soar! I never ever tire of seeing their enthusiasm for life and how they just get on with living their lives, teaching us what perseverance is all about.

Up next:  Douglas, the 43rd paralyzed dog the Frankie Wheelchair Fund helped and soon Jason, another paralyzed dog helped.

**Eddie’s Wheels is the company I work with in providing these custom made wheelchairs.**

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Sweet 16 in Heaven

Sweet 16 in Heaven

Today would have been Frankie’s 16th birthday. She left this world over three years ago, but the love and blessing of her lives on in my heart forever.

No more tears, but just smiles that fill me up with all the beautiful memories.

I am forever richer in gratitude and compassion because of her.

The annual Frankie Wheelchair Fund fundraiser continues through Sunday, August 30th, 2015.  Your consideration of a purchase of this years adorable t-shirt will benefit the fund which grants wheelchairs to paralyzed dogs in need. To date, 44 dogs have been given the gift of mobility!  Thank you!

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A Cause Near and Dear to My Heart. Giving the Gift of Mobility to Paralyzed Dogs.

Your purchase will help grant a wheelchair to a paralyzed dog in need.

It’s that special time of year again! My annual fundraiser to raise money for The Frankie Wheelchair Fund which grant wheelchairs to paralyzed dogs in need.

My dachshund, Frankie, who was in a wheelchair for six years, profoundly changed my life for the better over ten years ago. It’s why I founded National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day & The Frankie Wheelchair Fund to not only pay tribute to her, but to honor ALL dogs in wheelchairs around the world.


I’m so excited about this years design which was created by artist, Brianna Brunsell of Silly Dog Magnets.  She was so very kind in donating her time and talent.  Mary Shafer won the contest I recently ran coming up with this years slogan “Enjoying a Wheelie Good Life!”

When Frankie was first paralyzed I sometimes heard from others that they felt a dog couldn’t live a quality life in a wheelchair. But I was witness to a little dog with a huge spirit and who didn’t seem to mind having wheels as back legs and went on with life like it was no big deal. She truly inspired me…and so many others.

While dachshunds are most commonly afflicted with a disc disease that can leave them paralyzed, there are other breeds also affected. Whether it’s Degenerative Mylopathy, severe arthritis, missing limbs, or old age, a wheelchair can certainly give a pet the gift of mobility and help them live a longer, quality of life.

I saw a need for funding for paralyzed dogs in rescues, and for families in financial stress and it’s why I started this fund to try and help.

To date, the Frankie Fund has helped 44 paralyzed dogs get a wheelchair who may never have been able to have one.

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National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day was founded in 2012 as a way in which to bring positive awareness that dogs can indeed live a quality life even if in a wheelchair. It is celebrated every September 22.

Every time I have the opportunity to see a dog regain their mobility through learning how to use a wheelchair, it is a beautiful moment. I never tire of it and I’m so grateful we have this option for our dear animal friends.

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My goal is to sell 100 t-shirts and/or sweatshirts this year which would enable me to help 4-5 small dogs. But of course, I’d love to exceed this goal as it will only mean more dogs that will benefit.

Thank you for your consideration of supporting this cause that is near and dear to my heart. You can purchase a t-shirt or sweatshirt by visiting the campaign here.

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