paralyzed dogs

Death Magnifies Life

g & j

Price Charming and Miss Gidget

I’ve thought a lot about Skippy’s mom, Angela since learning of her beloved Skippy’s passing this past weekend. I shared a tribute about Skippy as I felt it important and I just can’t seem to stop thinking about him. Skippy was just one of those wheelie dogs that wiggled his little self right into my heart.

It was a tough loss for many as he had quite the following.  Angela posted on her page that so many years ago she was inspired by Frankie (and her train costume) that she began making costumes for Skippy and entering him in contests. I didn’t remember that, so that was touching to hear.  Skippy was also a little speed racer who ran (and won!) many wiener dog races over the years proving that a dog in a wheelchair can live a great life.

But there is just something about loss that magnifies life in these moments. Though I feel sad for the loss of such an incredible dog, I feel happy for having had the pleasure of knowing him through his mom’s very clever and silly, yet sweet posts on Skippy’s page. Though as we all know, it really was Skippy who wrote them – Angela was just able to reach the keyboard more easily than a dachshund with short legs could.

With his death I find myself wanting to love my dogs even more deeply than I already do if that is even possible. Somehow, someway I just want that intense, real, undeniable love to seep deep down into my bones. To be there for me when I have to say goodbye yet again. That maybe somehow the loss will be easier to bear when it comes around again.

The thing is, death really does magnify life. To let grieve swallow us up would mean we would lose out on all the beauty that life is. This is the gift of animals and what they teach us. We have to go on. We have to love again. We have to find the courage to let our hearts expand again knowing that on the other side of that lies a pain that we think will surely break our hearts into a million pieces.

Yet when I think about Skippy and Olive (another wheelie dog I loved so much), and of course my Frankie and Joie, well, I’d do it all over again. I’d let myself fall madly in love even though I knew what was coming.

To have missed out on all the smiles, joy and love they brought into my life and as they did for so many others too, well that would have been an even greater sadness.

Now I can say my life is richer, I love deeper, and I understand even more how fragile and precious this time here on earth is…and I am grateful.

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Skippy Runs his Final Race – a Tribute

Skippy Johnston Runs His Final Race - a Tribute.

A little dachshund with a huge spirit, Skippy Johnston, loved by so many, ran his final race to heaven yesterday.

The wheelchair dog community lost a very special little guy.  In a wheelchair for almost 12 of his 14 years he ran many races. But better than that, he spread such a positive message that being in a wheelchair was no excuse to not enjoy life.

Sadly, a mis-step he took left him with a broken neck and there was nothing that could be done. It was time for him to hop upon his chariot one last time and make his final trek to heaven.

He was so very brave to the end. His last note on his Facebook page filled with such an uplifting, positive spirit, I laughed and cried:

Thank you everyone who prayed for me! My miracle has come! My body is whole again! And the streets here may be paved with gold for you guys, but the dog paths are paved with bacon! And my toenails will never have to be trimmed, my glands never have to be expressed (that’ll be Heaven for Mom, too!) I love you all, and we’ll meet again one day! Love for eternity, Skippy J.”

Tears fill my eyes once again as I write this post. Skippy or as he was also called, Skipster, was just that special. He brought so much joy to so many.

I’ll never forget a week after my Frankie passed away and Skippy ran a race in her honor. I like to think of Skippy and Frankie now in heaven together, meeting for the first time, sharing some pretty darn good stories together, tails wagging, and eating all the bacon they want….with a side of green beans for Skippy as those were his favorite.


I’ll say again, dogs just die way too soon – it never seems fair. But I know they’d not want us to grieve for too long – but to go on loving more dogs, expanding our hearts – and being happy.

Skippy was the happiest little fellow and I just know he wants us to smile when we think of him.  And it’s truly hard not to smile when you look at photos of Skippy because his charisma and charm were truly bigger than life.

Please hold Skippy’s mom, Angela in your heart as she learns to move through her days in a new way without her beloved Skippy. She was Skippy’s angel and now Skippy will watch over her until they meet again someday.

We will never forget you, Skippy J. Never.

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BlueBell Gets New Lease on Life with Wheelchair (courtesy of the Frankie Wheelchair Fund)

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BlueBell found her way to Little Paws Dachshund Rescue who reached out to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund for funding for a wheelchair for her.

We were happy to help give BlueBell a new lease on life. This makes 42 dogs the fund has been able to help so far!

Melinda, BlueBell’s first foster mom said at first BlueBell didn’t care for the wheelchair. This can be typical, but usually in no time at all, they are off and running once they get the hang of it.

As it was for BlueBell too, and especially after she figured out she could chase cats!  Which she did at Melinda’s and now does at her new foster home also with Tiffanie.  Look at that little stinker after the cat- cracks me up.

bluebell after cat

I’m happy to say that it looks likely BlueBell will have a forever home as soon as her belly heals from her recent spay. An application came in for her that looks like a good match.

But if you are considering adopting a special needs dog, just wanted to let you know that Little Paws Dachshund Rescue has another dachshund in need of a home.  Meet Cinni and learn more about her on their website.


As always I want to thank each and everyone of you who have contributed and who continue to donate to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund. Without you, helping these paralyzed dogs wouldn’t be possible.  It takes a special community and I’m grateful for each and everyone of you who are helping me with your kind and generous donations in making the lives of these dogs better.

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To learn more about the custom-made wheelchairs please visit Eddie’s Wheels. This is the company I work with to have the wheelchairs made for each dog that is granted one through the Frankie Wheelchair Fund.

If you wish to support this worthy cause please consider a donation via our Go Fund Me campaign or directly via our website.

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