paralyzed dogs

Five Years and Still Going Strong Living With IVDD

Today marks the 5th anniversary since my little Frankie “went down” as it is referred to when a dog can no longer walk and is diagnosed with Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD).

And so began a mission I became so passionate about that I knew if I didn’t pursue it, I would regret it at the end of my life- my mission to educate others that animals with disabilities deserve a chance at living a quality life. From that mission, sprang another unexpected purpose which was to help children and adult’s see their challenges more positively because it was one of many lessons I learned from Frankie.

For me, the day that call came that Frankie went down, was one of the most devastating moments I ever had. I still recall very vividly in my mind trying to picture what Frankie’s life would look like not being able to use her hind legs.  I was 1,400 miles from home vacationing at my mom’s winter house with my husband, John when I received the call that spun my world upside down.

The surgeon gave me the news that Frankie had only a 10-30% chance of walking again even with surgery. After careful consideration, much crying, and consoling from John and my mom, I made the decision to proceed with the surgery.

Frankie when I brought her home after her surgery

You know how they say “life happens while you are busy making other plans?”  That is exactly what happened. My dream of having my new lab puppy become a therapy dog and writing about those experiences was all put on hold.  I was uncertain of my future because of the care I would need to now do for my handicapped dog. I was also angry and could not understand why this was happening when I had my whole life planned out, when my mom gently said to me, “Well maybe God meant for Frankie to be your therapy dog.”  That one line of wisdom has unfolded into countless blessings since that fateful day five years ago.

One of my greatest lessons learned from Frankie through her healing and recovery is that it does not pay to sit too long in pity for yourself or for your dog.  It is up to each of us to look for the good in the bad, find the lesson in a tough situation, and be open to a new path ahead. I realized one day that I had a choice. I could continue to be sad and negative, or I could choose to be happy and positive, and be open to the blessings that may reveal themselves.  Oh, how glad I am that I got that message and changed my attitude, because you see, once I did, everything fell right into place.

Photo taken one year after Frankie’s IVDD diagnoses- joyful and full of life rolling in the grass!

Frankie has also taught me patience, which I am still learning, and still need to be reminded of now and then. But I’m happy to say I seem to be catching on quite well to that lesson. My life is much calmer because of it.

One of Frankie’s biggest teachings was to follow my heart and not be afraid. She has taught me to push past the fear.  Watching her fly about in her wheelchair, carefree and content, is a constant reminder to me to be who I am without worry what others think.  Frankie does not care that her back legs don’t work so well, nor does she mind being a dog in a wheelchair.

I still get incredibly sad when someone puts their pet to sleep because they can’t bear to see their pet “like that.”  I’ve gotten stronger in expressing to others that pets don’t take pity on themselves, and really it is not any different than if a human loses the loss of their limbs. The difference is that we humans have a much harder time accepting the reality of that loss, where pets accept, and move forward, and we would never give one thought to putting a human to sleep because they became paralyzed. So changing the mindset of others in the same way for animals is something I strive to do with compassion, patience, understanding, and love.

Today I don’t grieve for the past of what have might have been.  Instead I celebrate the gift of that fateful day that opened me up, and through Frankie’s eyes I saw life in full bloom with opportunities and blessings growing in every direction. I don’t know how I will ever thank Frankie for all she has taught me, but giving her at least one thousand kisses and hugs a day, I have a feeling she just may know.

I love you my little dog on wheels… my ambassador of inspiration… my constant shining light as my reminder to see the world with compassion and love.  XO

Should your dog ever be diagnosed with IVDD or you know of a dog that has, please let others know about these wonderful resources:

Dodgerslist is an organization dedicated to helping people whose pets have been diagnosed with IVDD.  They have a DVD for only $3.00 that is a must to buy and educate yourself should your dog ever be faced with this diagnoses.  I encourage you to get it NOW and know your options, as there are many options to help your dog live a long, happy, and quality life.

