paralyzed dogs

It’s a Contest for 2015 National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day!

Contest for National Walk 'N Roll Dog Day 2015!

In August 2012 I founded National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day. As many of you may know, I founded this day in memory of my dachshund, Frankie who was in a wheelchair due to paralysis from disc disease.

Frankie rolled for six years touching the lives of many through visits to schools and many facilities as a therapy dog. Her life is chronicled in two children’s books I wrote about her and my memoir, Through Frankie’s Eyes.

I wanted her legacy to live on after she passed away on June 22, 2012.  And I also wanted a way in which to honor ALL dogs in wheelchairs around the world.

You know why?

Because they deeply inspire me and still do to this day!

The official day of celebration is September 22.  Along with this day and bringing positive awareness to the public that dogs in wheelchair can and DO live quality lives, I have a campaign to raise money for The Frankie Wheelchair Fund.

This fund, in Frankie’s name, has granted 43 wheelchairs to date to paralyzed dogs in need.

Yup! That is worth a Yahoo, don’t you think?

And this year to celebrate, artist Brianna Brunsell of Silly Dog Magnets has generously donated her time and talent in creating a illustration for the special day which will be available for sale as t-shirts coming soon!

And here is where I need your help!

We need a slogan for this year so I’m running a contest and have created a Facebook page just for the contest which you can check out here. This is where you can also leave your idea for a slogan!  And I welcome all ideas!

Winner will receive a t-shirt with their slogan on and the illustration Brianna is working on to celebrate National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day 2015. I will also include a signed copy of my memoir, Through Frankie’s Eyes to the winner.

Funds raised from the sale of t-shirts will benefit the Frankie Wheelchair Fund to help more paralyzed dogs in need. Yup, we need another yahoo!

The average cost of a wheelchair is $385 so as you can see we hope to raise a nice chunk of change to help as many deserving disabled dogs in need as we can.

So head on over to our Facebook page for the contest, give it a “like,” leave your idea, and please help spread the word.

Thank you!

Please note that contest is open to US residents only due to shipping costs.

Contest ends August 1, 2015.

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All These Years Later…Frankie and Jackson Still Touch My Heart.

All These Years Later...Jackson and Frankie Still Touch My Heart.
Jackson then with Frankie and Jackson now with me and Gidget

It’s hard to believe Jackson will be entering into 4th grade this fall.

He was only three years old when I met him. His mom, Dawn, and his aunt, Lori, having discovered my first children’s book, Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog at a local resort where I live when they came for a girls weekend away.

Dawn purchased it for Jackson because he has a challenge himself with a mild form of cerebral palsy. At the time, he was having a hard time accepting wearing a new leg brace he had to wear at night.

I will never forget the email from Dawn after she read the book to Jackson and how he could relate to Frankie’s story and her wheelchair. And best of all, how it helped him to accept wearing his brace. I have a chapter in my memoir, Through Frankie’s Eyes dedicated to Jackson and Frankie.

The love and understanding without words, between Jackson and Frankie touched me deeply when I witnessed them meeting for the first time almost seven years ago.

And I’m grateful we stay in touch even though they live in Illinois.

But now and then, they venture to Elkhart Lake and today was such a day! And I was able to see Jackson and his family again when we met for breakfast at our local cafe, Off the Rail.

I was blown away at how grown up Jackson is. And still very sweet and definitely a huge animal lover. He sat on the ground petting Gidget and talking to her.

They were then off to see Bookworm Gardens where Frankie has a statue likeness of her in a wheelchair and a dog house with her name on it. I asked Jackson if he would please give Frankie a kiss for me. As much as I would have loved to go along, I couldn’t due to my schedule.

And oh, how it made my day when Dawn sent me these two photos below of Jackson seeing Frankie’s place of honor for the first time.

Though I was saddened to hear that Frankie’s wheelchair is broken. So I’ve contacted the gardens to see if it is fixable or if we need to see about getting a replacement.

Jackson, a young boy who will always have a special place in my heart right alongside Frankie. How honored I will always feel that by writing Frankie’s story it helped Jackson in such a special way.

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Meet Pepper Who Will Soon Have a New Lease on Life

Meet Pepper Who Will Soon Have a New Lease on Life
Lily (pomeranian) and Pepper

Let me first say that all dachshunds tug on my heart when I see them. But this dachshund named Pepper, tugged at my heart strings even more.

She reminds me so much of my Joie who passed away in August 2013. Pepper was diagnosed with IVDD in April and is paralyzed, along with other issues that need to be dealt with. But the issues are easy enough to remedy with the right care which she is being helped with right now.

I heard of her story through Hearts 4 Doxie’s and asked if she was in need of a wheelchair. She is. The Frankie Wheelchair Fund will provide the funding so this sweet girl can regain mobility when she is well enough.

This is extra special because a few weeks ago I received a generous donation from Skippy Johnston’s mom, Angela in memory of Skippy for the Frankie Wheelchair Fund.  That money received I’ve decided needs to go to Pepper. I think Angela and Skippy will approve.

Pepper’s wheelchair will be custom made by the fine folks at Eddie’s Wheels.

Once Pepper is up and running in her wheels I’ll be sure to post an update here, so stay tuned.

If you’d like to help me with my mission of helping disabled dogs in need of a wheelchair, please consider a donation to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund. To date, the fund has granted 43 wheelchairs to dogs in needs. Thank you!!