paralyzed dogs

Reflection of Sending My Story Out Into the World & Joyful Paws Jaunt Blog Tour Ends Today at Peggy’s Pet Place

Through Frankie's Eyes 304 x 404 awardIt feels a bit surreal that here it is, the end of my blog tour, for “Through Frankie’s Eyes.” I invite you to check out my last stop which is over at Peggy’s Pet Place. Peggy is a pet columnist and author who has written about the animal-human bond for quite some time now. I really enjoyed her interview questions and I think you will too.

All the excitement, angst, ups and downs of releasing a book are beginning to fade a bit from my memory being this far along in my journey of having written, published, and now sharing it. I feel so grateful for all those who were willing to host me on their blogs and radio shows. So many of these wonderful people I’ve never even met in person, but they have generously supported my work. Pretty amazing, that we, as authors, have this at our fingertips these days to share our story. Also amazing is the fact I’ve been able to connect with so many of you, that I otherwise may not have been able to. One of the greatest rewards is hearing from many of you who have shared your thoughts with me in regards to my new book. It means more to me than you will ever know… thank you.

While at times I questioned if my story would touch others, I also knew that it would find its way to those that needed to hear what I had to share. It continues to find its way to others and it makes my day when I hear from those who say my story has helped them look at their life in a new (and better) way.

The publishing world continues to change rapidly, with authors taking their own fate in their hands with the tools available to us to get our message out into the world. It is not always easy, while at the same time, we have so many more opportunities now, so in a sense it is easier—though there is a lot of noise out there to compete with.  But I remind myself how important my work is to me.  I want to continue to help others through my words and stories, and plan to do just that.

So while my online tour officially ends, it truly is just the beginning. One is never done and I look forward to new avenues in which to share my story and my work.  As always, I welcome your feedback. In the new world of authors and publishing, it also greatly helps if you would consider leaving a review for “Through Frankie’s Eyes.” A huge thank you to all those of you who already have. I’ve shed a few tears of joy at how my book has touched others. Nothing better than that knowing you touched a chord with another, so again, I say a deeply grateful thank you.

Homemade Dog Boots for Paralyzed Dogs

One question I’m often asked about  paralyzed dogs who have a wheelchair is how to keep their little back paws from getting scraped up when walking in  their wheelchair. I thought it would be best to share the idea as a video so you can see my idea. Not sure why I didn’t think of this sooner! I came up with the idea years ago when Frankie first learned to use her wheelchair… and after trying many different little booties that didn’t work–meaning, they didn’t stay on.

Enjoy and please do pass along to others who have paralyzed dogs if you think it will help them.


The Life of a Dog Wheelchair

IMG_1433For those of us who have been blessed with a dog who gets around in a wheelchair we know what those wheels have meant for our dogs.

Freedom. Quality of Life.

More time on earth to smell the flowers. Chase bunnies and squirrels.

Smell all the funkiness of spring. Plow through fluffy snow.

Go for walks parading down the street as if to say, “Hey look world!  I can roll and I love life!”

Curl up at our owner’s feet.

Before Frankie passed last June, I recall looking at her wheelchair leaning against the living room wall. I couldn’t bear to look at them knowing she would soon be moving on and would no longer need them. Those wheels would never turn again with her wee small body in it, her stout front legs leading the way.

I was reminded of this again when my friend Kim, whose blog, Pugs and Pics I follow, did a post about her dog Vader’s wheelchair. Vader has been gone for some time now, and he was only able to use his wheels for a few months. But those months gave him a quality of life he would not have had otherwise. She recently wrote about finally having the courage to gift those wheels to a friend whose pug who needed them.

Her friend was apprehensive about getting a wheelchair. But Kim finally encouraged her to give Vader’s a try.

A few days later her friend wrote to her:  You wouldn’t believe how FAST Shimmie gets going in Vader’s chair. (Forgive me when someday I refer to it as Shim’s. That is bound to happen).

Kim wrote back, “I’m so happy Jane! And no worries. It’s Shimmie’s now.”

Tears instantly filled my eyes reading this. I remember the pit at the bottom of my stomach and how my heart hurt looking at Frankie’s wheels after she passed… still and silent. But one thing that kept me going through that grief was knowing I would set out one day to fill those wheels once again.

To give another little one a chance. A quality of life. Freedom. That the sound of wheels rolling through my house would someday be heard again.

Watching Joie experience the wheels for the first time,  that were once Frankie’s, now fitted for her, was once again like watching Frankie walk and roll for the first time.  Joie’s ears flying back, her tiny legs moving as fast as a centipede, off she went, to explore the world. To be a dog. To give life again to a dog wheelchair.


 Photo credit:  Barry Adams with WI State Journal for recent article he wrote about me and Joie.


If you have a wheelchair that is not being used, please consider donating it back to the company you got it from. Often times they can refurbish them and use them for another dog in need.

Here are some other ideas:

Sanctuaries that care for disabled animals such as LoveyLoaves Animal Sanctuary.

Donate to a dog rescue.

Donate to a local animal university.

Donate to your local vets office.

Donate to your local humane society.

If you have other ideas please add them in a comment below!