Eddie’s Wheels is a dog wheelchair company that truly live their life’s work and mission.  Their motto is: We test our products on Animals – speaks to the over 20 years of sharing their lives with disabled pets.   They continue to take each order individually with careful attention to making sure the cart will serve each pet’s level of disability. Their well-trained and experienced staff still design and build each cart by hand with the dog’s name on it. They continue to be moved by the stories from their customers who tell them about their soul companions and feel privileged to be part of their lives.

And if Frankie could talk I have no doubt her motto is this to us:

Always be positive, make a difference, and keep on rolling!!

Expressing the Bladder of a Paralyzed Dog

So, ok, this may sound a bit squeamish, but stick with me here, ok?  It is my hope that this video, which is well done, will help save the lives of paralyzed dogs.  One of the main reasons a dog is put to sleep after becoming paralyzed is the fear of the pet parent in learning how to express the bladder.

But I am here to tell you it just takes a little bit of practice and it is quite easy to learn.  So when I was asked by Paula Milner, whose dog Clark is also paralyzed, to take part in this video, I jumped at the chance.  If we can help paralyzed dogs live a long, happy life and ease the fears of their pet parent, then this was a project I was thrilled to be a part of.

I urge you to share this video with your local vet, on your blog if you have one, Facebook, any social media site you belong to, etc.  I truly believe if others see how easy this really is, it will help many, many dogs.  So, see, not so squeamish after all… but a really good thing we can do.  Thank you so much for your help… and oh, Frankie says, “Arf-a-roo!”

Review of “Lost Souls: Found!” Inspiring Stories about Dachshunds


So if you follow me on my blog you know I am a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE (did I say huge?) Dachshund lover!  I can’t get enough of them.  If I could, I would have a house full of them, but then that would mean my husband would move out.. so even though now and then that does seem like a viable option, most days I will say are pretty great with my hubby. So I will continue to HUGELY love my little Frankie… and ok, I will share a bit of that love with husband John, also.

So here comes this fun and loving book about Dachshunds which had me laughing, crying, saying “awwww” quite often and left my heart feeling all warm and fuzzy. Authors Kyla Duffy and Lowrey Mumford of Happy Tails Books did a superb job gathering all these stories into one precious book.

The stories are all about dachshunds that have been rescued  Sharon Smith, President of DARE (Dachshund Adoption Rescue Education), Florida as quoted from the book, “There are so many Dachshunds in need, and I am just one among many devoted volunteers who have given our hearts and souls to make a difference in their lives.  Though difficult and draining at times, rescue is the most rewarding thing aI can think to do with my life.  I hope the stories in this book encourage you to consider making rescue a part of your life, too.”

If you have ever been loved by a Dachshund you know the many faces and antics of these little ones.  There simply is no other breed like them!

My favorite story in the book is, “Don’t Read This While You’re Eating.”  Little Skippy, a paralyzed Dachshund found his forever home with Angela Johnson.  Angela had never seen a dog in a wheelchair before, yet opened her heart to care for Skippy.  What she didn’t realize is because of his paralysis he could not control his bladder and bowels.  After cleaning carpets again and again, trying doggie diapers and belly bands and baby “onsies” Angela became quite overwhelmed.  She finally learned about “expressing the bladder” which she first did on a pee pad, but then did what I also now do with Frankie, which is express Skippy on the toilet!  Genius!  Skippy and Angela have formed a deep bond– no doubt because Skippy knows how much she loves him.

While some of the stories are tough to read, like “The Ripple Effect” where one little six-pound dog was left to die on the side of a busy road, she caused a ripple effect of love when many opened up their hearts to  help her heal, that this is what this book is all about.  Dogs have souls, I truly believe that, and this sweet little doxie they named Joan of Arc had the will to live and just needed a little help.

To look into the eyes of a Dachshund (or any dog for that matter) is to see what is good with the world.  No matter what they have been through they will love humans unconditionally, even if a human put them in a dire situation. These Dachshund short stories (pun intended!) will have your heart feeling complete joy and just may have you wanting to bring one into your lives.

Order a copy today for all the Dachshund lovers on your holiday list!

A portion of proceeds from the book are donated to Dachshund rescue groups.