paralyzed dogs

What My Paralyzed Dachshund Taught Me about Spiritual Surrender and Letting Go

Frankie book quote 1200The above quote I share from my book, Through Frankie’s Eyes. Each time I think about this, I can still feel emotion rise up in me and I feel this immense gratitude in my heart.

Tomorrow I’m very honored to be taking part in a telesummit as a guest on a panel discussing Spiritual Surrender and Letting Go. As a caretaker to Frankie, letting go and accepting her paralysis wasn’t an easy thing to do at the beginning. I really wanted her to walk on her own again. What came from surrendering and accepting what was, as many of you know, revealed many blessings I could have never predicted.

Each time I struggle now to surrender and let go, I remind myself what I learned from Frankie. We are here to enjoy life and to get back to a place of healing and joy. Frankie was instrumental in my journey for just that in just the way she never felt sorry for herself and adapted, continuing to be the happy little dog she always was, despite having to be in a wheelchair.

I’m excited to talk about this tomorrow during the Radiant Survivor Telesummit. I’ll be on a panel with the world-renowned surgeon Dr. Bernie Siegel.  I keep pinching myself I will be on a panel with him!  I adore him!  One of his earlier audio’s is one that I listened to when I began what I call my spiritual awakening.  This is quite the honor for me to be on this call with him.

I invite you to join us live for this call or if you can’t make the call, do sign up as it will be recorded. The call begins at 2:00pm cst. It is being hosted by author, Erica Tucci who is a stroke survivor.  Her book, Radiant Survivor, which comes out next week shares many stories of others who have learned to let go and surrender during tough challenges.  Frankie and my story is part of the book as my role as a caregiver, which I’m so happy to be a part of.

Hope to “see” you on the call!

What Dodgerslist Means to Me – IVDD Awareness Month

This month is IVDD (Intervertebal Disc Disease) Awareness month. Along with Dodgerslist, I want to continue to give others hope that IVDD is not a death sentence. Joie was my helper in this video and I think you will see in the video toward the end that she thinks Dodgerslist is pretty cool, too. Thank you Dodgerslist for all you do to help save dogs lives!!


July is IVDD Awareness Month: “Through Frankie’s Eyes” at Special Price to Benefit Dodgerslist

ivdd awareness

As you may know July is IVDD Awareness Month.

On a very personal note, I’m so grateful for Dodgerslist and the peace of mind they gave me when Frankie was diagnosed with IVDD in 2006. It has become a passionate mission of mine to continue to spread the word about IVDD sharing that it is not a death sentence.

I’ve teamed up with Dodgerslist this month to help with their mission of saving lives and getting more information into the right hands so no other dogs are put to sleep needlessly. As we all know, these dogs can go on to live a happy and quality life with the right education.

Through Frankie's Eyes w award stickerFor the month of July I’m offering a special price on my new award-winning inspirational memoir about my journey with Frankie, her IVDD diagnoses, and her life in a dog wheelchair– Through Frankie’s Eyes: One woman’s journey to her authentic self and the dog on wheels who led the way. **20% of the sales of the proceeds will be donated to Dodgerslist for printing and distribution of brochures or for however they feel will be beneficial in continuing to get the word out.

CLICK HERE TO ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY!  (be sure to use this special link to order so Dodgerslist is credited for the sale)

If you’ve already purchased a copy of my book perhaps you would be consider purchasing a copy to two as gifts for family and friends. It makes a great inspirational gift!

Each copy will be autographed by me and stamped (pawtographed) with Frankie’s authentic paw print. (for more about my book click here for reviews and excerpt)

**Not only does 20% of proceeds benefit Dodgerslist, but a portion of the proceeds also benefits the Frankie Wheelchair Fund helping dogs with mobility challenges that need a dog wheelchair.  Good feeling vibes all the way around!