paralyzed dogs

Meet Ginger: 19th Recipient of the Frankie Wheelchair Fund

gingercart3 e2It’s always a beautiful and touching day here at Joyful Paws & National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day headquarters when I get to share the news of the Frankie Wheelchair Fund helping another special needs little dog.

Meet Ginger. She is 13 years old and was down for over 3 1/2 years.  Her mom, Lisa, heard about the Frankie Wheelchair Fund and contacted me for help. After filling out the application and receiving a letter from her vet, it was an honor to help this sweet girl love out a quality of life for whatever remains.

She is just learning how to use her wheels after being immobile for many years, but we have hope she will be rolling with confidence real soon.

I had an unexpected and welcome surprise during the holidays when I received a larger than usual donation from someone who admires the work I’ve been able to do helping these dogs. I do believe he wants to remain anonymous, but I just wanted to say a thank you again to this person for believing in me, my mission, and these dogs. It means the world to me!

I couldn’t do it without the help of generous contributions such as the one I received from my recent contributor and everyone who has, and continues to, support my mission. A big thank you to each and every one of you!

If you wish to learn more about the Frankie Wheelchair Fund and/or make a contribution, please visit National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day.

Always be positive and keep on rolling, Ginger!

Note:  Ginger’s wheelchair was custom made my Eddie’s Wheels.

My Inspirational Memoir, “Through Frankie’s Eyes” Turns One! Gift’s to Celebrate.

3D2 book cover tfeToday I celebrate the one year birthday of my memoir, Through Frankie’s Eyes!

My book is an uplifting gift for anyone who is a dog or animal lover, dachshund fanatic, mom, sister, aunt, best friend, vet or vet technician, animal advocates, or anyone who needs some inspiration. And pssst…. Valentine’s Day is right around the corner!

It’s because of loyal readers like you that it has been an amazing year since releasing my story out into the Universe to go where it may. What a joy it has been, and continues to be, to hear from those enjoying Through Frankie’s Eyes. Not only enjoying, but resonating with, or someone finding the courage to take a leap they’d been wanting to take.  It made it all so worth it.

A book that was hard to write at times – opening myself to feeling very vulnerable. But in being vulnerable, I received the gift of many like-minded beautiful souls like you, who I now feel this wonderful connection with.

Here are my gift’s to you with your order of Through Frankie’s Eyes:

1. With purchase you will receive this lovely, midnight blue pen (below), with my favorite quote inscribed on it: And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk to let it blossom. -Anais Nin, as well as, laminated postcard with a few other quotes that encourage to live from your heart.

I have limited quantities on hand of the pens, postcards, and books so be sure to order today through my website if you want to take advantage of this birthday celebration offer. Offer not good on orders through online stores like Amazon or through independent stores.

**Please note Free Shipping is only good within the United States. Sorry I can’t extend this outside of the US as cost is too high for me to cover. But if you wish to still order and are outside of the US, please email me at so I can quote you shipping rate.

3. Each book will be autographed by me, as well as stamped with Frankie’s authentic paw print.

These are for orders made only through my website, Joyful Paws.

Offer good now through Feb. 7th, 2014 or while quantity lasts.

Closure in Pet Grief. Interesting Thought Regarding My New Book I’m Working On.

IMG_1533 sepia(One of my favorite photos of Joie.  She loved to sit by my screen door in my writing cottage and watch the birds splash in the bird bath right outside the door. )

Thank you to everyone who has emailed me expressing their excitement in the new book I’m working on, which I announced just a few days ago. It really means a lot to me to hear from you whether you are part of  my Facebook community, blog, or are a newsletter subscriber.

The working title is, Joie’s Gift- Finding Purpose in the Pause. As with working titles, that means it could change as I get into the heart of writing this book. When I said I’ve just begun, I truly have, with about 4,500 words written so far.

But I must correct myself in that I’ve been working on this new idea much longer than the actual writing, words typed into a word document, as it’s been swirling in my head for a little over two months.  And before that, I always hoped I’d have a new idea after writing Through Frankie’s Eyes, so in essence I never stop “writing.” I’m also starting to lean more toward a subtitle of Finding Meaning in the Pause. Will see as I keep going.

Today I want to write about the idea of closure after the death of a pet, after receiving an email from a loyal blog follower.  She is thrilled about me writing a new book (thank you) and went on to say, “a book that just might provide closure about Joie, because her early passing was a tragedy, and happened at the WORST possible time given how you were Over The Moon, about her being in (the movie) “The Surface”.”

I don’t feel this book is about helping me find closure. Though I felt so unprepared for her sudden death and deeply saddened losing Joie so unexpectedly, I came to eventually find peace, as well as many gifts that revealed themselves when I took the time to really give thought to her life, as well as, her death.  This is what I hope to share in my new book. The gifts that Joie gave me in helping me see a little deeper into myself. How important it is to take time to pause at certain times in our lives. The value and meaning we can gain in being still instead of rushing right back into “doing” again.

I also don’t even know if I truly believe there is such a thing as closure. I go back and forth in my mind about this one. For me, it feels more about finding acceptance and peace. It’s about looking for the gifts my animal friends have given me, whether they were here for a day or twenty years.  No matter the amount of time, when they leave, it is never gets easier to say goodbye.

As I’ve moved through the grieving process of each of my dog’s, I’ve found peace and comfort  in reflecting back on the lessons they taught me.  For me, those lessons never go away, because I am a changed and better person because of what they’ve taught me. I consider these gifts and gifts that continue to be a shining presence in my everyday life. For me, this means they live on always and I feel then there is no closure, but rather, gratitude that I was given the opportunity to be a part of their lives and learn from them.

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